Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

@flyygirlll2 @curlyhersheygirl
Can ya'll imagine having a Nightmare where boxes were chasing you or the Mail-man or the U-P-S and the F.e.d. E.x Men/(Women) chasing you tryina to run you down in their trucks?

Or you woke up in the middle of the night and all the DC'ers, 'Poos, Creams, Lotion's L-I's, Grease, Lotions, Pomades and Oils were all surrounding your bed callin' your name!:eek:...:lachen:

Curly - or you were trapped in the basement and the basement & the upstairs stash was holding you hostage.:abducted:
Lawd T that would be awful:(
That is a nightmare. Speaking of NW21, I only use it once daily followed by an oil blend.
That's what Imma do too.:yep:

I didn't have any problem at all with the Creme and will go back to that (I have b/ups).

But I have x3 bottles of the spray just sitting here, so I might as well try to use it again.

I think both can be a little drying, truthfully.