Ulta experience today Rant!!!!


New Member
So I thought I would go into ulta today in Edgewater NJ and have a pleasant experience and be able to purchase Sabino Moisture Block, after all they do show that on the website Sabino is sold at their stores.

So I go to the store and of course their goes the nasty attitudes.....hint i'm the only black person in there. So they first are acting like they don't know what i'm talking about when I ask SABINO MOISTURE BLOCK do you sell it, they are rude and are like what? how do you spell it? I spell it for them they are still dumb founded.

So one chick goes to the salon section of the store to ask the stylist. She comes over again with another idiot that doesn't know about Sabino when ulta claims to sell it in their stores. She's like "is that a professional product?" i'm like I guess it's not a drugstore product it's for humidity and keeping your hair poof free. So she starts yapping (phony a@@ chick) and trying to cross sell me on some ojon and oscar blandi products, but she's talking to me like i'm an idiot, I tried telling her my moms was a stylist for like 20 years and all i've used are salon products and other good products, she's still yapping, she's ignoring wtf i'm saying and trying to sell me on something else, I tell her I HAVE BOXES OF SALON PRODUCTS! AND I KNOW HAIR PRODUCTS! she's like well things have changed maybe from when your mother did hair, i've been doing hair for 12years (ummmmm my mom is not old and she's never jacked anyone's hair up like most stylists do), then what really pissed me off was she starts talking about relaxed hair, I tell her I HAVEN'T RELAXED SINCE LAST YEAR, SO THIS IS MOST OF MY NATURAL HAIR!!!!! she's trying to tell me about parabens and sulfates and how they are bad............freaking duh!!!! she's like oh you should research products to see whats in them, again i'm like freaking duh!!!!

she keeps going on keeping me from getting a word in and by that time i'm a bit furious because, 1. the other employees were very nasty to me 2. she (stylist) was an a-hole and 3. why say on your website that Sabino is sold at ulta stores making it appear as if it's at all the stores?

they looked at me like why is this black girl in here? the whole vibe was negative. so NEVER AGAIN ULTA!!!

I will have to see if they have any in NY, i'm really tired of these nj establishments and their racism.

I didn't appreciate that the "stylist" there felt like she knew my hair was relaxed when she's non black and knows nothing i'm sure about black hair, she wasn't listening to me and talking to me like a damn idiot when I clearly told her I know about every dang product on the market (I actually look at hair products everyday only yall on here understand).

I know you ladies on here would be upset too and to be treated funny and then to have someone try to talk to you about hair products when you spend most of your time researching hair products. I just get tired that I have to go to nyc for everything because of the poor treatment in nj that i've experienced, I don't care about a persons race but apparently we are not wanted in certain areas I wish they would just put up a sign in the window.

I'm just mad about it and I had to vent!
Girl don't let them upset you. I live in Jersey also, and sad to say you're right! Honestly, I usually don't ask for assistance when I go to Ulta or Trade Secret. I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience:ohwell:
I should know by now just to take my butt to nyc to the heights or the bronx to get my products, I guess I will have to just order sabino online from the sabino site, but I hate ordering stuff because I can never get my deliveries. I always miss the delivery.

I stopped going to trade secret too in Hoboken, the last time I went in there a year ago or more, one of the stylist was standing by the entrance she gave me a look like I hope she's not coming to get her hair done, I rolled my eyes at her and never went back there.
Wow! So Ulta is the same everywhere. Rude!!! I live in Ohio and have always been treated like I don't belong there. When I am paid enough attn to get some assistance I am treated like the dumbest *ss alive.
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We have to ban them! I'm not giving people my hard earned money to be treated like crap, i'll order online first at least with that they can't show their bias. I'm not messing with them today was enough for me, this chick kept talking over me and running her mouth I was just soooo mad, i'm happy to see that it's not just me.

I'll search for stuff at Marshalls and tjmaxx first.

It's like how are you trying to diss Sabino when you don't even know what it is, if it's a non professional products then how does every woman know about it?

At work I was on the phone with a Broker and we started talking about hair, she was a white women and mentioned sabino and how good it is, I was surprised she knew about it, but this chick at ulta was acting like I was making it up.

Wow! So Ulta is the same everywhere. Rude!!! I live in Ohio and have always been treated like I don't belong there. When I am paid enough attn to get so assistance I am treated like the dumbest *ss alive.
You know what's funny is....they are the ones working....duh and you're the one shopping. The ones here aren't too bad, but I do feel you on what happened to you. I have a friend who calls them "minimun wage flunkies" Can you have products shipped to your job?
that's horrible... i have personally never been in ulta physically.. only online.. but that sounds like someone needs to report this if it is happening in more than one store.. what kind of people are they hiring?
So sorry about the experience. I only went to Ulta once here in Houston, but I walked around the whole store looking for my products before I asked anyone where they are.
You should have tried to run them over with your car :giggle:

Just teasing. I'm surprised that you stayed talking to them idiots for that long.
Uhm checking in for MA same treatment here- they looked at me like " What is SHE doing here?" I was asked like 3 times if I needed any help- but not in the nice way- if you know what I mean.

What is it with ULTA? Half the people on this board could spin circles around those employees with our knowledge about hair products.
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Yea I will neva Ulta again. I went there and asked a guy for helped he slapped some eyeshadow over my eyes and colored in my eyebrows in two minutes and then was like "yea no one really likes this product" Well duh. And your not even really trying to sell it to me. SO I took that mess off and asked the lady at Bare minerals to help me cause I wanted some new shadows and she gave me the typical gold brown shades. And it wasn't even even. One side was darker than the other. I hated it. I will probably never shop at Ulta in stores. The only thing they have that is good is Urban decay shadows. And too faced primer. ULTA SUCKS.

