Twin Flames??

Me and my soulmate couldn't be together... but I SWEAR, I could feel him thinking about me... and it never failed - my phone would ring within 5 minutes. Even to this day I know when he's thinking about me, but we don't have each others contact info- this is for the best.

It was really intense and I would really LOVE to be able to experience the twin flame... HONESTLY THOUGH... could a twin flame be a same sex best friend?

I would think that the situation in HANCOCK would kinda show a bit of the twin flame issue? No?

I can't really speak to the twin flame part, but I know that my soulmate and I were together in the past... We've both felt it as children, teenagers and adults. We met @ age 4. When we finally got together as adults, it was the most intense relationship either of us had ever had, but circumstances kept us from staying together... I think it was for the best, actually...

QUESTION: what is a karmic flame? Somebody mentioned that earlier in the thread....
I really would take either a twin flame or a soulmate at this point. I thought my ex could have been but he cheated so I refuse to believe that he was either my twin flame or my soulmate. Although, at times we did seem to have this psychic connection, but none of the electricity that everyone discribed; just contentment most of the time when I was with him.
Me and my soulmate couldn't be together... but I SWEAR, I could feel him thinking about me... and it never failed - my phone would ring within 5 minutes. Even to this day I know when he's thinking about me, but we don't have each others contact info- this is for the best.

It was really intense and I would really LOVE to be able to experience the twin flame... HONESTLY THOUGH... could a twin flame be a same sex best friend?

I would think that the situation in HANCOCK would kinda show a bit of the twin flame issue? No?

I can't really speak to the twin flame part, but I know that my soulmate and I were together in the past... We've both felt it as children, teenagers and adults. We met @ age 4. When we finally got together as adults, it was the most intense relationship either of us had ever had, but circumstances kept us from staying together... I think it was for the best, actually...

QUESTION: what is a karmic flame? Somebody mentioned that earlier in the thread....

Yea that movie was interesting to me as well around the relationships....Hancock....
OMG I came in this thread JUST to bring up the movie Hancock. I think it's a good example of a twin flame type of relationship. Especially how they kept finding each other and her explanation that they were all made in pairs.
QUESTION: what is a karmic flame? Somebody mentioned that earlier in the thread....

Generally it's a person you click with like a soulmate, but the purpose of them being in your life is for you to learn something from them or vice versa or simultaneously and then you both move on.
Well so far everyone has said that they could not/can not be with their soulmate so I'm still trying to see how these people are necessarily something we should be looking for?

Does anyone feel like they ended up married to their soulmate?
This helps explain what I could not understand. I am currently going through so much turmoil. There are "things" that I just know in regards to me and a certain fellow. We are not together and my soul, my spirit is not at peace with this. Believe me I have tried in many ways to truly release and let go and each and every time I am led back to him. We "knew" each other before we ever laid eyes on each other and the signs have always pointed to a particular thing between us. I recognize and I am not scared. He recognizes and runs. We both have work to do but reading this makes me feel better. I don't believe he is a twin flame but he's more of a soul mate. Too many things have happened to us to count, and I always have Faith. It's a long story and I thank you for this post.
They say once you recognize each other, even if one or both of you shy away from the intensity, or one or both of you are married to other people it will take years to forget about it, if ever. But the connection will always be there as it goes far beyond the physical or emotional.

Hmmm...I wonder if that is what's going on with me right now. I see a lot of similarities...and that's a shame:wallbash:
I really don't believe in twin flames. But there's a guy in my life (*sigh) that I have an intense connection with. The universe has literally put us closer together more than once. The feeling is mutual, but it ain't gonna happen right now, if ever.

One time I ran into him on the street and my heart almost leaped out of my chest. I actually bolted :perplexed
There was someone in my life that I felt this connection with recently. I felt like I literally NEEDED them to go on and they felt the same way. It was very, very intense and became that way rather quickly. Even though I decided to walk away, I still think of what could be...with some level of desperation even. I will probably compare every subsequent person, but...
Be there, done that. The only part that didn't apply is the significant age difference. But the intensity, the obstacles, etc., is on point.

I hope to never have this experience with someone again. It's devastating when you realize it's not going to work out.
there is a large age difference and unusual circumstances either surrounding them or preventing them from being together altogether.

Also, whether or not you can be together is irrelevant in that you have come together to discover something, even if it can only be on a friendship level on this incarnation. You must keep communicating once you have found each other---it really isn't an option. It's frightening, but incredibly wonderful.

Wow this is me, right now. This twin flames sounds interesting, but scary at the same time.
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There's a lot of miss-information out there regarding twin flames and soul mates. Not every one has a twin flame, and for those that do have one if you've crossed paths with that person then that is the person that you are supposed to be with i.e. your other half. You've crossed paths with this person each and every life time. But, like anything else it's your choice/decision whether or not you choose to do the work necessary to have that relationship. Also, not all twin flames have this huge age difference between each other. They have a much greater purpose on this planet then just having a romantic relationship. They are here to balance out the negativity energy on this planet.

