Twilight Author on Oprah now...

Shimmie, as always, thanks for keeping it real and crystal a similar vain, regarding the loa, I recently heard a person in christian leadership whom I respect (at least I used to), say that the loa is "next level thinking":sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

Wherever did we get the notion that any man made ideology (albeit loosely based on scripture) should be exalted over the absolute Word of God, as a higher level? Shimmie, I feel your passion here, because I am truly troubled in my spirit for the level of deception that I sense present in the Body of Christ, of which you have so eloquently outlined throughout this thread.

God Bless Sis...thanks for being such a vigilant watchman on the wall.

Muse, you and Joy have blessed my heart with your posts. You both spoke the heart and the word of God, confirming what He wants conveyed regarding the occult and how it's literally what these books on Twilight and Potter are about.

I'm glad you both shared your hearts because it is JUST ... THAT... Serious!

Muse and Joy... the two of you don't realize just how powerful the words of your posts are. For you both are speaking exactly of what's occuring to the children of this world.

The children of this world are in so much trouble and the enemy is leading them astray, far worse than any Pied Piper. He's angry with God and He wants vengence upon Him and His throne. satan could not take over the throne of God, neither could he defeat the plan of God's love and salvation, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore he's spitting forth his anger upon the children of God and those whom would be His children, if they were not snared by satan's kingdom.

The children of this world, will sadly not know their power and even worse the love of God in their lives. It's just that sad and just that serious.

I don't care who I offend. I'm fighting for someone's life here. Someone's child who out on a wayward path of which he / she may never return. It's not about Twilight, it's the lack of light behind it. satan has given death a romantic name, which of itself is pulling the children who do not have the Blood of Jesus over them, and yet the life and the blood is being 'virtually' drawn from their souls through the mystic of the underworld.

If it's not the deception of the loa with adults, then satan is using 'Edward' and Harry, to take the focus off of God who holds all that they are looking for.

satan wants to be their god and he's found a way to lure them astray, from the God who has loved them all along and seeks no harm to any of them.

And we have Hard Heads who are actually helping satan do his job even more effectly. Every Christian should be doing everything in their power to snatch these children out and away from the hands of satan's plan.

:nono::nono::nono: What are 'they' not seeing, that of which is so obvious?

If the Light of Jesus is with them, they'll see what's in the dark.

Turn on the light and let it blind satan clear out of his mind...

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Shimmie, as always, thanks for keeping it real and crystal a similar vain, regarding the loa, I recently heard a person in christian leadership whom I respect (at least I used to), say that the loa is "next level thinking":sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

Wherever did we get the notion that any man made ideology (albeit loosely based on scripture) should be exalted over the absolute Word of God, as a higher level? Shimmie, I feel your passion here, because I am truly troubled in my spirit for the level of deception that I sense present in the Body of Christ, of which you have so eloquently outlined throughout this thread.

God Bless Sis...thanks for being such a vigilant watchman on the wall.

Joy, they must crazy. I mean, from the age of 2, I remember my mommie teaching me how to kneel and pray. My grandmothers, did the same, My dad knelt with us at night and we prayed.

My point, to this day, I've never known prayer to not be answered by God and especially when I need something. Joy, even BEFORE I even ask; just a thought, and Here Comes God our Father with what I asked Him for. I mean, I'm just saying.... who needs some stupid loa? :nono: :lol: @ me using the word stupid. I'm sleepy, that's all. :lol:

Night Night Sweet Joy.... I love you my new sister. :kiss:

I'm turning it all in. :sleep2: I have rosey cheeks from my Clarisonic :blush3: No Twilight here.... :lol:

Wanna know why? :rolleyes:

:lachen:The Joy of the Lord is our strength. :yep:

Sweet sleep, sis. :Rose: