type 4ish naturals: When did it start to HANG?


New Member
Did you BC or transition to natural? Well, I'm in that akward hurry up and wait stage. I have too much hair for a TWA and not enough to hang. With this (second after a set back) BC I have yet to get anywhere close to a decent twist out. My hair is about 10 inches on average.

Anyone that went from short to hanging hair able to tell me about how much length you had before you got the HANG?
Photos would be a bonus! YEP
I have a bout 5 inches and I'm a 4a/b. The back is starting to hang but I don't think the front sides ever will. Those are my 4b sections and the curls are so right that they just point out

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Well I still have what most would consider a TWA, but my nape hangs, and some parts of the crown of my head lie nearly flat if I use heavy products. Consider it a blessing that your hair isn't hanging yet, I attribute my flat parts to the lack of density in those areas.
Well I still have what most would consider a TWA, but my nape hangs, and some parts of the crown of my head lie nearly flat if I use heavy products. Consider it a blessing that your hair isn't hanging yet, I attribute my flat parts to the lack of density in those areas.

What heavy products do you use?
Great question OP! I'm in the same boat as well. My hair is just barely starting to hang a little in the back and on the sides, but the top, especially the area closest to the front of my head... not so much. I don't see it happening anytime soon either! :perplexed
I noticed that my hair started to really hang at around APL. I know that seems like a long time but that's how it was for me. It would hang when I washed it but by the time it dried it would draw up again. I get the best results when I do a twist or braid out on dry hair. That allows the hair to have good hang time.
My stretched out natural hair started to hang after reaching APL, and I also feel like my hair has been slightly heat trained from flat-ironing which I feel makes my hair hang more. I think if I had never ever used heat on my hair since going natural, my hair wouldn't hang as much as it does now with stretched out natural hair styles.

Edited to Add: Now if you're asking about hang-time in the natural state unmanipulated non-stretched, my hair doesn't hang at all. It shrinks into a shrunken coily fro above ear length once completely dry.
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my hair is 3c 4a but I noticed a change when my hair hit APL.
For more hanging, definitely styling your hair on dry hair makes a difference. Since I don't use heat I always air dry in braids and then I spend my first day after wash day wearing a bun.

Then I braid and band my braids overnight with some product (conditioner, gel, what you prefer... I like thick products) and I wear a braidout for the week. I rebraid less accurately on the following nights.
The longest part of my hair is waist length stretched and my hair still doesn't hang except when manipulated. I get hang time w/twists and twist outs. I keep my hair stretched out at all times but my hair tends to poof out instead of hang. I like big hair though. It doesn't really bother me, I can use heat if I really want it to hang.
Im a 4b with abt 6-7 inches of hair.

I get some "hang time" in the front and nape when I do a twist out and more on blown out hair

this pic is not on blown out hair

I think my back will hang but my sides always look a mess.

I usually bun my wet hair but I think I will try to go from bun to twists and see if there is some hang.
I'm, 2 inches from APL and my hair has started to hang and is well defined with coils after my shampoo and oil rinse. One small area of hair in the middle back of my head does not hang, it is real bushy. I have been natural for 28 months.
I'm 4b and hang is wishful thinking for me.

The ONLY reason i have the hangtime that I do is because I have heat damage.
I would say I had some hang around 6-9mos. My hair still grows out but as it gets longer I notice it will hang more due to weight. Once it's dry it shrinks up it doesn't have as much hang. I like twists and twistouts to show the hang/length of my hair.
My fro has gotten bigger since last year, and I also noticed a little bit of hang not much. I never thought while growing my hair out it would hang without product, since I have a mix of mainly fine and medium strands. It's almost been 4 years, and 20" and my hair still doesn't touch my shoulders in a wash&go and I think it's because my hair just isn't heavy enough. Imho strand thickness is a variable.

OP have you tries Shingling with curly pudding and a Denman? That may give you some hang.
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My hair didn't truly hang the way I wanted it to until I was bsl and even then I wanted it to hang longer. I am 3c/4a
never. this was my BSL hair, not even fully shrunken yet and this was one of the loosest parts.


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I'll be 10 months post-BC December 5th. I BCed to less than 1/2" of hair, so who the heck knows? LOL! Last time I was natural, it was for 2 years and the back of my fro hung. The rest of my hair didn't get the memo.
Well I dont know that my hair will ever hang without manipulaiton (product and twist out).

I have not pressed my hair since the second BC, so maybe I will give it a try and see where we are. Is seems like APL might be about average for hang?

I'm just in AWE of some of the twist outs I see posted here!:drunk:
My fro has gotten noticeably bigger since last year, and I also noticed a little bit of hang not much. I never thought while growing my hair out it would hang without product, since I have a mix of mainly fine and medium strands. It's almost been 4 years, and 20" and my hair still doesn't touch my shoulders in a wash&go and I think it's because my hair just isn't heavy enough. Imho strand thickness is a variable.

OP have you tries Shingling with curly pudding and a Denman? That may give you some hang.

Oh gosh I love the way my hair looks shingled with product and the denman. Once it dries it's a different story! :blush:
My hair seems to like the denman but perhaps it will work better with more length/weight next year at the 1 yr mark.
I don't expect any kind of hang time, ever. Except for the 3ish texture at the back of my head near the base of my skull to the nape.... I have to beg, bribe, and coax it up into a puff.

In all honesty, I don't care so much about hang time at all. I just want a massive puff and thick smackaliscous twists. :lol:
Did you BC or transition to natural? Well, I'm in that akward hurry up and wait stage. I have too much hair for a TWA and not enough to hang. With this (second after a set back) BC I have yet to get anywhere close to a decent twist out. My hair is about 10 inches on average.

Anyone that went from short to hanging hair able to tell me about how much length you had before you got the HANG?
Photos would be a bonus! YEP

Are you referring to hang time in your natural state?

Because, I just looked at your photo album and you look like you have a lot of hair and in your flat iron photo you look like you got hang time. Your hair is longer than mine so I guess I cannot answer.

Nice hair, BTW.