*** Updates w/ Pics ***


New Member
Hey everyone :spinning:

I was on hiatus because of school... haven't posted in awhile, but I've been keeping up with the great tips you ladies have given me. I managed to retain about 2 inches of growth since September, which is a huge accomplishment for me. I also have not dyed my hair in 9 months :grin: and my new growth is really interesting.

On a sidenote, I was definitely wrong about my hair type... my curls are a lot tighter and more defined than I had originally thought (but hey, I hadn't seen my natural hair in 10 years!). It's weird because from far away, my new growth looks wavy, but the actual strands are extremely curly... I wonder what it will look like when I have more NG.

ANYWAY... here are some pictures for comparison:


October 2008


May 2009, right after keratin treatment

It's amazing what a little TLC can do... I think I'm going to keep doing keratin treatments until I have enough NG to do a mini-chop.

Thanks so much for all the advice and encouragement :)
Your hair looks fab! Great job!

Has your hair become more manageable since implementing regimen changes?

Thanks! As soon as I removed the sulfates from my regimen I noticed instant changes. My NG feels so soft and the damaged hair is easier to work with. Since I incorporated the sulfate-free products, I've been able to shampoo twice a week with no problems at all.
Your hair looks alot healthier from when you first came to the board. I didn't know that you did the BKT either. It looks really good on your hair and your hair has grown alot!

Keep up the great work!
Thanks for all the comments!

I used Liquid Keratin from beauty.com... hoping I have good results when I wash my hair in a few days.