RE: Twilight-books and movies - I have to say this


New Member
My dear sisters, be careful, the author of twilight got her story through chaneling, which means that she was helped by a demon trough dreams, she says it herself (sort of)on her website. We need to be careful about very popular books and series like twilight and harry potter. eventhough there are virgins mariage and decency it this, it is a trap for everyone to accept the whole thing as ok. those books DO NOT honor Jesus and God.
The world is beeing prepared to accept witchcraft, vampirism, all evil and all it's fruits as ok little by little. Please I plead with you: do not fall for that. Pray, read the word of God prepare yourselves for the coming of Jesus wich it nearer than we think.
The world is turning into something evil before our eyes. It is the time to separate and choose Jesus he is the way, the truth and the life.

Watch this:

this man talls about the dangers of Twilight series according to the Bible. please watch.
MY dear sisters I love you and I pray for you.
God bless you always
The author actually said the story came to her in a dream. That is not the same as it coming from the devil. We need to be careful of accusing people of being demon possessed-that is a serious charge and needs more evidence. Whether the books are against God it something we each have to be convicted of.
she says it herself (sort of)

sort NOT the same...... as...
"she said it"

sort of false accusation
you cannot in one sentence warn others of evil passing as ok and then extend an untruth
as ok........yourself
sin is sin....

this is a double standard that Jesus talks about
see below

JOHN 8:7
with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin AMONG YOU, let him first cast a stone at her.
And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

After the whole misleading thread that got started about an upstanding elementary school in Harlem accused in collusion with teaching sex to children...which incited drama.....but not truth...
& Christians right in there accusing....

Thread posters.... need to learn to post candidly and responsibly
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The author actually said the story came to her in a dream. That is not the same as it coming from the devil. We need to be careful of accusing people of being demon possessed-that is a serious charge and needs more evidence. Whether the books are against God it something we each have to be convicted of.
It doesn't take much for anyone to discern that a vampire is of demonic influence.

Just because a person is 'not' convicted or shall I say not sensitive to the conviction, doesn't mean the issue is not of God.

It's more of a serious charge to stand by and watch the young girls being mesmerized by this and not protect them from it. These girls do not have a strong foundation in the Lord as those of us who are strong in the Lord. They do not have a prayer life, neither the experience of intercession which has fought against spirits of darkness and witchcraft and various manners of demonic activity.

God allows those of us who are familiar with His word and His spirit to become aware of such demonic vehicles as "Twilight" so that we in turn will take a stand against it rather than support or defend it.

If one is not 'convicted' than their senses have become numb, desensitized to the deceptions of the enemy.

Who among us would place these books of Twilight side by side with our Bibles and call them Holy? Or as a glory unto God? Who among us?
Can someone give me the link to her website? Thanks in advance.

I'll want to view it when I get back home and before I continue my post.

"sort of" means 'Implied"... :yep:

We all know this is demonic in nature. It is what it is. What I'm going to do is pick it apart and apply scripture to back it up.

Is that fair?

I love all of you and I'm not settling for this.

I'll be back later tonight... :Rose:
The link to her site is

I woke up (on that June 2nd) from a very vivid dream. In my dream, two people were having an intense conversation in a meadow in the woods. One of these people was just your average girl. The other person was fantastically beautiful, sparkly, and a vampire.

Whether or not it is demonic I have enjoyed reading the series very much. I also enjoyed reading Harry Potter and the Golden Compass series. If they are demonic then so be it, I am not influenced by it, I still know where I stand and what my faith and convictions are. In my opinion it's simply entertainment. It's unfortunate that some people cannot always separate that and might be influenced otherwise, but that's for each person to realize, if they are easily influenced by worldly entertainment.
It doesn't take much for anyone to discern that a vampire is of demonic influence
She was referring to the OP not being honest...
The author actually said the story came to her in a dream.

OP said the author said she was channelled
That is a LIE

"sort of" means 'Implied"...
you are semantically attempting to justify .....lying

You cannot mock God.....and say one sin is justify a possible other sin

this happened with a good school being falsely accused....
with words being twisted to incite people..who did not even view the video

Shimmie did you even view that video before you said anything? I dont think you did :(

this is no different

words are being twisted to justify the OP's viewpoint ..whether of God or not
HE certainly does NOT endorse lying to win souls
that is not of God...
regardless of the subject content

this is disheartening..but fortunately does NOT represent Christian views
though it is on CF ....The story of Jesus... I posted ...
represents Christian view and that is MY authority

be blessed
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I agree- we need to make sure we communicate truthfully. However, regardless of the author's claims of her inspiration for the story, this is still about a vampire- no? Vampires are not of God- plain and simple.