Yea they kept asking me and my sis if we needed help too. And when we finally did get help it was terrible.
Longhairlover, I am really surprised that you of all people allowed someone to talk all over with you without at least giving her the hand and setting her straight.
I swear the last time I went in that store they were following me around like I was gonna steal something. The sad part is that I go to that store and buy something at least once a week. I'm in Northern California.
Maybe I'm missing something. I'm sorry you had a bad experience there (I go to Ulta too, never had any problems), but frankly, from how you presented your experience, the negativity went both ways. Although I can't speak for your experience specifically, I think we as a people shouldn't start off with a chip. Just chalk it up to ignorance on their part. Otherwise, we walk right into those Angry Black Women stereotypes that none of us thinks is a fair representation of us.
I've had a bad experience in Ulta too. Pittsburgh,Pa (which doesn't surprise me at all) I went there for some eye shawdow and I asked the associate for assistance cause I needed an application brush. She was like oh they're over there and pointed to the direction. I didnt get the brush cause I didnt know where to begin, but I got some eye shawdow went to make my purchase and the cashier rings it up and slides the bag across the counter like she can't hand it to me. And she's like "there ya go" ( Just rude.)

Why are black people so angry all time? Probably some dumb shyt you did...-stopthepresses
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OMG! When I went to Ulta's a month or so ago, my friend and I were followed around the store the WHOLE time. I figured it was just because it was in Allen Park, MI, but maybe this is a common problem. I called and complained.
I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience! I honestly can't say the same though because where I'm from (Exton, PA) the Ulta staff is very friendly. And even those who work in the salon. I've shopped there several times and I've never had any problems. And as for TradeSecret I don't really shop at the one closest to me because the only people that work there are hood, lazy girls that open late and close early lol...I know because I work in the same mall with them smh.
Honey...when I went into ULTA down here in Memphis, they were watching me before I came in, they were eyeing me in the parking lot. I walked in and got the "look"...I bought my product and left. Never to return!
Uhm checking in for MA same treatment her- they looked at me like " What is SHE doing here?" I was asked like 3 times if I needed any help- but not in the nice way- if you know what I mean.

What is it with ULTA? Half the people on this board could spin circles around those employees with our knowledge about hair products.

ITA... I had my first ULTA experience last week, and while I love the fact that there is a wide variety of Salon Products and other things, I don't like the look or the vibe i got when I walked in the store.
I try to keep in mind those "minimum wage flunkies" are getting paid minimum wage. I'd have an attitude too! LOL

That doesn't give anyone the right to treat you wrong or talk to you any kind of way...but the lower the pay, the less help you may receive.

If I was getting minimum wage...I'd play dumb too.
those bishes are just mad cause they are closing stores. i went in ulta a week ago to use my coupon and they are closing shop. if they gave you a bag it was a teeny, thin flimsy clear plastic garbage bag. seriously. it ripped soon as i left the store. chicks were NASTAY in there too!!!

I try to keep in mind those "minimum wage flunkies" are getting paid minimum wage. I'd have an attitude too! LOL

That doesn't give anyone the right to treat you wrong or talk to you any kind of way...but the lower the pay, the less help you may receive.

If I was getting minimum wage...I'd play dumb too.

hmmhmm, still no excuse! no one put a gun to their head to make them go to work :lachen:hell my first job i got paid...5 something at burger king and had to deal with rudeness, but i still went to work! all for the almighty dollar.
those bishes are just mad cause they are closing stores. i went in ulta a week ago to use my coupon and they are closing shop. if they gave you a bag it was a teeny, thin flimsy clear plastic garbage bag. seriously. it ripped soon as i left the store. chicks were NASTAY in there too!!!


Lol, maybe that's why the stores are closing. People are tired of these nasty attitudes.
They looked at me crazy when I first visited Ulta in MN. They didn't know what they were talking about when I asked a question anyway. I haven't been back.
I am saddened to know that so many of us shared similar experiences at Ulta- just wow. SMH. I thought it was just me, but clearly it was not. I don't spend my money where I am not wanted- and have no intentions of going back. Ever.
On my first trip to Ulta, I overheard one of the workers tell a lady to brush her hair real good with a round brush in the shower. :nono:

After the worker left, I went over to her and begged her not to brush her wet hair EVER. She was an older clear lady and her friend didn't seem too happy tht I was helping her. I told her to get a Jilbere shower comb and detangle while conditioner was in her hair in the shower. About five minutes later, the clear lady came up to me with two combs and asked which one should she get. I pointed to the one with no seams, she went to the line and bought it. Needless to say, I got my bogo free products and I found them without asking for help and have never asked for help since.

My husband won't even go in with me anymore. He hates being stared at and will ghetto snap on people. He doesn't want to be tempted into a disorderly conduct ticket.:lachen:
Wow I live in the whitest place in the country and I have never had anyone follow me or be rude to me at Ulta. In fact, I enjoy going in there. I don't need their help really...that's what LHCF is for.

My opinion....Keep your head up and go in there if you need to. Enjoy yourself and expect a good experience. Don't let a bad experience ruin it all for you. This hair stuff is way too much fun for that!
I have been eyeing the ulta here (winderemere fl) but haven't gone in because of that exact reason. I hate encountering racism and felt like I'd definitely face that if I went in so I thought it was best that I avoided it and shop ulta online.