Twin Flames??


Well-Known Member
We've all heard and know about soulmates (emphasis on the plural), but what about Twin Flames?

Unlike soulmates which you can have several over your lifetime, there is only one Twin Flame. It is also very uncommon/rare for the two to come together in a romantic relationship but it is the most intense relationship one could ever experience in their lifetime.

I'll post info from the 'experts' below, but here are a few interesting key facts that stuck out to me...

-The relationship/connection develops on a conscious and spiritual level loooong before any physical or emotional interaction or attachment.
-Telepathy - in the true definition of the word.
-Think alike, act alike, this is no 'opposites attract' or 'our differences compliment each other', your Twin Flame is like looking in a mirror in the form of the opposite sex.
-Significant age difference.
-Obstacles. To be together would be a battle for a variety of reasons.
-When twin flames unite it is to serve a higher purpose together, serving God being above loving each other, acknowledging the same source for their spiritual strength..

Now from the 'experts'...

What are Twin Flames/Souls?

The twin-soul concept is not new. Plato described it 2,500 years ago.
Here is an excerpt...

[SIZE=+0] [/SIZE]“And when one of them meets with his other half,
the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in
an amazement of love and friendship and
intimacy and one will not be out of the
other’s sight even for a moment.”

[SIZE=+0]It sometimes happens that a man and a woman meet...



[SIZE=+0]... and instantly recognize the other half of themselves behind the eyes of each other... The eyes have been rightly called "the windows of the soul." Even their voices are familiar to each other's ears, like a remembered chord of music... These are two who immediately sense the unalterable fact that they have been--are--and must always be One... even though they might have fought against their fate for centuries and struggled in vain to escape their linked destiny... Almost from the first moment they meet and gaze upon each other, their spirits rush together in joyful recognition, ignoring all convention and custom, all social rules of behaviour, driven by an inner knowing too overwhelming to be denied...[/SIZE]
During the periods of twinflames being apart, however brief or however extended, both persons are lonely, empty, and incomplete... yet even throughout any such temporary spaces in their togetherness, there's a constant, pulsing astral communication between them-- for even then, they are linked by a cord that connects them over the miles.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=+0]How do I know he/she is my Twin Flame?


Your actual Twin flame is the other half of your soul. Most of the time your Twin flame is not incarnate at the same time as you are, but stays in the Ethers as a guide and a kind of caretaker. Sometimes however, both you and your Twin flame do incarnate at the same time. As said, this is rare. When it does, however, usually that person is NOT your ideal mate, for good reason... they are difficult to live with. Your literal "other half" embodies everything you are and usually reflects EVERYTHING you do not like about yourself. Most people mistake Twin Flame for their Soulmate. Yes, we all have a Twin Flame. Soulmates, you get together and everything is perfect. With a Twin Flame there is chaos: one can be attached, age difference, different locations, or the person has some serious issues and is afraid to open up to the energy because the bond is too intense.[/SIZE]​

What will happen when I do find my
Twin Flame?


[SIZE=+0]It will be a Direct bond with this person, so drawn that you can’t let go of the connection even if you never had a relationship, or if he/she is not single. Thoughts will be never ending, sometimes for years. Will it lead my life in destruction, what do I do? The connection is very intense and you can feel what they are feeling, even apart. Even when there is a positive or negative lifestyle, you will sense this emotion. Sound a little scary? It can be as beautiful and as traumatic an experience as it sounds. Sometimes people can’t handle this deep Spiritual Bond and block it, but the Twin Flame is never one sided. The feeling between the two will always remain and will in some way find themselves back to their Twin flame when Karma permits. This depends on everyone differently. When will it connect? A Twin Flame usually pops up when you LEAST expect it. You will also find yourself coming down with the same symptoms of a "soulmate connection." It's telepathic, and hugging each other is like coming home for nourishment. Twin flames come together when they have service work to do on the planet.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=+0]Only Love Is Real:
A Story of Soulmates Reunited [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]by Dr. Brian Weiss



