I'm engaged!

sithembile said:
Thank so much and may the Lord bless you all.

For those of you who've been on the forum for a while, you can see how God has truly transformed my life. When I joined the forum in 2003, I was unsaved and in a 5 year relationship with a man who I thought was the "one", he periodically broke up with me then came back when he wanted to; he was cheating on me throughout and although I knew deep down, I couldn't leave because I was soul-tied and the Devil made me believe I was nothing without him.

I was going to church on and off, wanted to commit my life to Jesus but knew it would mean giving up my bf, so I didn't do it. But God opened my eyes in such a traumatic way, I found evidence of 5 years worth of infidelity and other hurtful things in 1 day, I was so devastated, thought I was going to die, thought of dying.

In my hurt and desperation, I tried to date other men to feel loved, but somehow God didn't allow anything to materialise. I finally committed my life fully to Christ in July 2004, got baptised and have been walking with God ever since. I did pray for a husband but I knew that what I needed more than anything was healing, wholeness and getting to know God. I met my fiance in October 2005, and it is such a blessing to be with a man who loves God, tries to live according to His word, and who loves and respects me.

Ladies, I can't say it enough, we need to wait on the Lord and trust that He has a plan and a partner for us. I had so many opportunities to date any old man, just to satisfy my need for companionship and intimacy, but I am so glad that I waited, because God has given me the desires of my heart. I know that some of us have been waiting longer than others, but God is always on time.

I leave you with this verse:

Psalm 145: 15-16
"The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing."


Bless you, Sithembile! What a powerful testimony of what God can do in a life!! :kiss:
sithembile said:
Ladies, I give all praise to God, my boyfriend of 1 year proposed to me last week, we're getting married next October. I just thank God for bringing us this far, he is a God fearing, kind and faithful man and I can't wait to be his wife!

Congrats. I love hearing great news. May God bless this union and give you his grace. Thanks for the testimony.