Ultra-Violet lights and Natural hair


Well-Known Member
I've just come back form a night club; a night club that had UV lights, I have 4a/b hair, now tell me, did there or did there not appear to be an extra amount of fluff in my hair

In those places where there's UV lights , even when you are wearing black, you appear to be extra dirty, you can see peoples dry scalp and weave partings. and I remember back in the days I remember some dude with natural hair that appeared to have a disgusting amount of fluff in his 1cm of natural hair.

First of all I didn't know the club was going to have UV lights, but my hair was freshly washed and sealed with some Anita Grant's hair butter (and I'm wondering if my hair appeared extra dirty (cos oils and butters attract fluff). I wanted to ask my friend but I thought if she said yeah it would ruin my self- esteem for the night so I didn't ask.

I know there is not much I can do about it but tell me so I can be prepared for the photos...