[SIZE=+0]Chapter 1[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Know, therefore, that from the greater silence I shall return . . . .Forget not that I shall come back to you . . . . A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me.
[/SIZE]~ Kahlil Gibran

[SIZE=+0]There is someone special for everyone. Often there are two or three or even four. They come from different generations. They travel across oceans of time and the depths of heavenly dimensions to be with you again. They come from the other side, from heaven. They look different, but your heart knows them. Your heart has held them in arms like yours in the mood-filled deserts of Egypt and the ancient plains of Mongolia. You have ridden together in the armies of forgotten warrior-generals, and you have lived together in the sand-covered caves of the Ancient Ones. You are bonded together throughout eternity, and you will never be alone.

Your head may interfere: “I do not know you.” Your heart knows.
He takes your hand for the first time, and the memory of his touch transcends time and sends a jolt through every atom of your being. She looks into your eyes, and you see a soul companion across centuries. Your stomach turns upside down. Your arms are gooseflesh. Everything outside this moment loses its importance.

He may not recognize you, even though you have finally met again, even though you know him. You can feel the bond. You can see the potential, the future. But he does not. His fears, his intellect, his problems keep a veil over his heart’s eyes. He does not let you help him sweep the veil aside. You mourn and grieve, and he moves on. Destiny can be so delicate.

When both recognize each other, no volcano could erupt with more passion. The energy released is tremendous.

Soul recognition may be immediate. A sudden feeling of familiarity, of knowing this person at depths far beyond what the conscious mind could know. At depths usually reserved for the most intimate family members. Or even deeper than that. Intuitively knowing what to say, how they will react. A feeling of safety and a trust far greater than could be earned in only one day or one week or one month.

Soul recognition may be subtle and slow. A dawning of awareness as the veil is gently lifted. Not everyone is ready to see right away. There is a timing at work, and patience may be necessary for the one who sees first.

You may be awakened to the presence of your soul by a look, a dream, a memory, a feeling. You may be awakened by the touch of his hand or the kiss of her lips, and your soul is jolted back to life.

The touch that awakens may be that of your child, of a parent, of a sibling, or of a true friend. Or it may be your beloved, reaching across the centuries to kiss you once again and to remind you that you are together always, to the end of time.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=+0]What is a Twin Soul?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=+0]Not everyone meets their twin soul in every lifetime, nor should one seek it out ... it's in God/dess's time when the two soul halves will meet, and their successful reunion depends upon the balancing of karma with other souls, the balance of male/female energies within them and between them, and their Spiritual evolution. The energy between them is powerful, the two halves are often like magnets, there is the irresistible pull, or the inexplicable "pushing away" as the energy is sometimes too powerful for one or both to deal with.

Some people mistake unrequited love for a twinflame relationship. It is not, though these powerful "unrequited" love experiences with soul mates or "near flames" can often be the threshold leading to the meeting with your twin soul. As we learn to love and release and open our hearts fully in compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love, we are being made ready for the ultimate reunion with the other half of our soul. Both halves will feel this connection, and often many synchronistic events and signs will lead up to this magical meeting.

Often one or both will try to run from the energy, it can scare the "stuff" out of you to meet with this person whose soul resonates so strongly with your own. Looking into this person and seeing yourself can frighten you if you haven't done the inner work. If the two halves have not evolved spiritually to come to the place of unconditional love and inner strength, then the meeting can be tragic, short-lived or beset with difficulties (Nelson Eddy & Jeanette McDonald, Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton come to mind) but the magnetic pull remains.

Often many obstacles lay in the path between the twins and their ultimate reunion. Lessons in patience, perseverance, acceptance and surrender. Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning loved from afar for 20 years as her parents kept them apart. Would such beautiful poetry been born if not for this separation and test of their love? There are stories of twinflames married to others who connect only on the Spiritual plane while respecting the earth vows of their Divine Partner. Evolved twin souls will do no harm or damage to existing relationships, for it will create more karma to be balanced before their reunions can take place.

