----- TWA: BOOT CAMP Edition! ----


New Member
Hey, ladies! :wave:

The forum seems to be teeming with challenges for those who are just out of their TWA stages. There are threads for neck length, shoulder length and beyond, but where does that leave me? :look: I have a little hair, but "not enough" to feel at home in those threads.

I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread for those of us with super TWAs :lol: - I'm talking less than one inch (longer is welcome too)! I've cut my hair over three times since I first went natural 16 months ago... so I never really left my TWA stage! And I feel as though this stage might be the most challenging of the natural hair journey - Too short to protective style, wrap, bun, etc... And the health of your hair at this length is crucial because the hair sprouting now becomes your ends, the most fragile part of your hair.

It's been over a year I am finally learning how to work with my afro. :yep:

A place where we can share tips, tricks, pics, advice and encouragement would find a good home here, I think. :yep: Especially with all the new naturals!

So with that being said...
WELCOME! :grin:
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I love your TWA and the color. Are you planning on growing it out or do you like the style? I like it on you. I know not everyone here is trying to go for WL.
Thanks so much! :grin:

I actually plan to go in for a trim and new color once the semester lets out. :yep: I absolutely adored my fade, and friends keep telling me to go back to it but (1) it's too dang cold for that and (2) before I had a fade, I had quite a bit of hair! I would like to see how big I can grow my hair. If I had never cut, I can only imagine what 16 months of growth would look like!

And I want hair by the time I graduate. :lol: I plan to go back to a low cut after I walk the stage. :yep:
Hello, I think this is an excellent idea :grin:.

My last relaxer was Feb. 2009; after a series of mini chops (my relaxed hair was between BSL and WL) I am finally ready to do the "big" chop on Dec. 29th :yep:

Recently, I have found myself really focused on products/tools/information for my new hair...and I must admit that I am becoming overwhelmed at this point. I joined LHCF to help me manage my expectations, find answers to common questions and share my experiences. This thread came right on time for me....Thanks !!!!
Welcome, sis! :grin:

You had a lot of hair! I bet you must be excited!

How are you treating your hair now? I know a lot of new naturals who did the big chop experienced a period of excessive dryness (myself included). I wish I'd started taking care of my hair before I went natural.

Now that I've been dc'ing, steaming, and moisturizing regularly, Izzy (my fro) has been thriving! Today was my wash day. :lick:
Count me in. I did the BC in October and got a fade but last week I went to the barber and got a ceasar cut, shaved it all off. Shape up and all.

I like your hair too. Thinking about going blonde myself. (:
Count me in. I did the BC in October and got a fade but last week I went to the barber and got a ceasar cut. Shape up and all.

I like your hair too. Thunking about going blonde too. (:


Do you have any pics?! I would love to see. :grin: Sunshine has a similiar cut (not sure if its a ceasar), and I think she looks flawless: YouTube - sunshinelovespeace's Channel

It really makes me want to chop again! Grrr... :lol:

How are you maintaining your style?

Oh, and thanks! I made a thread when I first colored. :yep: (http://www.longhaircareforum.com/ha...-salon-review-pics-im-beach-blonde-now-;.html)
Actually I do on my blog fabandbroke.com and my Twitter account.

And Sunshine has a similar cut to mine. Cute (:

I admit, I have been lazy with deep conditioning and protein trmts but I keep it moisturized and cowash weekly. I am actually about to start making my own natural hair products soon.
Yep i just chopped my hair off and decided to start all over so i can grow thick healthy hair..and ive been thinking the same thing..theres no challeges fo ppl with short hair! thanks for startin this thread!

Startin From Square one : My guide to Healthy Hair
No problem! Welcome. :yep: I will be following your blog!

How are you taking care of your hair now? No issues so far? :yep:
Yes I am. And thank you!
You're welcome! Do you do them yourself?

You write like how I talk, and once I saw "Chinatown Regal" and UO, I thought... hmmm. :lol:

It's always exciting finding another DC natural!
You're welcome! Do you do them yourself?

You write like how I talk, and once I saw "Chinatown Regal" and UO, I thought... hmmm. :lol:

It's always exciting finding another DC natural!

Yes I am DC born and bred. Lol. Actually I didn't even start wearing makeup until now and I had someone do them for me because I don't know how to apply my own make up yet. How tragic.

But I've ran across your blog before? I think I saw you comment once on Alex's (good hair) blog.
Yes I am DC born and bred. Lol. Actually I didn't even start wearing makeup until now and I had someone do them for me because I don't know how to apply my own make up yet. How tragic.