The parallels to Christianity that some have seen are not surprising. Do you know what would happen if the devil brought us some straight demonic stuff? We as Christians- prayerfully- would see it for what it is. It would be too obvious. So he mixes some 'good' with some evil- sometimes a lot of good with just a little bit of evil. And just like that he gets in. And the focus on Bella being a virgin? The devil has some fascination there too. Remember he is the counterfeit- so there are a lot of parallels in his world- another discussion.

These are the last days- we all have to be so careful of the things we think we're doing just for fun. We have a responsibility not only to ourselves but to others- kids, others looking to us & to each other. I noticed in the other thread that many were encouraged by others reading the books etc- and that's what we do. Christ spoke about us being like sheep- we look to each other. I think it's fine to discuss different viewpoints but if there is a question about whether something really is of God- we should each take it to Him- get the answer for ourselves.
I agree- we need to make sure we communicate truthfully
with all due respect ...w/ one sentence you brush it off
and the point is ..sin is sin

Christians are often accused of hypocrisy ..this forum has been accused...
and this thread sadly.... makes it easy to substantiate :(
that unfortunate assertion

leaving thread....
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The link to her site is

Whether or not it is demonic I have enjoyed reading the series very much. I also enjoyed reading Harry Potter and the Golden Compass series. If they are demonic then so be it, I am not influenced by it, I still know where I stand and what my faith and convictions are.

In my opinion it's simply entertainment. It's unfortunate that some people cannot always separate that and might be influenced otherwise, but that's for each person to realize, if they are easily influenced by worldly entertainment.

What about these young girls who have no foundation in the Lord? Have you no conviction for them? You have something that they don't have; a stronger resistance because of the word of God that lies within you.

These young girls don't have it and they have no defense to combat the enemies influence such as you do when temptation arises. Is this worth what you call entertainment? What price for their lives? Their unprotected souls?

There are things that we have to consider before we defend them, as Christians, because of the influences upon the innocent.

Where are your convictions there?

I have to guard what I do because of my girls. Even that of which I have 'no' or little conviction. Even though I can 'handle' it, they cannot.

Before I go, thanks for the link... :grouphug: I'll be able to read it later.
Here is the site: :
When I said "sort of" I meant by saying this it shows she got the story by a dream that DOES NOT comes from the Lord Jesus the enemy gave her that dream I didn't lie, but I apologise if I offended anyone by my wording. We are not here to play with words but to seek the truth according to the word of God not my words.
Here is another fruit that the enemy gave her: She also has another book coming out called : "the host"
Read the description for it, It is clearly about demonic possession under the disguise of words of fiction:
This is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
The world is turning into something evil were everything evil starts to be acceptable even in some christian eyes or even some"christian" churches. Those are also signs that Jesus is near.

Everything, Everything we do should be for the glory of God, especially now that the time is near, prepare for the Lord's coming, separate yourselves from the world.
That's my message in Jesus's Name, amen.
God Bless
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She was referring to the OP not being honest...

OP said the author said she was channelled
That is a LIE

you are semantically attempting to justify .....lying

You cannot mock God.....and say one sin is justify a possible other sin

this happened with a good school being falsely accused....
with words being twisted to incite people..who did not even view the video

Shimmie did you even view that video before you said anything? I dont think you did :(

this is no different

words are being twisted to justify the OP's viewpoint ..whether of God or not
HE certainly does NOT endorse lying to win souls
that is not of God...
regardless of the subject content

this is disheartening..but fortunately does NOT represent Christian views
though it is on CF ....The story of Jesus... I posted ...
represents Christian view and that is MY authority

be blessed
Kayte... No :nono:

But I am standing up for Zanna, because I don't see her as lying. Her interpretation is that the author has 'implied' the source of her Dreams. That's not a lie, it's an interpretation.

I AM going to view this woman's website later and put this all to rest.

Kayte, you know me better than that. Give Zanna a break. She is telling the truth about the origin of this Twilight issue.