Some twin souls are not incarnated at the same time, one will be a guide or "guardian angel" from the other side as the other half continues with their earthly lessons. Some twin souls unite and incarnate in one body. In this form they are together as one "unit" and return as a highly enlightened and whole being, as a bodhisattva, teacher or saint. These are the few people who experience no longing or desires, for all is within them in this lifetime. They are balanced in their male/female aspects and have ascended ego. They return to guide other souls to ascension with the Divine Source.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Twin Flames, also called twin souls...[/SIZE]


...are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin.

Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole, balancing their female and male sides, and ideally become enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be "practice" for the twin, the ultimate relationship.

When twins get together, it is for some kind of spiritual service work. This is their primary reason for finding each other, because through their union a huge birthing of creative energy is released, to be used for their mission together. More and more twins are attempting to get together now to help the planet and humanity make a big shift forward in consciousness.

However, many of these attempts at reunion are unsuccessful because the individual people are not quite ready for the intensity of a twin flame union. It is more intense than any other union, and this intensity is at a soul level, not as much in the physical or even emotional bodies. This doesn't mean that there isn't a good attraction at those levels as well, but the strongest attraction is of spirit. This is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a twin soul. Many people think they have met their twin because the attraction is so intense, but it is a karmic attraction, one of need or bodily desire rather than the Divine Love of twins.

Your chance of meeting and staying with your twin depends on how evolved your soul is, and how much of your baggage from this and past lives you have cleared. The biggest reason twins have to separate after coming together is their individual emotional baggage. Because in the presence of your twin, there can be nothing between you, nothing blocking your closeness. This means that everything comes up for healing that you haven't previously healed. Everything!

When twins reunite, both of them experience an acceleration of their spiritual growth and awakening. They get on the fast track of learning about esoteric wisdom and experiencing other states of consciousness. They usually haven't been together all that often during their series of lives on the planet, and so their backgrounds may be different. Yet, there is a closeness and similarities of spirit that are almost uncanny, noticed in many ways, such as looking back at yourself when you look at your mate, and a remembering of the distant past when you first split up. Guidance is strong with these relationships, and usually one or both have a good channel for communication with Spirit. Their connection is telepathic, and hugging each other is like coming home for nourishment.

[SIZE=+0]Twin Flames, Twin Souls[/SIZE]


By Maria Shaw

Everyone has heard or used the word soul mates when describing a relationship of great intensity and love. But there is one connection that runs much deeper than even that of a soul mate. More and more people are finding there is a greater love and soul connection. It is called the Twin Flame or Twin Soul Connection. I remember reading about Twin Flames about ten years ago and thought to myself what a great theory. It explains a lot for many people in love but it also appears these unions are extremely rare. Most people, I read, will never reconnect with their twin souls for many lifetimes.​

Lately, in my practice, I have noticed that twin flame connections are becoming more and more common. They are still uncommon but they are increasing in number. Everyone can find their soul mate if they look hard enough and you can have more than one soul mate too. Soul mates don't have to be a lover, your wife or boyfriend. Soul Mates can be your teachers, friends, kids and even for you pet lovers, your beloved dog or cat.​

But Twin Flames are another story. They represent the highest form of love and spiritual connection two souls could ever have. You only get one twin soul and that is because you were originally a single soul at one point. Then you and your twin flame, broke off into two souls, to reincarnate and learn specific lessons individually. Because many of us are operating on a higher vibrational frequency these days (and I wrote about this in recent columns), more twin fame reunions are happening. These connections are the most fulfilling relationships we can enter into, on all levels imaginable. In the past, twin flame couples have been extremely rare. But as the acceleration of our spiritual transformation takes place, we are learning, growing and evolving at a faster rate; thus attracting to us our twin flames. Many of us have begun a huge healing process within the past few years. Great healing, from not just this lifetime from many prior lifetimes, is occurring. When we evolve, we do not need to learn as many mundane lessons. We begin to operate on a higher spiritual plane, thus coming back in contact with our Twin Soul. It's like coming back home in a sense and ready to do the work we need to do together for the soul's growth. When we cannot grow any more alone, we reunite with our Twin Flame to evolve together. It really is a homecoming!​