But I've ran across your blog before? I think I saw you comment once on Alex's (good hair) blog.

Yeah, I follow her! I've commented a few times.

I need to learn how to do mine. :ohwell: All I can do is fill them in, and that's only after I get them freshly threaded. I had them done once and Sephora and they came out nicely. I need to practice!
Welcome, sis! :grin:

You had a lot of hair! I bet you must be excited!

How are you treating your hair now? I know a lot of new naturals who did the big chop experienced a period of excessive dryness (myself included). I wish I'd started taking care of my hair before I went natural.

Now that I've been dc'ing, steaming, and moisturizing regularly, Izzy (my fro) has been thriving! Today was my wash day. :lick:

YES....Im super excited now :spinning: !!!! I think I have gone thru all of the transitioning to natural phases:

1. This may be a good idea...lemme try and skipping my next relaxer and see
2. Okay this isnt as bad as I thought, my new growth is cooperating
3. I CLEARLY have two textures going on and Im getting a little shaky
4. The ppl at work are looking at me crazy...WTF....Was this a mistake !!!
5. I have a couple styles and Im gonna be okay (thats after at least 1 person says your hair is cute...need outside encouragement after stage 4)
6. F*** It....These relaxed ends need to go !!!!!!!

I cannot wait to have a cute short style and rock it like all of you chicas :yep:
How are you gonna cut, MissCurlyQ? A fade? Or just trim the ends off? You look pretty in your avatar... I'm sure you'll look great!

Do you plan on changing up your products?
Thanks soooooo much for the support!!!

I am planning on just cutting off these tired relaxed ends...but we shall see when my stylist gets the snip, snip, snippin :grin:

And as far as products, I am currently trying my hardest not to turn into a PJ but the pull is darn near unresistable :spinning: I have a ton of stuff waiting in my cart on CurlMart and an order ready for 12:00 with Hairveda...SMH
How much new growth do you have?

When I got in for my trim in a few weeks, I'm thinking of maybe getting some kind of shape. I don't have a lot of hair, and I have a long face, so IDK what would look good. :lol:

What were you thinking of getting? :grin:
I have about 3 inches now...so I will have 3-4 inches on D Day.

I saw a natural on YT that had the cutest cut, but her face was slender so I knew it would not work for me...but for you it would be perfect!! Lemme see if I subscribed to her ?????
You'll have a good length! You can shingle and do gel twists, maybe even two strand. :yep:

And thanks! I hope you can find it!
robot, how has your hair been feeling with the color in? I'm thinking about dyeing my hair.

I was really slacking on my moisture, but now that I've been consistently steaming for the past 2-3 months, my hair feels great! And now that it's cold, I moisturize twice a day.

My ends feel a little rougher than the rest of my hair, and I'm sure it's because I was triple processed. :lol: I dyed my hair myself at home, hated it, then went to the salon where she bleached me then dyed it again.

I'm sure if you keep your moisture up, you'll be fine. I had to do a little extra because I did so much to my hair in only two days.

I only really experienced dryness once the color began to grow out, though. During the summer, I cowashed often (if not daily), so my moisture was okay. Now that it's colder out, I wash only once a week, so I had to make sure my moisture was up to par.

I plan to dye again next month. :yep: I won't bleach again.
You'll have a good length! You can shingle and do gel twists, maybe even two strand. :yep:

And thanks! I hope you can find it!

Okay...her name on YT is LethalPleazure. I believe she calls the cut a tappered TWA. Basically its short all around the sides but long on top!! I am a fan of this shape and it seemed to look great as it grew and kind of has the best of both worlds...length on top short on the sides!!! I think this type of cut would look cute :yep:

YouTube - LethalPleazure's Channel

Hope that gives you some ideas!
Okay...her name on YT is LethalPleazure. I believe she calls the cut a tappered TWA. Basically its short all around the sides but long on top!! I am a fan of this shape and it seemed to look great as it grew and kind of has the best of both worlds...length on top short on the sides!!! I think this type of cut would look cute :yep:

YouTube - LethalPleazure's Channel

Hope that gives you some ideas!

I think I've seen her channel before! Thanks! I thought about doing a mohawkish type style. :yep:

Only thing is (I think) my face is long, so I don't want to add anymore height to the top. Luckily, my sides grow super fast so it adds a little width.

Thanks for the link, though! I subscribed.

DON'T MIND MY UN-BEAT FACE & MESSY CLOTHES. Sunday is clean up day around here. :yep:
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