Love and hugs to you... :grouphug: I truly mean it. :yep:
Here is the site: :
When I said "sort of" I meant by saying this it shows she got the story by a dream that DOES NOT comes from the Lord Jesus the enemy gave her that dream. I didn't lie. We are not here to play with words but to seek the truth according to the word of God not my words.
Here is another fruit that the enemy gave her: She also has another book coming out called : "the host"
Read the description for it, It is clearly about demonic possession under the disguise of fiction:
This is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
The world is turning into something evil were everything evil starts to be acceptable even in some christian eyes or even some"christian" churches. Those are also signs that Jesus is near.

Everything, Everything we do should be for the glory of God, especially now that the time is near, prepare for the Lord's coming, separate yourselves from the world.
That's my message in Jesus's Name, amen.
God Bless

Zanna, I'll be back later. (I said this quite a lot and haven't left home yet :lol:).

But I believe you. I know where your heart is coming from. :yep: in this Twilight issue. satan has tried to accomplished this one thing. he wants division among us. We're not going to give him this victory. :nono:
If something is a lie- then it's a lie regardless of the intent. I don't agree with lying to make a point nor am I brushing it off. I chose to focus my post on the subject of the danger of this series. Whether or not the author performed channeling or not should not be the clue in this particular case that something is wrong.

Based on the posts that have been made- differences in information I will look into the source of the author's inspiration- to find out for myself.
I have to side with this post being misleading, although well intentioned. I do not always equate vampire= of the devil. I do not enjoy or watch anything that glorifies evil. I was suspicious of Twilight until I actually sat down and read the story. There is nothing about the stories that is demonic, in my opinion. It is a modern day Romeo and Juliet story and the complication in the relationship is the fact that he is a vampire and she is human. There is an overall moral aspect to the series. It was not what I thought it would be at all. I believe in judging and allowing the spirit to teach and lead. The problem comes when people comment and judge without full knowledge based on a few phrases and assumptions. If this series troubles your spirit, please stay away from it. But to assume that someone is participating in something demonic and inferring the meaning and intent of the author when you do not have all of the facts weakens your argument.

I guess it is only very obvious to a select few that Vampires, whether virgin or not, LeStat are not are Evil. A White Magic Witch is a Witch / a Black Magic Witch is a Witch and they are all Evil.

Question. Is Halloween, therefore, okay to participate in? We know of it's origins, certainly.

To me, this is a very black and white issue, regardless of anyone's posts, it is what it is. I hear these same arguments from Christians who participate in Halloween and read Harry Potter -it just shocks me, I guess.
My God, my God....:nono:

Hear the word of the Lord!

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched--this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete.

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
I John 1: 1-7

Zanna I want to say this to you....when you said this:

This is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
The world is turning into something evil were everything evil starts to be acceptable even in some christian eyes or even some"christian" churches. Those are also signs that Jesus is near.

Everything, Everything we do should be for the glory of God, especially now that the time is near, prepare for the Lord's coming, separate yourselves from the world.
That's my message in Jesus's Name, amen.
God Bless

You were right on! :clapping:


I'm adding to the scripture above: (I copied and paste this because it was long) 1 John 2: 15-27

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what he promised us—even eternal life.

I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.
*I'm not referring to anyone in this thread with this, but it's something that need to be put here and I'm being obedient to the Holy Spirit*

BTW: This is a part of a sermon that Billy Graham gave....

Those that are walking down the broad road that leads to destruction actually believe that they are heading down the narrow road that leads to life. They are being deceived into believing that they are walking down a path that leads to life.

Let me see if I can’t give you a visual of the two different ways that Jesus is referring to here. *Note: I'm only using one right now*

In my hand, I am holding a cone cup that is often used on the side of water coolers. Now, what everyone does with the cone cup is they use this side to get water and the water flows into the cup smoothly. That is a picture of the broad road that leads to destruction and there are many who find it. What would that broad road look like in our day and time? Now remember, Jesus is talking about people who say that they have a relationship with Him in these verses.

John MacArthur gives an eye opening description of what that broad road would look like. He says, “The way that is broad is the easy, attractive, inclusive, indulgent, permissive, and self-oriented way of the world. There are few rules, few restrictions, and few requirements. All you need to do is profess Jesus, or at least be religious, and you are readily accepted in that large and diverse group. Sin is tolerated, truth is moderated, and humility is ignored. God’s Word is praised but not studied, and His standards are admired but not followed. This way requires no spiritual maturity, no moral character, no commitment, and no sacrifice. It is the easy way.”

