Update - I got the signs right


Well-Known Member
Soooo If you remember in the other I was talking about a guy at school. Well I guess I read the signs right:grin:. I was a little bold:look:. I never hit on guys or anything like that. So he missed that lab just as I suspected he would, so when I saw him on Friday I told him jokingly that I was mad at him because I came to lab because he said he would come.

And he:grin: and said did you come for me? I said:rolleyes: I just came and he said, but did you come for me? And I said:rolleyes: I was here. lol. Anyway at the end of the class I was pretty bold and handed him my number and told him to text me. My face was like:blush:, but I did it and we've been talking since. The first time in my whole life I ever volunteered my number to someone. Now since I'm 100% sure he is interested I can fall back and let him take the lead:lachen:.
i am happy for you! i hope you two get to know each other better and have fun becoming friends and dating!