Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

I forgot I also gave the 2 jars of HQS Puttiful to my two nieces. My hair didn't care for this one.

Additionally I finished my jar of Naturelle Grow Mango and Coconut Infused Deep Conditioner. I will be reordering this one once I use up some of the other NG conditioners I have.

By the way, that HQS Coconut Lime Oil smells delish and feels so good on my hair too. I'm using it to seal my hair right over the Greaseless Moisture. This is the perfect combination for moisturizing natural hair
Hmph. Maybe 10 minutes is all it takes.:lachen:
I was sitting clicking refresh trying to her some janky arse body products. Them things sat in my shower forever. The rhassoul shampoo was okay. The hair butter was okay. To be fair shea butter isn't my thing unless you formulate it right.

That and her attitude did it for me. @IDareT'sHair
Well mean to tell me you're NOT going to send out products until BF and I have to agree to that?? Does she need to travel to a distant land that folks haven't heard of to gather ingredients? Chile bye :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I haven't tried products from this line in years, and from what I can remember... it was not that serious.
:wave: heeeeeeyyyyyyy T

hey ladies

sooooooo i did like BC number 3 or 4. i can't remember :nono:
i have been so bad to my hair. even though i have been co washing it twice a week i wasn't sleeping with anything on my head so it stayed dry dry dry. plus even though i had cut out a bunch of color from my hair which was what damaged it in the first place there was still a ton of color left. so now its gone.

this weekend I'm gonna purchase me a denman brush and so shampoo since I'm using my dads shampoo which has a gawd awful smell lol. strong menthol gross smell, but it tingles lol. i got SSI conditioner though so I'm good.

i feel funny with dark hair but i know its healthier. and i have to pick me up a scarf and bonnet.

and i gained about 20 pounds so my face is huge with this short cut :nono: oh well.