For the Long Haired Fotki Members....

SE -- back in the day a friend of mine use to say "dont hate me 'coz you ain't me." Okay okay, we were kids then. *shrug* But real talk, you are beautiful. You're hair is beautiful and never mind the person who tried to cause hurt. As many others have said, ppl are just mean and rude and unfortunately, most times jealousy is the underlying issue. Turn off your comments to solve any future hurt. I think it's safe to say we love you here at LHCF and are your biggest fans. There may be some rude ppl on LHCF too but that's everywhere, you can't escape it, but what you can do, is eliminate them by blocking comments.

Nonie -- you're my girl -- PREACH!
Some trick put that I seemed to be obsessed with piling goop on my hair to make it curly.

B**ch my hair is curly, is it not?? Or maybe I missed that memo. Of course the punk a** made herself anonymous. Screw them chicks.

So I made it that only fotki members could leave comments. The crazy and deranged need not apply.

I leave comments enabled because I like to interact with others when I get the time. I've shared and learned many things this way! It takes more than some crazy jealous chick with an agenda to chase me off, sorry.
Never had an issue, thank goodness. But if I did I would just delete and keep it moving.

Yeah I do this all around, be it youtube, fotki or wherever. Surely as the sky is blue, where there are good people there are the bad and the crazy, and they WILL find their way out.

Like I say, I get paid to deal with crazy, I don't get paid for any of the hair stuff so I'm not going to internet blows with some random person that's anonymous.

Innernet gangtas.:rolleyes:
we were in your fotki as well.... last nite/early morning! OFF TO LEAVE A RUDE COMMENT:wallbash::wallbash::look:

DEAR Toy & Celinastarr.
Who do you guys think you are? With your long, thick luscious arse hair swinging about your waistline, hips, and buttocks?:blush: You could easily sweep a floor or mop my kitchen with such lush, supple, locks!!!:wallbash::wallbash: I pity you for being cursed with envious fools unlike myself:ohwell: Life is too short to not be happy with thin, bald, crunchy hair like my own.

with LOVE
silent stalker
:dead: :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Maybe I'm just really lucky, but I've never had anyone be mean or rude on my fotki. I did once have someone anonymously inquire about whether I'd ever considered getting rid of my sideburns. But I didn't take that to be mean or rude (or at least I didn't read their tone that way), just an honest question. And consequently, I actually have gotten rid of my sideburns since then. :lol:
SE -- back in the day a friend of mine use to say "dont hate me 'coz you ain't me." Okay okay, we were kids then. *shrug* But real talk, you are beautiful. You're hair is beautiful and never mind the person who tried to cause hurt. As many others have said, ppl are just mean and rude and unfortunately, most times jealousy is the underlying issue. Turn off your comments to solve any future hurt. I think it's safe to say we love you here at LHCF and are your biggest fans. There may be some rude ppl on LHCF too but that's everywhere, you can't escape it, but what you can do, is eliminate them by blocking comments.

Nonie -- you're my girl -- PREACH!

Bolded still say this!!!:grin::grin::grin:

Bolded#2: Okay?!....Nonie is da TROOF!...i seriously think she should be a therapist....honestly:yep:

:blush::blush::blush:Thanx Sis:hug3:

Some trick put that I seemed to be obsessed with piling goop on my hair to make it curly.

B**ch my hair is curly, is it not?? Or maybe I missed that memo. Of course the punk a** made herself anonymous. Screw them chicks.

So I made it that only fotki members could leave comments. The crazy and deranged need not apply.

I leave comments enabled because I like to interact with others when I get the time. I've shared and learned many things this way! It takes more than some crazy jealous chick with an agenda to chase me off, sorry.

Same here....i like talking to ppl and interacting so thats why i have comments on. Its just some boogers you have to get out your nose.....nah mean?!:lachen:
I love looking at Fotkis. I like to see the progress pics for inspiration, and to see what people's regimens are. Thank you all for taking the time to create them!