TWA Support Thread

Same as before. Different brands of leave ins and either castor oil or evoo. Here is a video I found of a woman complaining of the same issue:

I use honey for everything else may as well use honey for my hair.

You may want to leave our the oils or just use them sparingly. The leave ins and stylers probably already have oils in them. The oils will not really help with moisture. Have tried clarifying and then deep conditioning?
You may want to leave our the oils or just use them sparingly. The leave ins and stylers probably already have oils in them. The oils will not really help with moisture. Have tried clarifying and then deep conditioning?

Yes, I'm going to try clarifying and deep conditioning. I have extremely dry hair and scalp...always have. I have been co-washing every morning before I leave for work. Can't wait til this grows out. I think I'll be where I want to be by October/November.
I'm BSL but I'm about to BC back to a TWA! Tonight!

Why: my hair is damaged from neglect. All I do is wear it in an ugly bun. It's tangled underneath the surface. It's breaking. It's dull.

I just want my hair to look fresh again. I have more time to dedicate to my hair now, so I'm sure I'll get it back to health in no time.

I'm just afraid of that awkward stage because it was hard.

@fluffyforever Was it hard taking the decision?
@fluffyforever Was it hard taking the decision?
Nope. My hair was a hot mess and between detangling and starting fresh, it was a no brainer.

I'm taking better care of my hair now and it is more manageable. I'm already back at shoulder length (don't know if that's fast or slow or average growth). Still awkward stage in certain styles but it was so worth it. When I get to BSL again my hair will be way better than before.
When did you BC @fluffyforever? This is my second time being natural, I was MBL after 8 years after my first BC. I agree that this time around my hair will be all around healthy and better than before, but this awkward stage is killing me!
My twa is growing but I have to say that I will NEVER cut down to a twa again as it just doesn't fit my personality. You have to really stay on top of moisturizing and I am tired of not being able to create different styles to my hair.
When did you BC @fluffyforever? This is my second time being natural, I was MBL after 8 years after my first BC. I agree that this time around my hair will be all around healthy and better than before, but this awkward stage is killing me!
My second BC was last year August 2016. I'm still learning what my hair needs to be at its best product wise, but technique wise I've learned my hair just looks better with more attention. Coils are popping more in my puffs now than after my first BC in 2007.
Why don't I remember having a twa? :afropick:.

I wore a lot of hats. Skipped right through that phase so fast. Did not take my hats off until Spring when I gained 3". Then I made a realistic type 4 bun with Marley hair. No one knew I had short hair except my house hold.
Why don't I remember having a twa? :afropick:.

I wore a lot of hats. Skipped right through that phase so fast. Did not take my hats off until Spring when I gained 3". Then I made a realistic type 4 bun with Marley hair. No one knew I had short hair except my house hold.

@AdoraAdora24 Question: How did you get the 3 inches to stay put to form a bun... activator and grease? Did you use gel at all? I’m looking for an alternative to gel. As another poster mentioned in a separate thread I too want “moisture (illusion of dampness) without the stickiness” of gel (that only ends up drying hard and leaving you with crunchy hair that flakes). TIA!
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@AdoraAdora24 Question: How did you get the 3 inches to stay put to form a bun... activator and grease? Did you use gel at all? I’m looking for an alternative to gel. As another poster mentioned in a separate thread I too want “moisture (illusion of dampness) without the stickiness” of gel (that only ends up drying hard and leaving you with crunchy hair that flakes). TIA!

This is exactly how it went down;

My last relaxer was 6/5/15, I cut all the relaxed ends off around February 2016 with about 4" on my head. I started to ware hats October 2015 - April 2016.
When April arrived I had a total of about 5" when I was forced to not ware hats because of the warm weather (I cannot get away with warring wigs). At that point I made a bun out of Marley hair to get me through and it looked realistic. I used Gorilla snot gel at the time. And held down the parts that looked like they were going to pop out during the day with bobby pins(the best I could do).

