Ultra Sheen Duo Tex has a Permish feeling


Hello Friends, Just curious if anyone is still using this but not in the capacity of the "permish feeling" but as a protein condish???

YES!!!!!! I love it. To me, it makes my hair feel sleek and strong. The comb just glides through it. I am so glad that I found a BSS here that has that huge bottle for 5.00! I was so happy. I love this stuff!
I still use it as protein and as a stretching aid. I follow directions as listed. My hair is relaxed, 4a4b, and this smooths it out!
I use this after my relaxer and before my neutralizing shampoo. I agree with the straight-hanging feel I get after a relaxer. I never thought to use it after a regular shampoo. When I ran out, I switched to Optimum's H-Two; my hair tangled and shed.

On my next trip to the BSS, I will be buying DuoTex!
So this thread is mad old, but I just used Duo Tex for the first time ever last week and I must say I agree with permish feel. I'm acutally pretty bummed about it because I've been texlaxing since close to my join date and my hair is much thicker because of it. Well after deciding to use Duo Tex as my one week post relaxer protein treatment, my hair isnt flat but a lot thinner looking than before. I almost feel like I re-permed on recently permed hair. I read on one of the earlier posts on this thread that in a few washes the "silky permish" feeling will go away. Is this true?! B/c I need it to stat. I want my thicker hair back. This stuff may definitely help when u are many weeks post, but for my hair it was soooo not what I needed one week post. Any advice is apprecieted!
Ive had this product for about a year, I used it a few times, but I always hated how hard my hair felt after using this, even with a good DC afterwards. Well I pulled it back out, but instead of using it how the directions stated, I clarified first with Aloe Rid, then sprayed it on, rinsed, then shampoo with CON argan oil. This time my hair was silky, easy to detangle and so much stronger. I am currently transitioning, about 10 months post, and my hair did so much better! I will continue to use this every other week or so, Ive been using my flat iron more, so I need the extra protection
I have been loving Ultra Sheen Duo Tex, it is giving me the perfect balance of protein. I use it on a weekly basis for the past month and my shedding has reduced greatly. I struggled for a while with protein treatments and conditioners making my hair too hard but this product works for me. I use to use it when I was a freshman in college, my roommate's mother was a hair stylish and she suggested I use it and experience such healthy hair during that time.
Ive had this product for about a year, I used it a few times, but I always hated how hard my hair felt after using this, even with a good DC afterwards. Well I pulled it back out, but instead of using it how the directions stated, I clarified first with Aloe Rid, then sprayed it on, rinsed, then shampoo with CON argan oil. This time my hair was silky, easy to detangle and so much stronger. I am currently transitioning, about 10 months post, and my hair did so much better! I will continue to use this every other week or so, Ive been using my flat iron more, so I need the extra protection


how long did you let it sit before you rinsed?
I think I need a strong protein, my hair is so frail,I think it is because I no longer eat beef ::shrugs:: what gives!