Two-Year progress pics

ajargon02 said:
Your hair looks really pretty. Out of curiousity, how come you went from natural to relaxed? did you just get bored?


This is the THIRD or fourth time I have gone from natural to relaxed. Right b4 I relaxed this time in 2004, I was natural for three years and had finally gotten the "hang" of my natural hair. I mean, I couldn't braid it or twist it or anything like that, but I could rock a mean afro puff with the sides slicked down, lol. I do get bored after a while. I told one of my girlfriends that as soon as I'm at my goal length for a few years (I don't know if I'm aiming for brastrap or waistlength . . . I'm feeling ambitious) I'll go natural again, lol.

I started school in 2002 with and afro and graduated in 2005 and my hair was past my shoulders. A colleague of mine who knew me with the afro commented on my hair growth. I told her I wanted to grow it down my back like one of our classmates and she said, "Yes, but you do know her last name is Gonzalez." I looked at her like, "So!?!" So, it is my MISSION to prove that you do not have to be biracial w/"good" hair (I don't use that term) to grow some hurr. This board is proof of that. =)