When Twin Flames rekindle their fire, it is generally because together they are ready to do some kind of spiritual service work that effects the entire world in some way. This is their primary reason for finding each other. Then their energy is released into the universe, creating a destined path they will walk together. As our spirituality advances, more and more twins souls are finding one another. Now that's the good news. There is also a down side to this theory. Many Twin Flame reunions are unsuccessful because the couple or one of them is not prepared for the deep intensity they will feel. It is like nothing they have ever known before in this lifetime. The intensity is at a soul level. Even though the sexual chemistry is there, most couples will say, they just love being one another's presence.The strongest attraction is that of the spirit. This is Divine Love in its highest form. The chances of making a connection with your Twin Soul really depends on how evolved you are and if your karma has been worked through. It is only after your individual karma has been met, that you are ready for Twin Flame magic.​

When twin flames reconnect, they both feel magnetically drawn to one another and many times have interesting spiritual experiences. They can sense what the other is thinking, feeling, etc. It's as if they are truly the other's half. There is definitely a psychic connection between the two. If you are fortunate enough to have met your twin flame already, make sure you do not allow old emotional wounds from other relationships to destroy what you have. Honor this relationship and consider yourself blessed. Because even though Twin Flames reunions are becoming more common, they still are very special and rare.​

[SIZE=+0]Soul Mates & Twin Flames...[/SIZE]


[SIZE=+0].... are not the same thing. Soul Mates are other souls that have agreed to connect with you on this planet for a purpose. In some cases it is to clear up karma, in other cases it is to finish unfinished business, and for some it is to accomplish a particular goal together. These relationships may be a joy to be in or these relationships may be a pain in your life. Either way they are here for a reason.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=+0]When Soul Mates first meet they sometimes feel as if they already know each other. They may feel very familiar to each other. Soul Mates can have a beautiful relationship together, but it will take work. Soul Mate relationships may last a lifetime and others may only be for a particular purpose and be temporary. You can have more than one Soul Mate in a lifetime.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=+0]Twin Flames are very different and very rare. Twin Flames are two people in two separate bodies that share the same Soul. Twin Flames meet each other in their first incarnation so that they remember the soul frequency of the other being. They are then usually reunited on their last time to this planet. If Twin Flames meet before they are ready they can be the total opposite and not at all compatible. When Twin Flames meet and are ready for each other, it is the most enjoyable experience possible on Earth.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=+0]At this point, Twin Flames are almost identical. They truly compliment each other and it is a hardship for them to be apart. As an outside observer it is sometimes hard to distinguish the two people. They also have a very strong bond and often have telepathy with each other. Their lives even before meeting each[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]other have many parallels. Again, meeting your Twin Flame is very rare on this planet.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=+0]So, all relationships serve a purpose and should be honored and appreciated for what they have to offer you in your personal spiritual growth. Thank the person and the experiences for all that you have had the opportunity to learn and clear. Know that ALL relationships are sacred, because they bring us closer to the Light of All That Is. Amen and Be Blessed![/SIZE]​

[SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0]The Twin Flame[/SIZE]


by Chris Bourne​

The subject of soul mate would be totally incomplete with out first addressing the phenomenon of the "twin flame" because the former arises from the later. Please allow us to share... The purpose of our soul (from our perspective) is to undergo countless incarnations in order that it may fully and completely express itself as a unique glorification of the One Life. In order to do this, the soul needs a powerful mirror. It achieves this by dividing into two. The division is notional just as all separation between individual parts of the One Life is an illusion. Both are complete, whole and yet the soul is comprised of two complimentary parts. Yes it's a paradox of creation - the ultimate divine paradox that generates the experience of relativity ("Yin" as opposed to "Yang") and therefore the miraculous experience of life itself.​

