Updated fotki...Unhappy with my progress...vent


Active Member
I am soo mad right now. My So thinks i'm slightly hair anorexic cos my hair is the longest it has ever been but yet i am sad.
Why am i sad?
I baby them like mad, baggy 24/7 (literally), take my supplements religiously, moisturise and seal with WGHO, use MTG on my scalp...have jumped on just about every band wagon going, but yet, those ends:mad:
Its looking like i'll have to snipe off about 2.5inches for my hair to look good

Why is this happening to me? I have tried many new stylists but they all hack at my hair so i always end up venting about the same ole thing. I swore i'd learn how to self relax but i havent cos i'm scared of damaging my own hair....

I have only added two pics to my length comparisons album, but they should give a general picture of how my hair looks at the mo.
I have examined for split ends and have found none so i am considering holding off the trim till i get to APL then evening out at APL before hitting any new hair goals...what do you guys think?
What are u talking about gurly? your ends look good...great progress! have u tried jamacain black castor oil in ur baggy routine? also increasing ur protein? those are the things that gave me thicker hair...HTH
Happy hair growing!
Maybe baggying is the culprit. I think sometimes we can do too much of a "good thing". Just continue doing everything but in moderation.:) By the way your ends don't even look that bad.;)
scarcity21 said:
What are u talking about gurly? your ends look good...great progress! have u tried jamacain black castor oil in ur baggy routine? also increasing ur protein? those are the things that gave me thicker hair...HTH
Happy hair growing!

IDK about my ends...they drive me mad cos they are see through....but then again maybe i'm terribly spoilt by all the perfects heads of hair i see on this site.
I could try increasing my protein. I have tried to get hold of jamaican black castor oil, but i only seem to find the refined oil...which does nothing for me.
Where do you get your jamaican castor oil from?
Hmm, you said you don't wear your hair down often? Do you blowdry? maybe that is a reason or you manipulate alot. I'm not sure. Maybe someone more knowledgeable will chime in.:)
chica_canella said:
Hmm, you said you don't wear your hair down often? Do you blowdry? maybe that is a reason or you manipulate alot. I'm not sure. Maybe someone more knowledgeable will chime in.:)

I blow dry about once every 2months, and even then i let my hir airdry a bit first...and i dont wear my hair down. My regular style is a phony pony
I'm going to third on the baggy too. When I started doing the baggy method I had gotten bad breakage on the ends. It did not work for me and maybe that is the same thing that is happening to u. Once i stopped baggying, my breakage stopped. Give that a try and see if it works. your hair still looks good by the way.:)
gymfreak336 said:
I am going to have to second the baggy thing. For some people it is just too much.

I will third this.

I was baggying everyday for almost a year and recently I had a setback. That was the only thing I could think of.:ohwell:
LocksOfLuV said:
I will third this.

I was baggying everyday for almost a year and recently I had a setback. That was the only thing I could think of.:ohwell:

piggy backing this one. Too much baggying is not a good thing. You can over moisturize your hair and that might be what is going on if you are indeed baggying 24/7. (you also have to be careful not to ban/bun your hair in the same spot every day.)

ETA...I can see your progress. ?)
You've made great progress. :yep: But keep in mind that the hair on the ends is 2 years old and probably spent one those years not being treated very well (pre-LHCF). You might lose it, but there's more where that came from and it HAS been treated well. :yep:

I had to chop off 4 inches (3/4 of my progress the first year). This year it's full and thick and I'm thrilled. Give it time. :rosebud:
favorc said:
I'm going to third on the baggy too. When I started doing the baggy method I had gotten bad breakage on the ends. It did not work for me and maybe that is the same thing that is happening to u. Once i stopped baggying, my breakage stopped. Give that a try and see if it works. your hair still looks good by the way.:)

OMG, I have been baggying since joining LHCF. My ends are NEVER dry! I get no breakage what so ever either. I am scared to stop baggying:lachen: I am sooo sorry it did not work for some of yall. Now baggying my whole head is a BIG NO NO! I tried that for a weekend and my hair was toooooo mushy and I saw hair in the processing cap. I will never baggie my whole head again NEVER!
I was having weak-end issues also until I found out the culprit...Clipping my twisted ends at night before putting on a scarf or bonnet. Turns out the slight tension over time was enough to cause setbacks. Now I twirl the hair up from back of nape to crown and carefully put on my scarf or bonnet. No clips at all. After three months I can see things filling out well.
Hey, Henrietta,

I am SO feeling you right now; my hair is shoulder (just shy of being the same length as yours and basically the longest its been, too), and then ends are pretty ragged, not to mention, it is thinner in certain spots. For someone with fairly thick hair, I am not too happy either! :mad:

My main rant is that my beautician suggested I trim (mind you, she said trim), abour 2 1/2 inches off!!!! :eek: In my book, that ain't no trim, it is a straight up CUT and I am just not feeling it since I have grown that much in just a few months.

