Uh oh fotki Stalkers!


Ms. Nobody
It seems fotki has a new addition on the side panel *guests* so you can now see whos been patrolling your page. Is this a good or a bad thing?:perplexed I wonder if this will start some kind of fotki ethic where if you see many guests and dont see comments will a person get offended? and then get messages in your guestbook "i saw you in my guests list why didnt you comment?!:bat:" or the like.


i hope i didnt repeat this news:look:
I don't think its bad......its kinda cool!!!!

Whether or not someone leaves a message its good to know that someone is checking up on your progress
i just saw this today too!

naw, don't bother me none at all. sometimes i just can't leave a message at that time but would like to let someone know i took a moment to stop by. then again, maybe this will at least get me to take a sec and drop a note in a guestbook, if they have one that is.

i'm wondering if this might help cut down on the anonymous evil message gremlins though so it could be a very good thing in a way :look:.

has anyone had an anonymous visitor and has seen how the fotki guest logger handled it?
Yea I noticed this feature too. I do not completely get how it works because my number of guests does not match the number of visitors. So I assume that some of my visitors just were not Fotki members, which would make sense.

I tried to find a page that explained how this feature works. Did you see anything?
I think I have left like 1 message my hole entire time stalking people :lachen:

dosent mean I dont like everyones progress, obviously I wouldnt keep coming back to their fotki if I didnt like what I saw right :)
I think it's neat. I love when people leave messages or comments because then I can click their fotki and stalk them or find others to stalk thru them.:look: So if I don't know they were there, it lessens the amount of fotkis I could potentially stalk. Does that make sense?
Pretty cool...now I hope they do the same for FOTKIs I've visited because sometimes I see something at someone's FOTKI but cannot recall whose it was...I know now to just write it down but a "visited fotki" button would be great.
I saw that yesterday & I was excited. It's like their visits encourage me so now I know who it is & I can, in return, visit them & encourage them, too. Hope that made sense...
I think it is cool. I am a bit weirded out and now I want to pw protect my albums because I saw men visited me.......:perplexed:ohwell:
I am scared now. I don't care about comments but what I do care about is if someone of the other gender is viewing my pics and who konws why and if they are really there because of interest in hair. I may place passwords on my albums. :sad: Anyone else notice weird stalkers of the other gender???? I so hope I am not the only one.
What's the big deal about leaving messages anyway? :rolleyes:

So what someone visited you and didnt say anything...

Maybe they dont have anything nice to say...

I think its a cool feature.
Wow, I think it's a really nice feature. I just checked it out, and after visiting some of the Fotkis, I see most of my guests are ladies that are having some of the same issues as me (dryness, limited styling ability, etc.). Maybe we'll check up on each other and try to find out ways to solve our collective problems. :yep:
Pretty cool...now I hope they do the same for FOTKIs I've visited because sometimes I see something at someone's FOTKI but cannot recall whose it was...I know now to just write it down but a "visited fotki" button would be great.

Yeah, they really need that because I always forget where I've been.
I just saw the feature in mine, and was very excited to see that one of my great inspirations passed through, so I'm glad that it's there :yep:
I love it when people visit my Fotki. I don't even care if they don't feel like leaving a message (heck, I don't leave messages all the time). Like someone else said, the fact that they keep looking at it must mean they like something they see, right?
I think it is cool. I am a bit weirded out and now I want to pw protect my albums because I saw men visited me.......:perplexed:ohwell:
I am scared now. I don't care about comments but what I do care about is if someone of the other gender is viewing my pics and who konws why and if they are really there because of interest in hair. I may place passwords on my albums. :sad: Anyone else notice weird stalkers of the other gender???? I so hope I am not the only one.
I think it's cool too. I only noticed people that are my LHCF sistaz so far, or either women who are also interested in hair because their pics are of their hair too. I don't blame you about the password though. If I saw weird visitors, I'd do the same. I haven't visited your fotki (as of yet:spinning:) but do you have face pics in it?? You know if you have face pics, that may make men come into your fotki to check out the pix.
I love this feature, too! I also looked for an explanation about it but couldn't find anything either. I have some visitors that I don't know but enjoyed "meeting" them by going over to check them out. It's a great feature!
I love it when people visit my Fotki. I don't even care if they don't feel like leaving a message (heck, I don't leave messages all the time). Like someone else said, the fact that they keep looking at it must mean they like something they see, right?
ITA, It makes me feel good to see that so many people wanna see what lil ol me is doing with my hair (and my daughter's hair). Especially when I see people who repeatedly visit multiple times. I also love to see the comments too though, that's like the cherry on the cake!:yep: I think the new feature is cool, I've always wanted to know who was visiting. I've seen women with some VERY impressive hair visiting too! It makes me feel like I'm doing something right:grin:
I think it is very cool!!! I just hope no weird men are visiting often:nono:. If that happens I might put up a password. But until then I like that new feature allot. :grin:
I think its cool, lets you find other peoples fotkis when you see them in your Guests thing.

If you are upset over someone not commenting you have no life:lachen: Like... what are they supposed to do, ask how your day was and rub your back too? I think its cool when I get comments, but if I log on and see my Protective Styles Album has 66 hits from 3 viewers... I wont be mad that nobody commented. Cause they could have said something mean :nono:

Now we'll know who is posting cruel comments on folks sites though, the whole "That aint your real hair" deal will stop instantly:lachen:
I don't see why they couldn't just let me stalk in peace. :ohwell::lachen:

Same here!! I semi-enjoy being sketchy. I don't want my hair idols to know I stalk their fotki's everyday in between classes. :blush: Also, I took a look at my photos and I look an absolute MESS in all of them. I look much better in person, I swear!

I don't know...I just think it's a bit weird to see who has viewed my page. I don't even check to see who has viewed my profile here. With that said...*runs off to check who's viewed her fotki*

Hmmm...let's see here....we have an unidentified, white gentlemen in his...40's, I'd say. I'd look at his fotki to confirm his age but then he'd know I was viewing (see what problems this can create?) :laugh:
Hmmm...let's see here....we have an unidentified, white gentlemen in his...40's, I'd say. I'd look at his fotki to confirm his age but then he'd know I was viewing (see what problems this can create?) :laugh:
You got me laughing so hard it hurts!!!! But this is a fear of mine too!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Sometimes I wander into fotkis and its like... this ain't who I was lookin for!:nono:

I don't even remember half the names of people on this site let alone the folks on fotki.

How do yall keep track of people? I know theres a few folks whose hair I drool over(cough... Dsylla cough... ), but for the most part I just stop in to see whats poppin and walk right out. Not much stalking lol

You think people are gonna be starting threads like "That Heifer Al00fone Clicked on my Fotki and Didn't Comment!":swearing:?