The purpose of twin flames is balance; they are directly complimentary to one another. This polar equation is necessary to create momentum and direction on the path of a soul. Without it, our journey would likely be random, chaotic and meaningless or even non-existent. Our twin flame draws us back to the source like a universal magnet; it is our memory of the original condition of absolute completeness expressed through the finest quintessence of form; she is almost, but not quite, completely formless.​

Upon incarnation, one half of the soul remains in the highest levels of consciousness close to the source. Its purpose is to continually draw the other back to its true nature. It does this by manifesting reflections of itself through the weave of life surrounding its 'other half'. For example, the half that is incarnated may suddenly find themselves drawn to a particular cloud formation, the awesome beauty of an animal or the miracle of mother nature. As we feel the stirrings of love, joy and harmony within, it is our twin flame that we're likely connecting with reminding us of who and what we are. She creates our pathway and the beauty we experience on it. The connection generates safe, unattached passage through the external drama and helps unwind the conditioning that limits our limitlessness.​

When we finally realise the presence and beauty of our twin flame, rather than getting engrossed within the mirror of them (believing our partner is them for example and attaching to that), we are blessed with the most profoundly magical state of being possible within incarnation. It is as if a hundred thousand angels are constantly positioned all around us, helping, guiding, nurturing and above all, unconditionally loving us. When the essence of our twin flame draws close, it is as if a divine being is sitting above our heads pouring a continual cascade of love downwards through our being. We will only feel this fully though when we give up the external search for an object of our love (a soul mate for example). If there is still residual need for another half to make the whole complete, this magical experience of divine self love is not possible.​

Frequently the twin flame will appear in symbolic representation - a spiritual vision for example such as a unicorn or some other mythical animal. Sometimes it will appear in the people we are attracted to or form relationships with. A twin flame may even cast an energetic 'enhancement' (a rose tinted filter) around someone close to us in order that we may see the reflection and find the self love within. Earlier in our journey it is likely we'll be seduced into thinking this partner is our twin flame. Indeed we may get duped in this way many times thinking "this is it", "I've met the partner I've been looking for through countless incarnations". If we have such feelings, what may have happened is that we've possibly met up with our ultimate soul mate. So what exactly is a soul mate and how does it relate to the twin flame?​

Soul Mates
The term soul mate has a tendency to arouse romantic images of a pre-destined, ideal mate, upon which reunion results in the blissful, harmonious 'answer to all things'. However, (at least in our experience) the truth is very different indeed. So what is the purpose of our soul mate? From our perspective it is this...​

A true soul mate represents the closest reflection of the twin flame that is possible in physical incarnation. The soul mate is not our twin flame, but has agreed to partner through many incarnations to help us connect with our ultimate holy grail.

So the true soul mate presents a continually updating mirror to their partner in order that we may peel away distortions, find inner completeness and dissolve into union with our twin flame. Of course looking in the mirror is not always something we wish to do - especially if what we see doesn't agree with us! To intensify matters, there is simply no escaping the mirror once its shown to us - all of our buttons seem to get pressed at once. We are continually exposed to the 'good', the 'bad' and the 'ugly'! We might be forgiven for wanting to run a mile but then the love that unites both by a common cause pulls them back together for another round of intense navel gazing.​

For a soul that is just beginning to emerge, this process would be too destructive and so union with our soul mate doesn't usually happen at the same place or time until they have released sufficient karma and let go of remaining emotional attachments along the path. From our experience soul mates don't incarnate together at all until each are ready to move on a higher plane of existence as part of their spiritual journey.​

When soul mates unite there is no allowance for anything other than pure honesty and clarity between them. Remaining distortions surface immediately rendering union almost incomprehensible before most of our 'stuff' has been released. It doesn't serve any of us to connect before we are ready. Frequently people go through many relationships that help to fine tune and release attachments until they are sufficiently evolved to move on to higher paradigms with their soul mate. Of course we may often experience deeply fulfilling relationships with someone other than our soul mate before we get there. It is all part of the grand unfolding of a unique soul.​

