Ultimate Hair Wishes/Dreams


Well-Known Member
If you build it....they will come....

If you see it......it will happen....

I want hair that:

-can be used as a pillow by me and others
-that will get in the way when I hug people
-others dream about...

What are your hair dreams?
-Chemical free
-Humidity proof
-Just below bra strap length
-Soft, beautiful, unbroken, undamaged strands
Healthy, glossy, softness and body
3 inches below shoulder length(thickness to the ends)
healthy, healthy, healthy (no abnormal shedding, no breakage)
Thick, soft & full of sheen, sheen, sheen
And hopefully bra clasp length.
i want hair think all the way to th ends, shiny, soft hair that people want to run thier hands through. Oh yeah it wouldnt hurt if it was immune to frizz hehe
I want thick, full, long healthy relaxed hair
that has shine and sheen and makes all wonder what my hair secrets are.
I want hair that falls to the bottom of my bra strap, that swings and slaps people in the eye when I turn around, shines, is healthy and soft as silk to the touch, and is ALL ONE LENGTH (why o why did I ever think layers were cute?)! I'm getting giddy thinking about it /images/graemlins/grin.gif...
I want below bra strap hair that's even all around, healthy, thick, manageable- when people see it they gaze @ it with amazement! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif (hee-hee)
I dream of...
Curly, thick, soft, & full of body--waist length hair. That shines and floats in the wind like fine silk. /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
My ultimate hair would be the exact same softness, texture, thickness as my natural hair is now (my hair has been behaving incredibly lately I can't figure out if its my new products or pregnancy hormones) but it would be waist length. I'd love to have a long thick braid that I could rest over my shoulder.
I just wish mine were longer. Its thick as sin and since coming here, very healthy. It just grows so darn slow.
bra strap hair that is full of body and so damn pretty that everyone is hating even the men.. haha
This is a good thread! Ann Curry (on the Today Show) has the length of hair I'd like (my hair is about a quarter of an inch past my shoulders). I just want healthy, long hair.

This is sort of out of the box for me to write but not to do...While making love to my husband I am facing him and he gently pulls my hair out of a ponytail and it falls into his face. That's always been a hair dream of mine.
This is sort of out of the box for me to write but not to do...While making love to my husband I am facing him and he gently pulls my hair out of a ponytail and it falls into his face. That's always been a hair dream of mine.

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I want thick, shiny, bouncing, flowing hair that is the same length. I want hair that resists tangles and breakage and will be healthy even if I neglect doing some of the things I KNOW I should do for it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Mutual Dreams:


...that swings and slaps people in the eye when I turn around

...when people see it they gaze @ it with amazement! (hee-hee)

...floats in the wind like fine silk.

...I'd love to have a long thick braid that I could rest over my shoulder.

...bra strap hair that is full of body and so damn pretty that everyone is hating even the men.. haha

...he gently pulls my hair out of a ponytail and it falls into his face.

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In addition, hair that:

-I can tickle ppl with
-that'll slightly hide my boobs (how sexy, right?)
-that'll still look, feel, and smell great even if I'm stranded on an island. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I wish...

...my hair were thicker so my bun wouldn't look so awful
...my hair would stop tangling
...my hair were just 1 texture. Straight, curly, whatever. Transitioning is a pain...
Hair that feels so good swaying against/down my bare back. Bra strap hair that is thick, healthy, and hydrated. Wherever I go I'd have a hair stalker .. checking the tresses
Great thread! I don't even have to think about this one! My ultimate would be to have hair;

-all one length
-waist length when curly(not just when straightened out)
-thickness from root to tip (my hair tends to thin at the ends)

If, or should I say WHEN, I accomplish these 3 I will be completely satisfied. I will gladly deal with things like frizz and excessive volume(sounds crazy but there can be too much of a good thing)once the ultimate 3 are obtained. Can't wait!!!
Hair that was immune to humidity
Didnt sweat out and revert so bad when I sweat even a little
Hair that was midback to waist length
This is sort of out of the box for me to write but not to do...While making love to my husband I am facing him and he gently pulls my hair out of a ponytail and it falls into his face. That's always been a hair dream of mine.

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I know...I know!!