I guess gradually trimming it away is one way to deal with it, but I guess WE need to hear more advice from more ladies that have been here, cause obviously this BLEEP happens alot!

We'll make it, though, girl!
sareca said:
You've made great progress. :yep: But keep in mind that the hair on the ends is 2 years old and probably spent one those years not being treated very well (pre-LHCF). You might lose it, but there's more where that came from and it HAS been treated well. :yep:

I had to chop off 4 inches (3/4 of my progress the first year). This year it's full and thick and I'm thrilled. Give it time. :rosebud:

Co signing!

Hang in there...you will find the right routine. Ease up on some of the things until you find balance ;)
Henrietta said:
IDK about my ends...they drive me mad cos they are see through....but then again maybe i'm terribly spoilt by all the perfects heads of hair i see on this site.
I could try increasing my protein. I have tried to get hold of jamaican black castor oil, but i only seem to find the refined oil...which does nothing for me.
Where do you get your jamaican castor oil from?

i get it from here...http://www.sams24-7.com/detail.aspx?ID=13290
hope that helps...
Your ends look very healthy, really looks like you're doing a great job. I can only offer words of encouragement to keep doing what you're doing and if something doesn't work then try another technique or product.

With the progress you have made i would be proud.
[SIZE=+1] I see the progress and it's good. I love baggying.....I've been doing it since joining and have had no problems. Just make sure you seal your ends when you do. I seal my ends with a thick coat of vaseline. I learned that from Adrienne0914.

Also make sure to not baggy in the same position all the time. I leave my baggy on for 2-3 days.....remove....cw....then put it back on for another 2-3 before washing.

You're making progress..just keep the faith. :)
sareca said:
You've made great progress. :yep: But keep in mind that the hair on the ends is 2 years old and probably spent one those years not being treated very well (pre-LHCF). You might lose it, but there's more where that came from and it HAS been treated well. :yep:

I had to chop off 4 inches (3/4 of my progress the first year). This year it's full and thick and I'm thrilled. Give it time. :rosebud:

agreed :yep:
Thanks for all the kind and encouraging responses...I was actually so upset since posting this thread that i took some time out from Lhcf...cos i felt i was doing everything to get healthy hair...but not quite achieving it.
I feel slightly better now and i'm pressing on again. All your words of advice have been taken on board and are very highly appreciated.
I tried doing a hunt and destroy but i found no split ends so I will hang onto those ends till i get to APL then i will trim every 6 weeks till i'm even. Only when i am an even Apl will i consider reaching the almighty BSL.
I also know that to get my hair regimen airtight, i need to change stylists yet again, or learn to self relax. I hope to sort this out soon.

Thanks for all your encouragement ladies.xxx
tricie said:
Hey, Henrietta,

I am SO feeling you right now; my hair is shoulder (just shy of being the same length as yours and basically the longest its been, too), and then ends are pretty ragged, not to mention, it is thinner in certain spots. For someone with fairly thick hair, I am not too happy either! :mad:

My main rant is that my beautician suggested I trim (mind you, she said trim), abour 2 1/2 inches off!!!! :eek: In my book, that ain't no trim, it is a straight up CUT and I am just not feeling it since I have grown that much in just a few months.

I guess gradually trimming it away is one way to deal with it, but I guess WE need to hear more advice from more ladies that have been here, cause obviously this BLEEP happens alot!

We'll make it, though, girl!

Thanks for this
I can relate. I just untangled my matted hair and finally washed and blow dried and I am sooooo disappointed. I know I had two inches of growth in some areas but my ends fall at the same spots. Maybe it's that it's blown dry and not straight. Either way, I won't be taking pics until after my relaxer. *sigh*

I'm thinking because I experienced breakage I may have to get a cut instead of a trim. :(