In conclusion
Frequently we read of people searching for their true soul mate. Unfortunately this is just another alluring deception of the matrix in which we live, attaching us to the endless spinning wheel of need or desire for physical and emotional fulfilment through something external to the divine within (our twin flame). When we release our attachment and reconnect with who we really are, peel away our distortions and allow our beingness to magically and effortlessly shape our reality, then first our twin flame will come calling, inviting us to unite in solitude. When this divinely magical event takes place, we may well be blessed by an encounter with our true soul mate in order that we may experience divine union in physical form but that's unlikely to happen if we're efforting for it.​

It may well be a long wait, and the journey may be winding, but from our experience, it's definitely a destination worth not striving for!​

[SIZE=+0]Twin Flames vs Soul Mates


We all have several soulmates. We only have one twin flame though....the twin flame is the other half of our spiritual self. Soulmates are people that have been with us for many incarnations---sometimes positively, sometimes negatively, but these are the people that are in your life for a reason and vice versa.

Your twin flame (or other half) may not choose to incarnate at the same time you do. In fact, he or she may be over on the other side. Usually, when Twin Flames reunite, there is a large age difference and unusual circumstances either surrounding them or preventing them from being together altogether. For example, you both might be married. When you find him or her you'll know will communicate without words, you will sense each other even if you're far apart from each other (this can be said about soulmates too) and you will feel as though you can not live without that person---literally. Also, whether or not you can be together is irrelevant in that you have come together to discover something, even if it can only be on a friendship level on this incarnation. You must keep communicating once you have found each other---it really isn't an option. It's frightening, but incredibly wonderful.

I don't believe in the New Agey undertone of this but I have experienced a relationship very similar to these descriptions......
I found this by delving deeper into soul-mated connections and examples while trying to come to grips with why and how I could have a telepathic connection with a certain man around me. When I read about twin flames I thought, "That's it!" Because I've felt what a soulmate connection was before, but what happened and is going on with THIS man was making me doubt the validity of it because of how strong and intense it is, when we've barely hugged or done more than shake hands.
I don't believe in the New Agey undertone of this but I have experienced a relationship very similar to these descriptions......

That's why I called them "experts". These explanations were written by various authors found on one site. I probably wouldn't pay much attention to it either if this was a new idea being presented to me with this undertone, but because I had/am having a personal experience that mirrors it all to a T before reading it, I personally can't ignore it just because it has a' new age' undertone.

I'm a Christian, but waaaaay more spiritual than religious, and experience things spiritually most 'church folk' aren't open to. So I keep an open mind while also using discernment when it comes to 'offbeat' explanations. Regardless of the 'label' attached to it, most times there is some truth.
Was someone watching me or what i swear i think i met this twin flame i try to run away but cant the longest i last is 2 months and backl right on track i know he is bad for me but he is like a drug and he feels the same about me.
He knows what im thinking when im thinking he almost makes me sick he knows me so well. He definately is the guy version to me

I read most of it but i didnt see how to get rid of the twin flame
i watched a korean drama about something exactly like this, its called soulmates. it describes exactly what you're sayin. even the telepathic part. you should watch it when you get the chance.

and yea..when i saw the title i thought it was about gay twins too :lachen:
I don't believe that this is true, primarily because I don't believe that we have only half a soul longing to be completed.
I read a-lot of this, but I got bored and skipped to the conclusion. I'll have to re-visit this thread some other time to read the rest because I've read before that you have only one soulmate.

A soul that was created at the exact moment you were created and you rarely connect with your soulmate since you may not choose to incarnate at the same time.
I don't believe that this is true, primarily because I don't believe that we have only half a soul longing to be completed.

Neither do I, and the concept of Twin Flames doesn't suggest this either.

