Update with photos....


Well-Known Member
I just unwrapped my hair this morning and decided to take photos of my hair.

I did a comparison with some old photos of my hair and it looks like its getting thicker and smoother. I had to cut off about 2 inches of hair after the transition (that I failed horribly) so I didn't gain much length. But I think its healthier so thats all that matters to me.

This is how it came out 2 weeks after a relaxer and two days after a henna treatment.


You can check out more in my fotki if your interested.
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Girl ...your right there with me...I'm really short ..I bet if we measured inches we'd be hand and hand

I don't know.... Your looks a lot longer to me. Maybe its Hair Anorexia.

ETA::: No I just looked at your Fotki again.... and yeah your hair IS longer than mine. Your BSL. Im about an inch above BSL.
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