Share your crazy MSM induced vivid dreams!

wow, iknow this thread is 2 yrs old, but ihad googled MSM powder and weird dreams and got here :drunk: ihad took my hairfinity pills and added a few tablespoons of MSM powder to my cup of juice iwas drinking, then took a really long nap. OMG inever remember any of my dreams -usually dont have any- but ihad just woke up from a crazzy one :look:

iwas at school, and had went to my locker at the end if the day. but when iopened it, there was a freakin gun in there.!! :perplexed first off, iNEVER use my locker in real life. so there was honestly noo point in me going to it. its empty. even in my dream the locker was empty, except the stupid gun.. the scariest thing was ididnt even react to seeing it. inever touched it but ijust looked at it all calmly.. like iknew it would be there.??? :nono: iremember feeling almost relieved it was in there.. idk ive why though.. but ijust shut my locker and then was in the biggest rush to get to my bus. but ihad realized ihad left my bag on the other side of the school. in real life and in my dream my school is HUGE plus im not the fastest walker/runner but man iwas running like crazzy trying to get to my class and get that bag. it felt like iwas alone becuz most everybody was on the bus by now. so grabbed my bag and dashed outside to catch my bus. well.. when igot there it was some buses pulling out to leave, but MY bus was a electric street cart looking thing: yu know the ones yu seen from San Fransisco.?! lmaoo iforgot to mention IT WAS SNOWING and iwas freezing my *** of sittin in it, but couldn't help laughing.!! :lachen: there was really nothing funny at all, but ithink iwas laughing at how dinky and cheap the thing we were riding in looked and at the fact ibusted my butt to make it on tiime to turn into a ice statue:lol: maybe if iwerent with my friends it would have been different idk.. ilovee remembering dreams:grin:

idk the gun still got me inna WTF mood still:perplexed
wow, iknow this thread is 2 yrs old, but ihad googled MSM powder and weird dreams and got here :drunk: ihad took my hairfinity pills and added a few tablespoons of MSM powder to my cup of juice iwas drinking, then took a really long nap. OMG inever remember any of my dreams -usually dont have any- but ihad just woke up from a crazzy one :look:

iwas at school, and had went to my locker at the end if the day. but when iopened it, there was a freakin gun in there.!! :perplexed first off, iNEVER use my locker in real life. so there was honestly noo point in me going to it. its empty. even in my dream the locker was empty, except the stupid gun.. the scariest thing was ididnt even react to seeing it. inever touched it but ijust looked at it all calmly.. like iknew it would be there.??? :nono: iremember feeling almost relieved it was in there.. idk ive why though.. but ijust shut my locker and then was in the biggest rush to get to my bus. but ihad realized ihad left my bag on the other side of the school. in real life and in my dream my school is HUGE plus im not the fastest walker/runner but man iwas running like crazzy trying to get to my class and get that bag. it felt like iwas alone becuz most everybody was on the bus by now. so grabbed my bag and dashed outside to catch my bus. well.. when igot there it was some buses pulling out to leave, but MY bus was a electric street cart looking thing: yu know the ones yu seen from San Fransisco.?! lmaoo iforgot to mention IT WAS SNOWING and iwas freezing my *** of sittin in it, but couldn't help laughing.!! :lachen: there was really nothing funny at all, but ithink iwas laughing at how dinky and cheap the thing we were riding in looked and at the fact ibusted my butt to make it on tiime to turn into a ice statue:lol: maybe if iwerent with my friends it would have been different idk.. ilovee remembering dreams:grin:

idk the gun still got me inna WTF mood still:perplexed

Me too! :lachen: I mean I am cracking up but yeah what's up with the gun??

Woo some of these dreams are killing me! Especially the Al Pacino one :rofl:
i dont even remember my MSM dreams anymore...but they used to be so realistic that when i woke up i was confused as to whether or not the events really happened because they always involved ppl i knew in real was crazy...i still have a lot of MSM left because i can never stick with a vitamin regimen, but when i start taking them again i'll let yall know my dreams lol
I'm glad you did bump it because I've been having these crazy dreams since I've been taking it. Usually it's about a celebrity who I dont even care about falls in love with
i dont even remember my MSM dreams anymore...but they used to be so realistic that when i woke up i was confused as to whether or not the events really happened because they always involved ppl i knew in real was crazy...i still have a lot of MSM left because i can never stick with a vitamin regimen, but when i start taking them again i'll let yall know my dreams lol

iknow riite :look: ican still remember my emotions in it and the details nad everything still from that dream like whaa.?:dizzy:
I dreamed that I was in bed with sloths. It like they were my pets and I couldn't control them. I was trying to sleep and it kept crawling up my leg. They were huge too. I could fell them (my SO's thigh) and I started freaking out because after a while they began to scare and antagonize me. The biggest one jumped on the ceiling in my bedroom and began snarling at me. I woke up crying and scared.
So glad this thread was bumped- i didnt want to start a whole new thread about this lol

