Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

hey sis! I see you're enjoying your day. As you should! Mom and sis are still hanging out with us, loving on us. They are using NW21 faithfully and feels it's working. That was good to hear. :)
I'm glad they are. And ya'll need plenty of luv right now.:2inlove:...:hugxplode:

Glad they are seeing results from NW21.

Imma re-start the spritz probably tomorrow I think?:drunk:
This no/low buy will help me a lot.

Unfortunately, the damage is done. The lady at the post office already knows my name and shortened it and the carrier who knocks on my doors knows my name, thanked me for being home and yells my name from the elevator, doesn't even knock. Also, the people at the pharmacy where I go for my U.PS packages..... they ask me to just tell them which package is mine and "just one today?"
@IDareT'sHair I just saw that. SMH :nono:
With all these reformulations, missing ingredients, and ridiculous responses to customer inquiries... I just can't.

I will not be purchasing from her. Once I'm done using the products I have from this line, I'm done.
I wrote them off awhile ago. I have a few jars of stuff in my stash and that will be all she wrote for me as well.
@flyygirlll2 @curlyhersheygirl
Like Curly and I was discussing earlier in the week,:blah: she literally to' up her own brand. :swearing:

All the reformulations, discontinuations and hike in shipping costs.:angry2:

I have a couple jars of Pumpkin Whip and her reformulated version of the "once incredible" ACV Rinse. When I use those up, I will be done with that line.

I loved her Strawberry Red Wine ACV Rinse and she totally reformulated it, to a Coconut something or other......*didn't nobody ask fa' dat.*

I also liked the Manuka Honey, the original Chai Tea and the original CocoRose.
This no/low buy will help me a lot.

Unfortunately, the damage is done. The lady at the post office already knows my name and shortened it and the carrier who knocks on my doors knows my name, thanked me for being home and yells my name from the elevator, doesn't even knock. Also, the people at the pharmacy where I go for my U.PS packages..... they ask me to just tell them which package is mine and "just one today?"

This has pretty much been my situation too :giggle:
The last place I lived, the mailman would ask if something was wrong when he didn't have any packages for me. I would tell him I'm just taking a little break lol.
:huh: Say What Nah?


No Wonder You Been Havin' Nightmares!:eek:....:lol:

Flyygirlll2 said: "I had this dream I was trapped in the P.O. and the Boxes started chasing me":lachen:

Yeah, I was having an issue with them not delivering my packages but stating that they left a notice. They never left notices so I went to the post office and let them know I was upset and that it was getting ridiculous. The supervisor intervened and apologized. Ever since then, he told me to let him know if I have any problems.

Boxes chasing you though :lachen::lachen:
Boxes chasing you though :lachen::lachen:
@flyygirlll2 @curlyhersheygirl
Can ya'll imagine having a Nightmare where boxes were chasing you or the Mail-man or the U-P-S and the F.e.d. E.x Men/(Women) chasing you tryina to run you down in their trucks?

Or you woke up in the middle of the night and all the DC'ers, 'Poos, Creams, Lotion's L-I's, Grease, Lotions, Pomades and Oils were all surrounding your bed callin' your name!:eek:...:lachen:

Curly - or you were trapped in the basement and the basement & the upstairs stash was holding you hostage.:abducted: