Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.4

Hmp. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Just cause Folks say they "Love" a Product doesn't mean You have to Run out there and Jack the Prices Up.:perplexed

This is starting to happen alot lately and it doesn't make any sense.:rolleyes:

Once you think you have a staple then you don't. Its either the price or a change in formulation, or shipping hike. People need to learn how to leave a good thing alone. And then try to do it on the sly and think no one will notice is an insult.
Once you think you have a staple then you don't. Its either the price or a change in formulation, or shipping hike. People need to learn how to leave a good thing alone. And then try to do it on the sly and think no one will notice is an insult.

PREACH!:lachen: All true & very frustrating.

Or then they have sales or offer you a discount that you got to take a magnifying glass to see it!:rolleyes:
I see my hair oil is now $15 damn shame, lawd these folks getting on my nerves for real.:nono:

Well thank you for letting us know, better now than later, do you know when this happened? I haven't ordered since december.

It happened sometime after her V day sale. My sis got 4 oils for $30 and free shipping but when I went to order something was up with her site so she sent an email out last week I believe thanking everyone for their patience and gave another coupon for 20% off. When I went on this morning I noticed the increase.
I was on YouTube and seen she has some silk foam setting, may get some.
That alt of use and probably can get more since we PJ don't just use one thing.


It may actually be more than 5-7 (and I'm heavy-handed w/product).

But I've used the Amino DC'er twice now, and the bottle is still quite full and the Moisturizing I used today doesn't even look like it has been opened.:yep:
Ah lawd that Natural: Will You Ever Relax Again thread is about to explode. A mod is in there though. I don't understand why relaxed folx gotta get in there instigating. It ain't about you! You're not natural. If I say I will never relax my hair again what does that got to do with you? This board gets on my nerves. You can't even ask simple a$$ questions without ish popping off. Always want to start a relax vs natural debate when it's a personal choice. Okay Rant over :lachen:. I've id another poster I need to stay away from. When she tried to be slick elsewhere and I addressed her directly she never said anything.

I knew a hater was going to come in and start something. Did you all read dlewis left, something to do with meet up comment. That sucks because I love her recipes.
It happened sometime after her V day sale. My sis got 4 oils for $30 and free shipping but when I went to order something was up with her site so she sent an email out last week I believe thanking everyone for their patience and gave another coupon for 20% off. When I went on this morning I noticed the increase.

I think its 25% now until march 12th. That is why there was a problem with the site. Changing those prices.:look::nono:.
Now that my color is all cut out, I want to try henna but I think maybe I should leave my hair alone for a minute.
Now that my color is all cut out, I want to try henna but I think maybe I should leave my hair alone for a minute.
:yep: Please! Give yourself a little time to adjust before diving into something else permanent. I can't wait to see pics.
I'm cold, drugged, and sleepy. I'm blaming this for all this blayne (grandma's word) nail polish I just bought! DD fell in love w/CJ Curl Rehab :perplexed: I don't like sharing.
Hey guys, turns out my subscription expires on thursday. Still in braids, moisturisibg every other day with my spritz(h2o & hv moist). I have decided to do kinky twists after this set.
I knew a hater was going to come in and start something. Did you all read dlewis left, something to do with meet up comment. That sucks because I love her recipes.

That's a shame. Hopefully it is only a brief break. This site is such a mess sometimes. You get a bunch of us together and we don't know how to act.
My parents were tired of taking care of my car, so they sold it and gave me back what I put into it. So now I have 2 grand burning a hole in my pocket. I wanna buy some hair products...

Other than HV and JC, who else sells bulk conditioner? And I don't wanna buy a base, lol I want fragrance and pretty packaging.
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I need some time off girl those folks can work a nerve.

I'm suppose to have the last week of April off, but this new guy is a hotmess and there is no telling. :ohwell:

A very petty insecure individual (especially since he doesn't know what he's doing) So....I guess I'll hafta' wait & see.:nono:
I'm suppose to have the last week of April off, but this new guy is a hotmess and there is no telling. :ohwell:

A very petty insecure individual (especially since he doesn't know what he's doing) So....I guess I'll hafta' wait & see.:nono:

I'm sorry t, i had one like that and we got rid of her, folks started singing like birds to the uppers and they demoted her. She wasn't worth 2 drips of pee. I hope it gets better for you.
I'm sorry t, i had one like that and we got rid of her, folks started singing like birds to the uppers and they demoted her. She wasn't worth 2 drips of pee. I hope it gets better for you.

Neither is he Girl. Or 2 turds.:lol:

They YT boys be looking at him like:spinning: I know they sick of him.:look:

He talks a bunch of nonsense.:yawn:
Hey ladies, it is raining here today. I wants to roller set for tomorrow so far no rain in forecast. I'm try flex rods again, watch YouTube for more practice. I'm prepoo with aloevera/WTO, like the idea Shay/Vonnie putting it in a bottle. Got to go to Sally for rods cheaper. I'm dc with rest of Giovanni, need to use it up. Since I'm on 2week break from school, will try to crochet blanket for Mom.
Doing a Scalp Massage (a Real one:look:) @Brownie518:lol:

Used up a Hairveda HV Cocosta Oil last night. Won't replace it unless it's super cheap.

I'll just buy HTN Oil instead. Has anyone smelled Rhianna's new Fragrance? It came in my AmEX bill. I think it smells good.

A wee bit heavy. But Maybe a nice Fall/Winter fragrance.:lick: