----- TWA: BOOT CAMP Edition! ----

Thanks! The second pic is my first ever twistout. Here's a close up of day 2:


This is SO pretty.

Can you explain how you achieved this look?
Starting tonight, for the next week or so I'm gonna stop using my products with glycerin in them to see if I notice a difference. & This weekend, I'm gonna stop being lazy & do some twists! :drunk:

BTW, robot. & lovepeacesoul I follow both of your blogs! :yep:

Pleazzzzzz...Post how that works out ?!?!?!
Thanks! The second pic is my first ever twistout. Here's a close up of day 2:


This is SO pretty.

Can you explain how you achieved this look?

Thanks! This was my first twistout attempt.

  • I co-washed my hair & applied Giovanni Direct leave in.
  • I detangled and used a whipped shea butter mix to make small/medium-ish twists.
  • I covered them over night with a satin bonnet (they were completely dry in the morning)
  • I took them out, separated, fluffed a little bit & slapped a headband & a flower on! :yep:





finished result:


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So remember how I said I was going to stop using my glycerin products...? Yea I failed that personal challenge. :lachen: Nor did I put twists in during the weekend like I planned smh :ohwell:

I'm in pharmacy school & its finals week :blush: so I've been neglecting my hair and doing whatever is easiest. :nono: Thursday is my last final so after that, I'm stepping my hair game up!

P.S. I havent TOTALLY neglected my hair. I DC'd last night with an ORS Replenishing pack overnight. Made my hair very soft & it kinda weighed it down. I noticed I had a little bit of hang in the nape area today. :spinning: Downside: extra frizzy hair today.

What have you all been doing to combat frizziness???

cartelise, that fade/color combo is FIERCE!!!! I love it!!!
thanks for the detailed pictorial, trc!

and i understand about finals. good luck with everything! i hear pharmacy degrees are challenging!

good job on your DC! :grin: i dc'ed last night too - i can never miss a dc! my hair has grown so long, it's starting to part itself down the middle. :lol: i'm amazed every time i wash my hair.
Thanks, I'll need the luck! School is challenging, but the thing is it's not any more difficult than it was in undergrad; its just SO MUCH MATERIAL!!!! sheesh!

I'll be honest, I don't keep up with my DCs like I should :look:, but right now, its the only thing I can do & study at the same time lol :lol:

I'm so excited to see how my texture will evolve once my hair gets longer..because the front of my hair is kind of loose & its starting to hang almost like a bang in the front when its wet....:lick:

Biggest frustration with my hair at the moment: The hair at my temples is of the 4b variety...doesn't have much definition at all...very dry & fragile......and it grows S O S L O W! I'm trying to stop wearing headbands so my edges can grow better but it looks funny since right next to the 4b section is the loosest hair on my head. smh :lachen: :ohwell:
this week, i dc'd with a sample of jasmine's avocado and silk. it was very nice!

but my staples are mozeke's moisture masque and oyin's honey hemp! i have a ton of dc's though. :lol: i like almost all of 'em. i think i have a top five. :rofl:
I keep hearing about the honey hemp...I really want to try it, but i'm not allowing myself to buy ANY MORE products (:ohwell:) until i put a dent in the stash I have now...had a serious case of PJism when I first found the board this summer.

Ladies, what are your regimens? Since it's cold out, what are you all doing to your hair? Any PS'ers in here??
I keep hearing about the honey hemp...I really want to try it, but i'm not allowing myself to buy ANY MORE products (:ohwell:) until i put a dent in the stash I have now...had a serious case of PJism when I first found the board this summer.

Ladies, what are your regimens? Since it's cold out, what are you all doing to your hair? Any PS'ers in here??

OMG Honey Hemp is like Conditioner Crack. My hair loves it!! lol, Now, I have to go co-wash with it! lol
i agree with skysmommy! honey hemp is the ishh! :lick: my hair absolutely adores it! oyin just came out with a new moisturizer that smells amazing!

and idon't ps because my hair is so short. i just dc once a week and i (try) to moisturize daily.
Hey ladies! :wave:

I hope everyone is doing well! Finals week has arrived so I'll be working on these grades!

How is everyone's hair? :grin:

Currently rockin' a chunky twist-out! Don't know why I was being so lazy...twistouts are so easy and cute! :lachen:

SN: My SO loveessssss my hair. Went to see him this weekend and he couldn't keep his hands out of it! :grin: There are very few things I love more than to have my scalp massaged! :love:

Pics when I stop being lazy and find my camera cord!
I just bc'd my hair in October...well I had a mohawk with a fade on the sides so kinda...O_o. But after cutting and cutting and cutting..Im like Robot..I wanna see where my hair can go so im in!
Frustrated with DRY hair. Also saying bald til the Spring.

are you deep conditioning regularly? what are you using as your moisturizer?

part of the reason why i cut my hair to a fade was because of dryness too. i wanted to "start over." :yep: now that i've upped my deep conditioning, my hair has been a dream!

a lot of us who first bc experience dryness. don't worry, you'll come through it sis!
I just bc'd my hair in October...well I had a mohawk with a fade on the sides so kinda...O_o. But after cutting and cutting and cutting..Im like Robot..I wanna see where my hair can go so im in!

welcome! :grin:

and i would love to see a picture of your hair cut!
Have you tried shea butter?? I have a whipped mix I got from ebay...I swear my hair has NEVER felt this good!

P.S. be light handed with it if you do try it. A little goes a longggggggggggg way!

Yes I just received some organic Shea Butter. I am going to try to mix it up and stuff. Thanks.
hey ladies! the semester is finally over! :grin: soooo happy.

i spent all day cleaning and i haven't steamed in one (two?) weeks, so i'll be steaming tomorrow/sunday.

how is everyone?
I BCD Dec. 9. I am trying to learn how to protective style because I live in Long Island. It's cold in the winter.
my answers are in purple. :yep:

I am fifty-million years late with this response! lol, anywho, I went ahead and bought a microfiber towel head wrap thing and I can already tell the difference: my hair is a lot less poofy and more curly. I am also claiming my 3C-ness with a little 4A-ness in the crown; but I'm still leaning towards 4A-ness because my hair is so durn dry!

Anywho, I am still looking for a good moisturizer and I want something I can mix with water and spray so I can keep the manipulation to a minimum, I don't want to have to rub anything in, because then it gets frizzy and then I have to rub things in for the frizziness, and it's a vicious cycle of product build-up, which my hair doesn't like.

I like using the conditioner, because it coats my hair in moisture and my hair really likes it, my only problem is that I don't clairfy or cleanse as much as I should, I use the ACV rinse (no shampoo!) and I don't do it as often as I should...in fact, I need to go and do it now!
I am fifty-million years late with this response! lol, anywho, I went ahead and bought a microfiber towel head wrap thing and I can already tell the difference: my hair is a lot less poofy and more curly. I am also claiming my 3C-ness with a little 4A-ness in the crown; but I'm still leaning towards 4A-ness because my hair is so durn dry!

Anywho, I am still looking for a good moisturizer and I want something I can mix with water and spray so I can keep the manipulation to a minimum, I don't want to have to rub anything in, because then it gets frizzy and then I have to rub things in for the frizziness, and it's a vicious cycle of product build-up, which my hair doesn't like.

I like using the conditioner, because it coats my hair in moisture and my hair really likes it, my only problem is that I don't clairfy or cleanse as much as I should, I use the ACV rinse (no shampoo!) and I don't do it as often as I should...in fact, I need to go and do it now!

this is the curse of a twa. :lol:

are you willing to purchase online? i could recommend you a few products that i like. but if you're looking for drugstore, i know a lot of ladies love the taliah waajid hair bodifying mist. it's thick, so they usuallly dilute it with water in a spray bottle. it smells really good and i'm pretty sure it's all natural. :yep: