Ummm I'm Engaged


Well-Known Member
Im still reeling it all in but I got proposed to on Friday, August 12 2016 when my then boyfriend came up from NC to CT to preach at my church. Here is my Facebook status lol

I nodded Yes!! I got a surprise Movado watch earlier and a surprise MARRIAGE PROPOSAL at the place my heart is the most open to receive God's best. Wow! What a blessed surprise! After he worked an 8hr shift then driving 9hrs from NC to CT just in time to go to 6am altar prayer I knew David was tired. So I set out to keep him even more in my prayers especially as he was to preach a Word. I was oblivious to the actions around me as I recorded him speaking Loving him more and more! Wanted to shout "I'm going to marry him one day" but instead yelled "you better Preach boo" and was ready when he began to walk off the pulpit to minister to the people but didn't think it would be specifically to me! I got a great man of God and now I'm ENGAGED!

**Wont keep this up for long but I really wanted to share with my sisters that it can happen!! Just look at my previous posts God is a keeper and a comforter!*** I have pictures and video footage if anyone wants to put a praise on it like my cousin was during her live video LOL Only posting to encourage not gloat
Im still reeling it all in but I got proposed to on Friday, August 12 2016 when my then boyfriend came up from NC to CT to preach at my church. Here is my Facebook status lol

I nodded Yes!! I got a surprise Movado watch earlier and a surprise MARRIAGE PROPOSAL at the place my heart is the most open to receive God's best. Wow! What a blessed surprise! After he worked an 8hr shift then driving 9hrs from NC to CT just in time to go to 6am altar prayer I knew David was tired. So I set out to keep him even more in my prayers especially as he was to preach a Word. I was oblivious to the actions around me as I recorded him speaking Loving him more and more! Wanted to shout "I'm going to marry him one day" but instead yelled "you better Preach boo" and was ready when he began to walk off the pulpit to minister to the people but didn't think it would be specifically to me! I got a great man of God and now I'm ENGAGED!

**Wont keep this up for long but I really wanted to share with my sisters that it can happen!! Just look at my previous posts God is a keeper and a comforter!*** I have pictures and video footage if anyone wants to put a praise on it like my cousin was during her live video LOL Only posting to encourage not gloat

Awww, congrats OP. And don't be so modest! It sounds like you got a good man, you betta GLOAT!! :toocool:
Congratulations! Do you mind sharing your story for more encouragement? I did a search, but I only saw where you were seeking God and if he decided to bless you with marriage, then so be it. I'm feeling a little discouraged right now, but so happy for you!
Girlllll. I remember our struggle. Your happiness and proposal is like confirmation for me and everyone to continue holding on!!! God is so goood

Yayyyyyyyy. I remember you. !! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Girl you better shout it to the mountain top!!! God is goooood
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

Umm I dont know how to post the video LOL

I can post the live Facebook link of the video my cousin took of us at the church

go to **
then put right after in the url


@sweetvi and @lalah please let me know if you can see it or not and i'll keep trying
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