I guess it is only very obvious to a select few that Vampires, whether virgin or not, LeStat are not are Evil. A White Magic Witch is a Witch / a Black Magic Witch is a Witch and they are all Evil.

Question. Is Halloween, therefore, okay to participate in? We know of it's origins, certainly.

To me, this is a very black and white issue, regardless of anyone's posts, it is what it is. I hear these same arguments from Christians who participate in Halloween and read Harry Potter -it just shocks me, I guess.

Hold fast to what you believe in. I have stayed away from anything that my spirit does not agree with. However, having read and seen the movie I cannot find anything that I objected to except for the fact the characters were vampires and this was a complication and not the focus of the love story. I have also been recommended the Sookie Stackhouse series, another vampire series and had to put it down. The two stories were like night and day. Twilight did not trouble me at all, where as I could not finish the Stackhouse series because it was troubled in my spirit. They are two different experiences with the same topic. I found one pure fantasy and the other demonic. I trust that the Lord will continue to guide and convict me of what is right and wrong.
One thing that I've learned is this:

If I have a disagreement with my Christian brother or sister, and they say, "You are wrong in this," and I say, "Well, I believe that I am right," is to go and travail in prayer until I get an answer.

Now, how bad would it be for me to sit and believe a lie whether it be mine or someone elses without checking with The Holy Spirit? And after I've prayed, we all know that every spirit should have to pass a test which is no one can say that Jesus is Lord accept by The Holy Spirit. So, I think sometimes, especially if you are a knew Christian or aren't used to hearing The Holy Spirit speak that is highly beneficial to test the spirits.
Hey, I just wanted to share this excerpt of an interview with Director Tim Burton, who is slated to make a movie of "Dark Shadows," a popular show in the 70's.

G.M.: You've talked about doing "Dark Shadows" next. Is that still the plan?

T.B.: I think so, yes. That's the plan. There was something very weird about that, it had the weirdest vibe to it. I'm sort of intrigued about that vibe. It's early days on it, but I'm excited about it.

G.M. We seem to be in the midst of vampire-mania, what with "Twilight" and "True Blood" and other projects. What do you make of that?

T.B.: It happens. You look at the history of film and whether it's vampires or witches or wizards or whatever, it's like any great fable or fairytale, it's got a power to it. I think that's why people keep going back to it. There's something symbolic about it that touches people in different ways. It's symbolic for something, I'm sure with everybody it's slightly different but it's still powerful. All great stories, there are about five different variations. I grew up on monster movies and it wasn't until later that I realized it's all the same story basically, but the monsters are great and they're all different and it makes it feel like it's all different. The monsters have more personality than the actors around them a lot of times.

— Gina McIntyre
^^^^^ I don't get the correlation between a comment that Tim Burton made and the discussion that is going on in this thread...
If anything there isn't anyone more in favor of these type of stories based on the movies that he writes and directs.
^^^^^ I don't get the correlation between a comment that Tim Burton made and the discussion that is going on in this thread...
If anything there isn't anyone more in favor of these type of stories based on the movies that he writes and directs.
It's all in here:

G.M. We seem to be in the midst of vampire-mania, what with "Twilight" and "True Blood" and other projects. What do you make of that?

T.B.: It happens. You look at the history of film and whether it's vampires or witches or wizards or whatever, it's like any great fable or fairytale, it's got a power to it.

I think that's why people keep going back to it. There's something symbolic about it that touches people in different ways. It's symbolic for something, I'm sure with everybody it's slightly different but it's still powerful.

The correlation is the power of the occult which comes in various degrees; different levels to entrap the different levels of intellect and moraes.
I will say western countries are fascinated with the dark side, they find something glorious and fascinating about it. That's why you find these books and movies sell like hot cakes.
Now if you take a trip to africa or carribean where dark witchcraft is practiced, you will RUN away from the place.
p/s: there is not thing as white or dark witchcraft, it's all dark and evil.

Demons are always looking for a human being to indwell in.
Some demons are gate and door keepers (they keep you open to accepting more demonic doctrine and lifestyle).
e.g. if you got rejected by your family, a spirit of rejection comes in and acts as a door keeper to allow other demons like abuse, self-hate, alcoholism to come in.