There's a lot of over-importance placed on the words soul mate. Some may not agree, but all a soul mate is - is someone that has shared your life path. This can be your mother, husband, that sister that you don't get along with, or that ex-boyfriend that you were in a relationship with 3 years ago. They can come and go.
I think my ex is my twin flame. We cant seem to let each other go. I had a dream that we had twin girls the other night. The relationship we have is deeper than soulmate one.
I got a past life reading and finally was explained what a twin flame was and who it was. Interesting stuff and fascinating that there are people who have the gift.
I met my twin flame I think. I had a vivid vision about him 4 years before meeting him. And when I met him I heard a voice in my head say you can't leave without knowing him. I felt a magnetic connection to him when I met him. When he was in the room I couldn't concentrate on anything but him but when he wasn't in the room I forgot about him and flirted with his friend. Then we were about to leave and I heard this voice say you can't leave without knowing him. He just happened to be passing by when I heard this voice and it was like it happened in slow motion.

I didn't know what would happen but I knew I had to know him and I asked a friend to introduce us. We went out and it was like we had known each other forever. It was like we were the only two people there. We had a brilliant night and he seemed to know exactly what to do and when.

There was a time when I knew he was going to kiss me and was nervous. I heard the same voice say do you like him? I said yes. Then it said well then let it happen. As soon as the voice finished He touched my cheek and kissed my other cheek. Then he got closer to my lips and kissed me again. Then I turned to him and we kissed for the first time. It was so intense. I had never felt anything like it. Then he just looked at me and smiled.

He spent the night but we didn't do anything. He just wanted me to hold him. He was like the woman and I was like the man. He was way more emotional than me and he showed it. He got up the next morning but I didnt get up. He tried to wake me by stroking my hair but I didnt get up. He finally put the covers over me and my friend escorted him out.

I came back to VA and it was over. My friend said she was getting really close to her and I told her why. I told her to give him my email but she was jelous and never did. She stopped talking about him and it was over.

I had one more vision 2 years before meeting him about me being at a graduation and then walking up a path and there was an iron gate seperating me from myself and this man walking down the sidewalk. I felt nothing but joy. It was very descriptive. I could see myself and I looked older. I was 18 at the time of the vision. I looked healthy and had long hair. The man was around 6 ft tall and was a little bigger than the guy in the first vision. He had short hair like a ceaser cut and was dressed casually and clean cut. He seemed older than the guy from the first vision.

I talked to my friend and she brought him up one day and said he cut his hair off. He has waist length hair like the guy in the first vision. I dont know if the guy in the second vision is the same guy but I know the vision will happen.
I think I've met my twin flame .. We've both been either the chaser or the runner. He's currently trying to chase me but I'm running bc I've met someone who I think is more compatible for me...but who I don't think I'll ever share the same type of intense love that I have for my possible twin.

I've had some very bizarre dreams and weird coincidences occur since I've met my twin..but I feel like as much as I want to be with him and he me, it's not meant to be.

I had my tarot read a few weeks ago (a day before I was getting "closure dinner" w twin). She said there's someone who you've shared many lifetimes with who will be reappearing shortly ..he's coming back for all the right reasons bc he loves you and wants to try to make things right with you...but that he will never be a strong enough man for you and that I'm not supposed to bring him into this lifetime. That blew my mind!! Bc I always felt like I knew him from past lives...
Lately I've been thinking about topics like this and I have concluded that we probably don't even really know who are twin flame is (meaning we don't have an in depth understanding of it). We romanticize them to either be the person we are dealing with now that we are very in love with or someone who we had a relationship with that we did not get over.

We make all these connections and feel like they mean a certain thing because we want them to. I could be wrong though...but... Most women like to envision who they want it to be as opposed to who it really could be...and maybe he/she has yet to surface in our lives.
Lately I've been thinking about topics like this and I have concluded that we probably don't even really know who are twin flame is (meaning we don't have an in depth understanding of it). We romanticize them to either be the person we are dealing with now that we are very in love with or someone who we had a relationship with that we did not get over.

We make all these connections and feel like they mean a certain thing because we want them to. I could be wrong though...but... Most women like to envision who they want it to be as opposed to who it really could be...and maybe he/she has yet to surface in our lives.

I agree. Most of the people I thought were my twin flames turned out not to be. After we parted or the attraction died and I looked back on it I thought "what was I thinking?"
Funny, I've had good relationships but I never thought they were my soul mate or twin flame.

This one right here though... I'm sure he's at least a soulmate
^^^ Yeah, over time I've become objective enough to realize that there is a possibility that my husband may not be my twin flame. A soul mate? Yeah. We do have many. But twin flame...I really dont think so. I'm not sure if I will meet him in this life time. Thats ok though.