As my hair grow the fake buns were easier to do of course. I also had to position the bun up high to prevent hair pop-outs. I got through. Next thing I knew I was at SL/APL smooth sailing from there.
This is exactly how it went down;

My last relaxer was 6/5/15, I cut all the relaxed ends off around February 2016 with about 4" on my head. I started to ware hats October 2015 - April 2016.
When April arrived I had a total of about 5" when I was forced to not ware hats because of the warm weather (I cannot get away with warring wigs). At that point I made a bun out of Marley hair to get me through and it looked realistic. I used Gorilla snot gel at the time. And held down the parts that looked like they were going to pop out during the day with bobby pins(the best I could do).

As my hair grow the fake buns were easier to do of course. I also had to position the bun up high to prevent hair pop-outs. I got through. Next thing I knew I'm at SL/APL smooth sailing from there.

Thank you! @AdoraAdora24 I can’t pull off wigs either so I have to bun.

What was your short hair Marley bun regimen? For instance, did you put Gorilla Snot all over your head, let hair set, then pin Marley hair? I’m curious, :scratchchin: at what phase did you start doing the activator and grease?

I want to try something other than gel to set the hair. I don’t know what else to use to get the sleek look (well, it's going to be wavy) for my bun. I am specifically wanting the moist, touchable hair, illusion of dampness with the hold of gel. Gel holds for an hour and then hair looks dry, feels crunchy and you can't comb or scratch your head until you wash all the gel out.

Also, I find the gel also very icky and gross to apply to my whole head. I'd rather not sleep with a wet head waiting for the gel to set but it requires too much setting/drying time when I try to gel/style hair in the mornings.

:pullhair: There’s got to be an alternative. I know it.

I wonder if there’s a separate thread for bun management...:spinning:
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Thank you! @AdoraAdora24 I can’t pull off wigs either so I have to bun.

What was your short hair Marley bun regimen? For instance, did you put Gorilla Snot all over your head, let hair set set, then pin Marley hair? I’m curious, :scratchchin: at what phase did you start doing the activator and grease?

I want to try something other than gel to set the hair. I don’t know what else to use to get the sleek high bun look. I am specifically wanting the moist, soft, illusion of dampness with the hold of gel. Gel holds for an hour and then hair looks dry, feels crunchy.

The gel also is very icky and gross to apply to my whole head. I can’t sleep with a wet head and it requires too much setting/drying time when I try to gel hair in the mornings.

:pullhair: There’s got to be an alternative. I know it. I wonder if there’s a separate thread for bun management...

I have been using the same activator for about 18 years now which is the Care Free Curl Activator. I will never stop using that as my staple moisturizer.

*I started using grease in September because I refused to keep believing the negatives about grease from "natural hair gurus" who know darn well they used grease as a child and NOTHING HARMFUL HAPPEND. Its just a sealant for pete's sake!* BTW there are great reviews about grease on YouTube. I'm not the only one who loves it.

Ok I'm back :D
I did not use the gel on my whole head, just the front and sides, then I tied it down with a scarf. I did not have hard strands where the gel was applied. The gorilla gel does not do that. I liked it.
You do not have to have wet hair. Just moisturize, seal, bun, put a small amount of gel to smooth, boom your done.
I have been using the same activator for about 18 years now which is the Care Free Curl Activator. I will never stop using that as my staple moisturizer.

*I started using grease in September because I refused to keep believing the negatives about grease from "natural hair gurus" who know darn well they used grease as a child and NOTHING HARMFUL HAPPEND. Its just a sealant for pete's sake!*

Ok I'm back :D
I did not use the gel on my whole head, just the front and sides, then I tied it down with a scarf. I did not have hard strands where the gel was applied. The gorilla get does not do that. I liked it.

I appreciate it, Thanks! I had beautiful thick hair as a child. I may try the grease :lol:
I appreciate it, Thanks! I had beautiful thick hair as a child. I may try the grease :lol:
You would be surprised to see how great of a sealant it is. I was literally stunned when I sealed with Blue Magic. It was a no brainer from then on. And its only $2.25 what! LOL

Eta. You would only need a small amount to seal. And I don't put it on my scalp.
You would be surprised to see how great of a sealant it is. I was literally stunned when I sealed with Blue Magic. It was a no brainer from then on. And its only $2.25 what! LOL

Eta. You would only need a small amount to seal. And I don't put it on my scalp.

Love your hair! :D It's clearly working for you. Your posts are always helpful. Thank you again :rose: