Type 4 ladies especially do not sleep on Black Castor Oil

i am having great results with castor oil that i purchased from www.camdengrey.com. However, i did decide to give this a try i ordered mine on 8/26/05. Hopefully, i will receive it soon and give you guys an update.
:wave: Thanks for the shout out!! I am so happy:yay: that you found it and I hope you will like it.

Yes I do been putting it on my ends nightly has turned my dry ends to silk and will be using it for my after touch up oil treatment before my deep conditoner
I also like to use castor oil. Isoplus has a hair grease/pomade and the main ingredient is castor oil. I like using it when I have to base my scalp- it seems to prevent me from burning from relaxing.
I have some castor oil in the cabinet but have been scared to use it but I think I'll give it a try.
Britt said:
Londondiva and those who have used regular unrefined castor oil, how would you compare this to regular unrefined castor oil? Is it more moisturizing? I've been using Home Health unrefined castor oil for a while now and I do like it, but im curious to know whether there really is a difference in how your hair feels after using Black Jamaican Castor oil. I just bought a big bottle of unrefined castor oil yesterday and im wondering would the black castor oil be better ....

I've been using regular castor oil for a while and my hair and new growth LOVES it. I tried the black castor oil, after my hair dried it was hard, not the same results I get with the unrefined. So I've just been mixing it in my weekly deep conditioners. I still use the regular white castor oil directly on my hair.
LongIslandBeauty said:
I've been using regular castor oil for a while and my hair and new growth LOVES it. I tried the black castor oil, after my hair dried it was hard, not the same results I get with the unrefined. So I've just been mixing it in my weekly deep conditioners. I still use the regular white castor oil directly on my hair.
Make sure that your black castor oil does not have salt in it. Some of them have salt in them, I have been told, and those will dry your hair out.
tryn2growmyhair said:
Make sure that your black castor oil does not have salt in it. Some of them have salt in them, I have been told, and those will dry your hair out.

wow! good advice.

i use BCO on dry hair at night (4a/4b twa) and rinse in the morning. its great. ive never mixed it in condtioners, though, I'm looking forward to trying that. its also fantastic on my legs and abdomen when i have cramps.

the clear kind i mix in lotion:D or with coconut oil as my after shower body moisturizer.
I am kinda new here but I have been lurking since last year. I am originally from jamaica. when i was there I used castor oil made by my grandmother. (wish I was still using it so I wouldnt have the hair loss i have now but I havent used it in 5 years or so since I left.)

I find it odd that people say castor oil makes their hair soft. what I can remember specifically about the oil is that you cant even use it too many times before your hair feels harsh and thick. My mom refuse to use the oil because of this. usually within 2 weeks the new growth is so thick that the hair cannot hold together. That was my real experience with black castor oil. I only could use it before perming or for steaming because of its effect on the hair. if you use it after perming, your hair would grow too fast and look like 'bush' before the end of 2 weeks. I dont know about castor oil making the hair soft but I know it makes it strong. One thing that is very important about the oil is to make sure they didnt boil the castor beans with salt. My grandmother was adamant about this. She said it would break the hair. People use salt to boil the beans because they can get more oil out of the beans by using salt, hence more money. One litre of it in the market can easily go for 1000 jamaican dollars but its hard to trust them because of the salt. Just a little FYI on castor oil.
Thanx LondonDiva for the excellent info. :kiss: I am excited to try black castor oil if it is as wonderful as you say it is! It get great results with yellow castor oil, so I am dying to use the black stuff!!!! I have been using "Heritage - The Palma Christi" brand of pure cold-pressed castor oil on my natural 3c/4a hair for a while now with great results. (I great it from a natural health food store). My grandmother always used it on her hair and mine as well. It is yellowish in color - I can't remember what it says about the refining process though..... :look:
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I have been using the Black Castor oil for about a month now consistenty and my hair loves it.
I use in my conditioner for deep conditioning,co washes,hot oil treatment and add a little to my leave in conditioner.
I use to throw out conditioners that my hair did not like now I add castor oil and it gives it extra moisture.
I order a whole case to last a while since I use it on the regular.
MizaniMami said:
I just recently found out mines do too.

Me too. When I use it, I can't put it on the entire length of my hair. It's too thick and sticky. I'm just going to concentrate on the edges and at the end of my ponytail before I put on my baggie.
Yes I love castor oil! I'm a recent cold pressed castor oil (bougth from Whole Food) girl since I bought some to make my own MTG alternative. However this stuff smooths my new growth very nicely! It's almost like a gel, but w/o the bad ingredients. AND as a very tightly coiled 4z, I can even comb (even though I really minimize this) my new growth and it's soooo soft!!! I SO HAPPY!!!:clapping:
My hair seems to like traditional castor oil, so I've just ordered the "black" kind off of ebay. "Olde Jamaica Black Castor Oil Hair Grower" to be specific. Has anyone here had experience with this?
Bumping up.

My hair really likes this brand. It's nice for braid outs and it keeps it soft. When I use it, it's often in conjunction with David Babaii's Sculpting Clay, which helps hair retain a lot of moisture.
Update. My hair strands are thicker from using this. Thick enough to be obvious to other people, and the growth is very noticeable in the two months since my last post.
I use "Olde Jamaica Black Castor Oil" brand.

I wet my hair at night, braid it up, wrap it up, take the braids out in the morning, wear my braidout however suits the day.

This stuff is great! I've taken to using Njoi's Ayurvedic butter on the ends, because my hair adores that stuff.
Wow I am sooooooooo excited that I got my castor oil!!! I can't wait to use it. My PS has been giving me fits and I don't think I'll go the cornrow route again. I'll stick to my braid out and braids and wng!
cant wait to try, wondering if it'll actually be better than coconut oil :lick:
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