Ugh, Sticky relaxed ends

Bun Mistress

Well-Known Member
Up until now I have tolerated my transition well, but for the past few weeks I hav ebeen experience sticky kinky ends. It's worse that my natural hair! The hair wont smooth.

Werid thisi s if I air dry or tension blow dry on cool its fine, however, if I try to roller set or flat iron they fell like a HAM.

I trimmed a few mweeks about thinking that this would help but no avail. There are any splits and a only see a few week spots. I'm not planning on just cutting off the hair b/c what if it just a technique problem that remains after I've done that!.

Any help, thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
I know if my ends feel crunchy after a rollerset I need a trim or to up my moisture. I would try the latter first.

You may need something that will alter you hair's porosity too. Try an ACV rinse. Like a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in two cups of water as your final rinse.
My relaxed ends do this sometimes. I have no idea why. I can smoothly get a comb or brush through my NG but my relaxed ends just tangle together and feel horrible. Which is exactly the opposite of what I expected. I have to make sure to moisturize and seal my relaxed ends more often than my NG. I also try to keep my hair in stretched styles often to keep my relaxed ends from locking together. I have started doing ACV rinses as well. This has helped it some.