One of the passages above clarifies that it doesn't imply that we are all half souls. I read this on another site and I'll have to check my history to find it but it explained that before incarnation a soul has two equal parts to itself, a Divine Female and a Divine Male and they are split into two WHOLE souls, one male, one female who incarnate at different times, and even live lifetimes apart.

As far as the completed part, I believe one of the passages above explained it also, twin flames aren't "blessed" to come together if they are not complete in themselves separately. Separate evolution and spiritual growth is required first.

I believe one of them above also said there is only a certain point a person can grow and evolve being alone (which God didn't intend us to be all of our lives) And once twin flames are joined together they experience further growth that they wouldn't apart, as you will always find twin flames doing some type of service work for humanity together.
Was someone watching me or what i swear i think i met this twin flame i try to run away but cant the longest i last is 2 months and backl right on track i know he is bad for me but he is like a drug and he feels the same about me.
He knows what im thinking when im thinking he almost makes me sick he knows me so well. He definately is the guy version to me

I read most of it but i didnt see how to get rid of the twin flame

They say once you recognize each other, even if one or both of you shy away from the intensity, or one or both of you are married to other people it will take years to forget about it, if ever. But the connection will always be there as it goes far beyond the physical or emotional.
If you never meet/ are never supposed to be with them, whats the point?

There's no where that says you'll never meet or are never supposed to be with them.

They say that it's rare that you will find twin flames mated because of the intensity, and the usual obstacles or circumstances surrounding them when they meet. Age gap, married to others, distance..etc.

It usually takes years after the 'recognition' for twin flames to join together romantically. BUT when and if they do it's the greatest love either of them have ever known or ever will know.
I read a-lot of this, but I got bored and skipped to the conclusion. I'll have to re-visit this thread some other time to read the rest because I've read before that you have only one soulmate.

A soul that was created at the exact moment you were created and you rarely connect with your soulmate since you may not choose to incarnate at the same time.

I've always read/heard that one can have several soulmate connections in their lifetime and I believe it because I've experienced it. There are also karmic mates which you can have more than one of.

Your second paragraph describes the twin soul or twin flame and the concept is you weren't just created at the same time but you were split from the same 'soul embryo' and divided into a complete male and complete female soul who commonly does not incarnate at the same time. It makes sense in this case that you can only have one.

The only one soulmate idea is dangerous. While the only one twin flame idea, is more like que sera sera, whatever will be will be, because most people don't end up with their twin flame but they can find a soulmate in who becomes their life partner and be very happy and very in love with.

Just look in this thread, for some people a twin flame is their worst nightmare.

Me personally, I want it, I could handle it, but I also know I'd be fine if we didn't come together. Timing is everything when it comes to twin flames, e-ver-y-thing.
Hmmm, didnt read it all but read enough of it to remind me of some of the stuff I read on the Aquarius/Gemini compatibility.

Very interesting though.....very.
i watched a korean drama about something exactly like this, its called soulmates. it describes exactly what you're sayin. even the telepathic part. you should watch it when you get the chance.

and yea..when i saw the title i thought it was about gay twins too :lachen:

Thanks, I'll look for it. The movie What Dreams May Come is suppose to be about twin flames too. I think I saw it before but I don't remember it all, and even if I did see it I want to see it again with the knowledge that that's what it's suppose to be about.
I'm also a Christian so not really feeling all the new age terms. But outside of that its incredible that I'm experiencing word for word what they are talking about. I've journalled these very things that they've said (just went back and read it). I thought I was completely insane and here it is right in front of I'm wonder how to makes sense of this in a Christian sense though?
SvelteVelvet, out of curiousity, how do you know that you are telepathing with the guy that you are talking about? What is it like?
Another Christian who doesn't vibe well with this stuff but my best friend Anthony would be a "twin flame" by most definitions, down to finishing each others sentences and supposed "mind reading" etc.
Okay, disclosure time. I am intutitve by nature. I have this gift to feel other people's emotional pain. I can feel what they feel and I can address it with them and help them. anyways

I have a friend who once told me about this twin flame thing that he believes we are. This guy is 8 years older, different cities. We crossed paths. We did have a telepathic connection that was very intense. I have never had a friendship like this in my life. Every guy, I mean every guy that I have met, I compared our emotional connection to it and if it did not compare, we didn't make it. I have learned over the years to not do this. But there is some truth in this as far as I have experienced.

