Ladies whos ends went from split to healthy help!

Your Cheeziness said:
They have some that are solid rubber. I'd switch to those instead of those wrappe din fabric. As it stretches out, your hair can be ripped in that fabric and the metal clasp.

ETA: @Nonie Girl... :spank:


I needed scrunchies bad! And bought this
I used to have split uneven ends.. they were sloppy, never ever and I tried to grow my hair with them but as my hair grew the ragged ends just took up more of my hair. Finally I decided to just do a HUGE one time trim and baby my hair. That was last August and since then my hair has been growing very evenly. I'll get a mini trim this August but nothing as major as the one I got last year, it was a good 3-4 inches last year. It was the best decision I made and I recommend it. It's easier to prevent split ends than it is to repair them (if that's even possible)
ITA w/tucking and pinning. Before you do, moisturize and seal them. My favorite ceramide oils are safflower, grapeseed and EVOO. Safflower and Grapeseed are among the highest and very accessible/cheap. I buy them from Walmart or the grocery store in the cooking oil aisle.

My ends started to see improvement when I:

-Began PSing most of the time
-M&Sing them twice per day and keeping them covered at home (under a satin bonnet or skull cap)
-Stopped combing an brushing and started fingerdetangling
-Added ayurveda powders to my poo and condish

I hope that you'll find what works for you soon! :)
OP I feel you. Despite not using heat for years, I still had split ends and I am convinced that I got them because of SSKs. I am extremely gentle with my hair and I use seamless combs, the recommended products, etc. but I was not keeping my hair stretched. My theory is that the strands snagged on the SSKs and snap and fray (I'm sure I read this somewhere but I don't know who to credit). I've reached BSL now but I think in order to get to WL, I will have to keep my hair in stretched styles. At this point, I'm even thinking about stretching my hair before braiding my hair for wigs.
OP, what material is your scrunchie made of? If it's cotton, spank yourself right now. :lachen: Switch to a satin scrunchie if you continue to bun. I also found that by tucking my ends and bobby pinning them early in my journey helped my ends very much. And of course, moisturizing and sealing.

I'm not a fan of baggying because I found my hair just ended up soggy and weak even after only a couple times.

I also recommend you check out the protective styling thread. After trimming your split ends and starting fresh with giving them TLC and protecting them, you should see results.

@YourCheeziness where can I find satin scrunchies for bunning? I've been looking all over and can't find them anywhere.
I began my hair journey in january and have learned to better care for my hair. My hair grows well and is now growing more with better care. My only problem is split dry ends. Someone recommend bagging to me which is 1 thing I haven't been doing. I'm still a little confused.

Do I baggy with oil or moisturizer? And is it just overnight?

I also want to know if there are any other tips for healthy ends. I trimmed my hair about an inch and a half a month ago and it has grown back but I am noticing a few splits again as well as those white bulbs right b4 the hair splits ugh it's so frustrating because I know I can gain a lot of length. Help


Hi, I had this same problem and I figured out with the help of ladies here and Hairlista, what the problem is. It's the friction of your Ends on that ponytail holder. I had to find a different way to tuck my ends under. I used to wrap the ponytail around the ponytail holder,but that was causing the Ends to constantly sit on the holder and gave me splits. I just trimmedlast night and now I do a single braid in the back, roll my braid up,tucking it under and inside of the hair,then I apply my ponytail holder.
I agree with the poster above. All that tension on your ends is messing you up. Try another end friendly PS. Once I got a good cut I mean good like almost apl to ear length. I stopped trimming and now I do regular search and destroys and occasional dustings to retain length.

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TracieBLovely said:
Hi, I had this same problem and I figured out with the help of ladies here and Hairlista, what the problem is. It's the friction of your Ends on that ponytail holder. I had to find a different way to tuck my ends under. I used to wrap the ponytail around the ponytail holder,but that was causing the Ends to constantly sit on the holder and gave me splits. I just trimmedlast night and now I do a single braid in the back, roll my braid up,tucking it under and inside of the hair,then I apply my ponytail holder.

Yeaaa thanks I was doing the exact same thing and now realize this was my ends were tore up. I'm now conscious of how I style. Thanks!
cherrynicole said:
I agree with the poster above. All that tension on your ends is messing you up. Try another end friendly PS. Once I got a good cut I mean good like almost apl to ear length. I stopped trimming and now I do regular search and destroys and occasional dustings to retain length.

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Yess I realize smh. I cut about 2 inches after starting this thread and I'm paying a lot more attention to them. Hopefully it gets better. Thanks
@EbonyCPrincess thin ends are what follows splitting. Ends don't become thin just magically. The hair splits then a part of that splits away leaving thin ends. Magnified, thin ends would look like the three strands seen below the top one that is frayed:


They started off like the top one and then parts tore away and the evidence is clear.

So just coz you don't see a fork doesn't mean they aren't split. You just can't see the ruggedness in those thin ends of yours coz they are small, but trust they ARE no different from the forked ones. All represent damage.
I appreciate your information on the importance of trimming. Just a day before I read your posts I was begging for an answer to my apparent inability to retain length.

I know my hair is growing based on the roots( some grey) and have been taking good care of my hair but rarely advanced more than an inch per year. This was also true when I had sisterlocks.

What you said about split and invisible splits made sense so I cut approximately two inches off of my six inch hair. My hair was in tiny box braids. When I held a braid up to the light I could actually see where it become thinner, usually in the middle of the braid. I simply cut it slightly above that point.

I am going to follow your advice and regularly dust my hair. Thanks for the info.
@dhy080, yes, just think that if you snip every 6-8 weeks you don't have to cut much. Just a dusting. You will start to feel awesome on trim day. I have my schedule programmed into my phone so that every 8 weeks on Sunday afternoon, I get a reminder and I do it and as I've shared before in the random threads, I feel so good on the days I do that. My twists feel and look great. Undoing to redo comes so easily.

When I first read about regular dusting, I didn't understand it...but if Wanakee and Brenda ( were doing it and had gone past the length I never could pass, I gave their suggestion the benefit of the doubt. It was only later that it made sense to me why it works. I wish you a happy healthy hair journey. :kiss:
Also if you use the donut to make a bun, wrap it it satin (or the durag material) to prevent breakage. I am glad my BFF told me that little handy tool caused breakage before it did a bunch of damage.