I had a msm nightmare the other day. I take 1500-2000 msm daily. In the dream i was so excited that I'd just reached bsl and I decided to try a new conditioner and mixed it with some other product that was supposed to be super healthy for hair (cant remember what it was). While this conditioner was in my hair I noticed some of it driped on my arm and that it was removing the hair from my arm :nono: so i ran quickly to wash it out and once i finished i seen the new product acted as nair and removed alot of my hair and caused bald spots. It left my ends stringy and at that moment i had a psycotic break! I sat down and started rocking back and forth rubbing oils in my hair while saying everything would be ok to myself lol and right before i woke up I was going to leave and get some miconazole! It was just so real! But honestly i think i would have been more upset than I was in the dream in real life! I was so relieved to wake up :yep:
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I have been having dreams too. They seem very real but I can't remember them too well.
Raine054 and Carisa......those weren't dreams, they were nightmares!!! I would have been screaming to wake myself up!!!

This cinches it for me, I will not be taking MSM....I am already a vivid dreamer, so I don't need any help.....LOL.

Sloths! Uggg!!! Bald spots!!! Yeoowww!!!
Yea it was crazy. Once I had this very vivid dream about being late to work because my alarm was off for some reason. Then I suddenly woke up. My power immediately went out and my alarm went off. WTH?

Then I would have dreams about conversations with ppl, then I would have that same conversation with them that day or a few days later. Repeating things to them they never even said to me yet. :eek: They started getting freaked out! I had to stop, I was getting scared.

thats not a dream. & the whole alarm thing is too good to be true, idk what to call it but i have similar things happen, but my dreams are real and vivid to the point where i wake up in happy/excited, or in fear. my dad who passed 3 years ago visits me in my dreams as well, & its always right before he leaves when i become awake in my dream and realize its him & speak.

ohh and some of yall dreams are hilarious! :lachen: im dying laughing. i get crazy ones too. i had one last week actually where i looked in the mirror, and i looked at my hair, it was sl, and i turned away and looked back and it was mbl and straightened (im natural) i was souppped! i thought i was the ish!:rolleyes: i remember going out with confidence (weird cuz i have it period) but it was like getting your hair done, nails done everything did! that refreshing joy. ughhh, those are the dreams u DONT want to have lol. 3 more years! *crosses fingers*
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Raine054 and Carisa......those weren't dreams, they were nightmares!!! I would have been screaming to wake myself up!!!

This cinches it for me, I will not be taking MSM....I am already a vivid dreamer, so I don't need any help.....LOL.

Sloths! Uggg!!! Bald spots!!! Yeoowww!!!

I know right! @pompous blue when i woke up i was still scared and it took me a moment to get reorieneted! I had to go check my hair lol- i was just to real for me, now im trying to take my msm when i wake up instead of before sleep
why did idream iwas on stoopid and they were putting me on BLAST for taking half nakee dirty bathroom pics?!??!:nono::nono::lol:

first off ihave NEVER took those kinds of pics before, let alone in my bathroom :perplexed: wtf it didnt even look like my real bathroom, mines waay smaller than the one in my dream..

but every time I think of them now I break into a small cold sweat becuz iremember reading the MEAN comments (crazyjamal being a pedo:ohwell:)

its funny becuz it was the last site iwas looking at before iwent to bed last night.. smh iwas foreal losing it this morning :lol::lol::ohwell:
i had one last was a series actually, but the weirdest was we had this pet pitbull and it kept attacking and bit my hand up, and we tried to put it in a room until aspca came to take it away, so i threw cherrios into this room and then it went in there and i closed the door and put chairs and all this stuff in front so it couldnt get out, and then aspca came like the next day and the dog had shriveled up so small it could fit in my hand and they said it shrunk because it didnt have anything to was soooo weird...
Wow, and I thought I was just mildly psychically inclined with all my realistic, vivid dreams, so real I started talking (holding conversations) in my sleep about 4 yrs ago! I have been taking MSM for 6 years pretty consistently, had no idea it affected dream state. Gee, can't say its not meds either! Ya learn smthn new erday! :o)

P.S. My 2nd dream from last night (before I woke up early AM was scary and me yall dnt wanna hear abt that). Lately, many of my dreams have involved fights with family, crimes, scary that I have woke up crying or on the verge of tears until I reoriented and was fully awake...boy had to think it all thru and it still made me upset though it was a dream!:lol:
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MSM gave me very vivid dreams when I took it before bed so I started taking it in the morning instead. You might want to give it a try if your having nightmares instead of the good vivid dreams :yep:
imma need someone to remind me to take this stuff in the morning to prevent the dreams...