I can be in pain and he would know, he would call me to see if I was okay. I needed to call him or talk to him. I would just mentally call him and he would call me on the dime, everytime! When we would chill, and if I hands touch, there was this flow of electricity that was wild! We would often discuss it. "did you feel that" he is like. "yeah, did you?" I was like " yeah".

It's crazy!! We can not ever be together, ever for undisclosed reasons but he was a flame. I have never ever had the experience with anyone else.

I know that I have my own spiritual, initutive gifts but this was different and I was much younger, like 18 and 19 and did not realize or even knew of my spiritual gift at the time.

This is cool. I would hope that others could experience this. It is very intense and I long for that deep kind of connection in a mate today. No such luck!
Never experienced this and I don't want to if I would likely end up not being able to have them.
I was trying to wrap my mind around the "one soul" concept. These are two verses kind of suggest a similar concept:

Ephesians 5:28
In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

1 Corinthians 11:11-12
11In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.
SvelteVelvet, out of curiousity, how do you know that you are telepathing with the guy that you are talking about? What is it like?

Well one example, we were at a function and the speaker was about to go up soon. His back was turned to me several rows in front of me and he was ...well I'm trying not to put to much info out there but I had been focusing on him for a few seconds having direct thoughts about what he was doing and why he was doing it and all of a sudden he whipped his head back and looked directly at me, his expression seeming to say to me "What?!" And I snapped out of it, and looked around like "How the heck did he feel my gaze?" When the speaker got up he had moved his seat and where he moved to it was easier to see each other without a whiplash. The speaker made a comment that had a specific intent and right at that moment we made eye contact with each other, which confirmed to me we both knew what was behind the persons words.

There were some previous occurrences that at the time I didn't pay much attention to in the sense of thinking there was anything special about us, but became clearer after recently acknowledging the unspoken connection we have.

If he is my twin flame, he 'recognized' me first and loooong before my mind would even fathom it and he patiently and subtly tried to get me to see what he seemed to know. Looking back too, I feel I did feel it but I adamently avoided it/him, because of circumstances I couldn't even allow myself to see the possibility. Then something happened that made it plain, a bold move on his part and left me no choice but to notice and consider what it is. For me it comes down to this.

I'm not pinning away for him though, and I really don't feel like I NEED to be with him in that way. I really don't see us ever being romantically involved even though it's been acknowledged. It's easier to see myself end up with someone else. However should time, fate and nature take that course, I'd be open to it. Definately.
I was trying to wrap my mind around the "one soul" concept. These are two verses kind of suggest a similar concept:

Ephesians 5:28
In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

1 Corinthians 11:11-12
11In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.

Thanks for the scriptures, I do believe there is a pre-ordination from God spiritually when it comes to being equally yoked.
I've experienced some soulmate experiences over the years..I even recognized one at age 6 or 7 who I knew was supposed to be in my life......this past may I met a guy and this has yet to be the most intense, in the beginning most emotionally draining soulmate experience, to the point where I was like...I don't think I can handle this which threw all my friends off....I was really "scared" of this was instantaneous....I could feel my attention being drawn and when I seen him I had all sorts of images of us together and I was like...thats my husband right there, he had yet to see me, but as soon as I was close in his vicinity he slowly but surely made his way over to stand right next to me and my homegirl was like the energy between ya'll is ridiculous....its still a real intense situation, even more so for him, I've come to relax in it, but at first I was like.....please make all of this go away.....this is too much goin on....and I tried to run away from it.....

Ive read up on twin flames, im not against the theory or sold on it, its interesting and with this situation that just happened I may be more prone to look into it.....I do definitely believe in soulmates