Not everyone is affected the same way. If your level of spiritual desire is high and yet instead of spending time God you read such books, demonic influence can take advantage of that, remember the devil comes in as an angel of light. You can start having vivid dreams, astra projection in your room or going into trances.

My friend once told me be careful of the word just when you are trying to convince yourself to do something: it's just a movie, just a book, just one puff, just one drink.
I always said that if I ever have any type of knowledge that I would not hold it back just because someone's feelings may be hurt.

Well, I am going to post this:

Here, an ex-wtich/warlock, illuminati member that talks about Tabitha, an old "white" witch type comedy back in the day of the 70s. It's at the beginning and then on 3:45, he talks about why Christians shouldn't be involved in Halloween.

Anyway, here it is to those who are willing to listen.
I am moved by the passion and knowledge of you, my sisters here. I too, did not see harm in the Twilight series, but am now going to invesitgate my opinions further. I thank you for caring and loving us all enough to follow the insight/revelation put on your spirit and your courage to engage in such a sensitive subject. I pray that it does not become a point of contention among us, but I also know that if you are a christian and you see others sinning, then you must get away from those influences. I have read all kinds of books (English major) and have enjoied the full spectrum of texts for entertainment (so I thought), but now I must reevaluate what I call entertaining.
I have always been troubled by those who watch horror films as entertainment, yet I watch crime tv shows like Monk, Law and Order and the like. We are really bombarded by murder as entertainment in this society. Now I'm questioning how my tv programs truly differ from the horror films. I guess they both glorify violence. WOW. Now I'm worried. Any advice for me? Should I only be watching christian tv? Tell me more about how you navigate the world (enjoy life and living) when you're in constant fear/apprehension/dread of being a party to dark influences?
I am moved by the passion and knowledge of you, my sisters here. I too, did not see harm in the Twilight series, but am now going to invesitgate my opinions further. I thank you for caring and loving us all enough to follow the insight/revelation put on your spirit and your courage to engage in such a sensitive subject.

I pray that it does not become a point of contention among us, but I also know that if you are a christian and you see others sinning, then you must get away from those influences. I have read all kinds of books (English major) and have enjoied the full spectrum of texts for entertainment (so I thought), but now I must reevaluate what I call entertaining.

I have always been troubled by those who watch horror films as entertainment, yet I watch crime tv shows like Monk, Law and Order and the like. We are really bombarded by murder as entertainment in this society. Now I'm questioning how my tv programs truly differ from the horror films. I guess they both glorify violence.

WOW. Now I'm worried. Any advice for me? Should I only be watching christian tv? Tell me more about how you navigate the world (enjoy life and living) when you're in constant fear/apprehension/dread of being a party to dark influences?
I agree, I don't want any of us to be in contention over this or any other controversial subject. Thank you for sharing this. I 'receive' it completely. Whatever I share, I pray will not cause contention. My 'critique' is upon the issue not anyone personally.

Blessings to you. And you'll make the right media selections. :yep: :grouphug:
thank you for posting about the evils of harry potter and twilight

I used to love vampires, and though I never liked harry potter, I could've easily fallen into that trap

I gave up horror flicks recently, and I am soooooo GLAD that I did because that was a stronghold that the devil had over me!!

my dad let me watch those things and even encouraged scary movies when I WAS A TODDLER

I grew to love them, and even started favoring the meaner characters on cartoons, such as Angelica on the Rugrats.

I mean, people need to know that life is not a game. There are spirits everywhere, and we need to stop letting them play us like puppets!

God bless you!
I do not feel that Harry Potter is harmless. You say, well at least your kids are reading. Are they reading God's Word? Are you reading the Bible to them like some parents read Harry Potter novels aloud to their children? Harry Potter stories are filled with witchcraft and wizadry and the Bible calls these things an abomination to God. In the Old Testament, God overthrew many nations who were practicing witchcraft.

Did you all know that whomever the Antichrist is, he will be a man knowledgeable of the Occult? That's why people will be so crazy about him. He will be able to practice these dark arts and deceive many, even so-called "Christians." Only the discerning will not be led astray.

Just what do you think "half blood prince" might mean? Isn't Satan referred to as the "Prince of the Power of the Air"? "The Ruler of this dark world"? There is a Prince of Persia that Michael the archangel fought against as well.

Go to The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again. and you can click on a sidebar where you can read all about Harry Potter and how the series is incompatible with true Christian beliefs.

repost from another forum about similar seriessss