last night i dreamt that i woke up 9months pregnant outta nowhere and so obviously i wasnt prepared i didnt have any baby stuff and my parents didnt know, so i wanted to keep it a secret and give it up for adoption (all in one day so i could go home that night like nothing happend lol)....for some reason i was in a hotel with my friends...and they had a cvs in the hotel so i was like maybe im not really pregnant so i went to the cvs to get a pregnancy test and the line was sooo long so i just took the test and walked out and i was gonna come pay for it after i took the test...no1 said anything so i went to the bathroom to take the test and it was positive :blush: and as im walkin back to my hotel room to get my check card so i can go back to cvs and pay, the security guard was like "did you steal that test?" i was like i couldnt wait in line but im on my way to pay for it now...when i got to cvs they were lockin the doors and pullin down the blinds and the security guard was like "its too late now u have to go to court" and they wouldnt let me leave. :perplexed so i was freakin out b/c now i cant go home and my folks are gonna b lookin for me, and my phone died and i lost my charger (which had happend in real life yesterday) the next day i went to court...which was in the mall...inside jcpenney!!!!! and it took forever to get was the biggest mall i ever seen, they had like 3 clubs in there, and i had to walk my pregnant self like 2 miles around the mall to get to the court...and im waiting for the judge and every1 is lookin at me all wierd and then my friend told me i had blood all on the back of my pants and then i fainted and rolled around in the jcp court in between racks of clothes and no1 was helpin me, but i heard all these voices...then i woke up...extra late.

apparently msm is not good for my mind soul or my body:nono:...but its good for my hurr so you know imma keep takin it.:look:
This explains why I was beating the ish out of my manager the other day! I have never woken up soooo angry. To be honest he deserved it and part of me hopes it was a premonition :blush::angel::look:
LMAO @ the Snoop DC quote! :lol: :lol:

I could soooo see him saying this too!

I've been taking MSM in pill form, though I haven't seen any real difference. I just got the powder form today, so I'm gonna start taking that. Hopefully I will have me some crazy WTF celeb dreams too! :grin:
Wow! I started taking 1000mg of MSM about a month ago, but somehow double dosed over the weekend.(I couldn't remember if I took any or not so I took some extra right before bed. I didn't even make the connection until I saw this thread.

It was Saturday, wash day. I finished my hair took my MSM and went to sleep. In dreamland it was an exact repeat of me doing my hair! It was so real, like Groundhogs Day. I could see the glare of the lights in my bathroom, new growth, even my stubborn grays. I had my hair in a high side bun. I took it down to do something. I think it was a length check. Owww lawd (that's how my aunties say it):heart2::lachen::lachen: the hair that came out of that bun hung passed my waist! :lick::drool::drool:It was touching my hip. I'm getting hype just thinking about it again. It was fine as silk and ever so shiny. I felt it slipping and gliding through my fingers. I could even feel the coolness of it on my arms. I was in the mirror asking myself when did this happen? I just did my hair a few hours ago. Then I said well it's definitely growing. I just wish it was thicker. I gathered my silken tresses into a single twist, bunned it, and walked away not quite understanding how I missed the obvious fact that my hair is exceedingly long. I kept thinking about all the hip length ladies who don't feel like there hair is long. I shuddered that I was one of them, and didn't even know it.. I was happy, super happy about it, but I kept asking myself over and over again how did this happen. It felt like it happened overnight!
I woke up thinking that was such a weird dream, so vivid. Thanks for this thread. It explains so much!
Not MSM, but on 10mg of melatonin, I dreamed I was Alice in Wonderland and Rick Ross was the red queen. I was on LUNCH BOX!


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Ok, I got one. This happened last night. File this one under the Extreme Nightmares Category.

So long story short, I went on an MSM hiatus for a few months, but now I'm back on it. Last night, I took my vits kinda very late, and I had forgotten about the whole MSM/vivid dreams thing.

In my dream, I was at church. At our church, we have an upstairs that we run the projectors from. It's a job that a do on certain sundays. This is real life, btw. But back to the dream, I was getting ready to leave the projector room when I noticed the lights in the stairwell were off. I hit the lightswitch, but nothing came on. There was light coming from the first floor. Against that light, I saw a shadowy figure move about the stairwell. I asked, "Is anyone there?" No sooner had I said that, I heard a LOW DEMONIC GROWL in my left ear and I felt something wrap its arms around me and very slowly pull me to the ground. This is super freaky b/c I had heard that growl once before...a long time ago when I was in high school, clear as day and long before my MSM days. But anyways, on the agonizing trip down, I kept screaming for help, but I couldn't hear my own voice. As I was going down, I was slowly waking up. Then I started screaming for my mom - not in real life, but still in the dream. But at the same time, I started to realize I was waking up. After I was fully awake, I still felt those arms around me...

Yeah, did that freak you out too?