Truly Frightening Strawberry Letter


New Member
I don't know if this was posted already so I took a chance anyway. Be careful yall!!

This is a letter that was sent to the Steve Harvey Morning Show… Please read and forward to all your friends to avoid the same mistake this person made.

My Prince Charming Turned Out to Be a Devil with Horns


I am a 39 year old single mother of two girls 9 and 14. I am educated, beautiful and successful and have a good job. I met my prince charming online, went on few dates. In my life I have had mishaps when it comes to men.

This guy was handsome, well educated and he is every woman dream. I was so excited to finally meet somebody like him, after meeting a couple of free loaders. He was my dream come true. My excitement about my prince charming ended when I landed in his bed of hell. My first concern was his unwillingness to use protection, and I insisted that since we don't know each other that long, that was the safest thing to do.

I asked him about his status and he said he was clean, he has no diseases and he was going to show me, his status. I was concerned when I realized that he had secretly removed the protection during the encounter, and he told me that he does not like using them.
After this day, I called and told him that I needed to see his hiv status and he said. Yea I will send it to you.
As I was waiting impatiently I noticed that he was a bit different. I called him and told him strongly but politely that I needed to know his status. That was the last day I ever heard from him. He stopped calling me; he never answered my calls nor returns them. I called him at work and he told me not to bother him anymore, I must leave him alone.
6 months later I tested positive for hiv. What do I do? Do I sue him? Do I let him do this to other women? Should I sit and accept it as my fate. I am devastated. I look at my girls and cry because I have betrayed them; I put myself in a compromising situation. What do I tell them?

Steve I know I failed to follow your rule of thumb, but still I need your advice.

Thnx, Devastated and betrayed

Ivan has women all spread out across the U.S. Especially in the area that he lives and travel too often. Ivan is from Plainfield , NJ . He has women in NY, NJ, DE, VA, FL, PA, NA, MD, Washington DC , Texas , CA and Canada . I am sure there are more. Ivan is also in the AF Reserves, stationed at Dover branch, which he talks about on an on going basis. This is how he gets to travel so often, for a broke man. Ivan is quiet and laid back, never refuses food, and takes, takes, and takes; Never offering to replenish anything. He doesn't have a home to speak of; lives out of his car going from woman to woman. Once he even carried on a relationship with sisters. Something he says he's not proud of; Yeah Right! If you are looking for a leech, a liar, and a good HIV/AIDS candidate, Ivan is your man. Let's be
clear, I am posting to put the facts out there. So that woman can make an educated decision and keep their eyes open and be safe.
I heard that one...:nono: i would be mad as he**... I don't hear the strawberry letter at 7:05am anymore..:nono: Do any of you ladies know what time the letters are read now??
I heard that one...:nono: i would be mad as he**... I don't hear the strawberry letter at 7:05am anymore..:nono: Do any of you ladies know what time the letters are read now??

You can go on the Steve Harvey Morning show website and see the Strawberry Letter for the day.
this is so sad.:(

one of my friends from NY was sleeping with a guy she had dated for six months, he took off the condom when they went into the "doggie style" position.

she heard it snap luckily.she walked straight out of the door, and vowed never to see the guy again as she didnt know his intentions.

:nono: women have to really wise up, there are sme dangerous people out there :ohwell:
Yea, I remember this one it nearly brought me to tears and made me think about the problem at hand. Sista's we must remember that we are now #1 for HIV in the country and we must protect ourselves meaning that we put on Condoms too !! Also, the letter is read at about 8:05 am eastern time.
If someone is adamant about not using protection, why are you still laying there with your legs cocked open? Sorry, but she was stupid. Get up and LEAVE if he's even questioning that sh*t in this day an age. There's plenty of p*nis out there that have no problems using rubbers. This is just dumb.
this is so sad.:(

one of my friends from NY was sleeping with a guy she had dated for six months, he took off the condom when they went into the "doggie style" position.

she heard it snap luckily.she walked straight out of the door, and vowed never to see the guy again as she didnt know his intentions.

:nono: women have to really wise up, there are sme dangerous people out there :ohwell:

Unfortunately situations like this are not rare :nono:
Some men are so hell bent on feeling raw flesh that they don't care about themselves or the others they may put in danger. This makes me so sick to my stomach almost litearlly, b/c I can't help but think of the women who are married to fools like him.
I heard that one...:nono: i would be mad as he**... I don't hear the strawberry letter at 7:05am anymore..:nono: Do any of you ladies know what time the letters are read now??

The Strawberry Letter is read around 8:00 Eastern time.
this is said..... what he did is tantamount to murder IMO. I think she can sue him.... I think I heard of a similar case a few yrs ago.
If someone is adamant about not using protection, why are you still laying there with your legs cocked open? Sorry, but she was stupid. Get up and LEAVE if he's even questioning that sh*t in this day an age. There's plenty of p*nis out there that have no problems using rubbers. This is just dumb.
I agree 100% with your post; it's just tragic that she is going to have to pay for a lapse in judgment with her life. :nono: Black women talk a good game when it comes to being "strong", but too many of us WILLINGLY put our lives and health in the hands of people who we KNOW don't give a darn about us. I know that being single means being lonely for many women, but there are worse things than being alone.
Yea, I remember this one it nearly brought me to tears and made me think about the problem at hand. Sista's we must remember that we are now #1 for HIV in the country and we must protect ourselves meaning that we put on Condoms too !! Also, the letter is read at about 8:05 am eastern time.
The black community also needs to have honest, no holds barred discussions on this topic. The most heartbreaking part of the spread of the virus is that even though we all know how it is transmitted, people still WILLINGLY put themselves at risk EVERYDAY. :nono: No, I'm not saying ANYONE deserves to contract the virus because they used bad judgment, but the only way things will get better is if we CHOOSE to put our health first.
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