Unofficial Hairanniversary Pics I was blinded by a nasty case of Hair Anorexia!

Your hair looks good!!! :) Sometimes I feel as though my hair isn't growing as well but I have to keep encouraging myself and looking at my comparison pictures to reassure myself that *my* hair can grow and *will* grow if I'm patient and take great care of it. Happy hair growing. :antlers:
Thanks for the wonderful comments. I really appreciate them and I want those who are currently where I was at last year to know that it is possible to "turn your hair around" with a little patience.

I can't believe how thin and overprocessed my hair was just a year forehead looked like a billboard cuz my hair was so flat and the length made me want to cry. That dang shs had chopped my hair up so bad I look at the picture and get mad just thinking about her. Some of these hairdressers need to be put out of business.
Goodness Falon...your hair is simply beautiful!!! This is definitely motivation for me to put some pics in my Fotki album to share!!
You were DEFINITELY suffering from hair anorexia because I see major growth.

Pictures speak a thousand words.
That is some AWESOME GROWTH! :clap: Your hair is longer and thicker and it looks beautiful, you'll be where you want to be in NO TIME! :)
Falon your hair is growing in thick and long. You have very beautiful hair!