Seriously ladies... I wish I had a smaller head/looked good in a TWA... All hair is so much work.. relaxed.. natural... bla... I look like a boy with a big ol head in a TWA... I'd forever have short hair...
dachsies_rule! said:I don't know if i still have a TWA or not...what is the cut off length for a TWA, how many inches?
@faithVA it should be!
it really has been awhile. you shoulda seen my face when i saw your name here. I was like
Why did you chop? Did something happen?
1. BC date -Didn't bc chemo took my hair and it's starting to grow back
2. Hair type/ describe your hair- I have no clue it was a 4a/3c before
3. Reggie/Products- Im not sure what to do but i decided to go back to washing once a week with chagrin valley shampoo and co-washing every other day. When it gets a little longer i will add pre-pooing with vatika and tresseme naturals and steaming with wheatgerm oil and aubrey organics
4. Goal(s) -MBL
[USER=74941 said:prettybyrd[/USER];16571991]Nice to see I'm in such good company! I chopped off that awful heat damage in March, and now I'm at about five inches all around except for this little mutant hair that's almost seven inches. @faithVA, I really like the shape of your hair in your avatar pic.
Thank youWelcome and May you have a beautiful head of hair.
Thank You. I tried Self cutting is rough.
What length did you cut to in March? I was only 4 to 5" before I cut. So that's puff territory for me.
[USER=74941 said:prettybyrd[/USER];16572567]It looks good for a self cut. You have a nice hairline, so that helps, too.
My first and only self cut was a HAM! I felt like a million bucks but looked like a buck and half. Won't be doing that again!
When I got my hair cut in March I only had 1/4' all around (I think...might be a little more than that, I can't find my growth chart). I started out with about 9 or 10 inches of heat damaged hair that was going to "transition", but I got impatient.
[USER=305268 said:kupenda[/USER];16573191]@fathVA you had heat damage? how? you used to straighten? why dont i remember that? odd. well im glad youre all about healthy hair instead of length. health is so much more important and rewarding
Whoa @faithVA! I reckon the iron/comb was really freakin hot or is your hair sensitive? This makes me nervous...
So you went from 1/4" to 5 inches from March until now? for real? That's a loooot of growth. I would love to have an inch a month.
Thanks to this prettybyrd, I'm attempting my first GHE tonight. I'll give it a go for the next cpl weeks and see....Yes, ma'm, one inch. I was really dedicated to the GHE method. It does work, but I can tell you that one inch is not my normal. Plus I've been working out, losing weight and taking my vitamins, so maybe I can continue to eek out at least 3/4 a month.
Thanks to this @prettybyrd, I'm attempting my first GHE tonight. I'll give it a go for the next cpl weeks and see....
@faithVA GHE- greenhouse effect. Covering the hair with a plastic bag over night. The heat from UR body creates steaming effect. (I think)
1. BC date - March 14, 2012
2. Hair type/ describe your hair - hmmm...I'm no good at hair typing, but I guess I'm a 4-something. My hair is coily (some curls, mostly coils), naturally shiny, and medium texture and density.
3. Reggie/Products
M-Sa - rinse with water, apply Komaza Jojoba Hemp Oil, then Coconut Hair Milk as needed. (I'm using up my stash, so I won't be buying any more Komaza until I'm out of everything else, so right now I'm using b.a.s.k. Java Bean and Honey Hair Balm. My products will change until I've used up my current stash, but the routine stays the same)
Sunday - wash with Henna sooq sweet honey poo bar (or black soap), DC with Komaza Olive Moisture mask
Three nights a week I use JBCO throughout my hair and bag it up.
4. Goal(s) - My ultimate goal is HL. My immediate goal is to have fun styling this little fro.