Trippin need some help


New Member
:wallbash:What do you do when hubby thinks he needs to go out every weekend, when I tell him I think he should stay home, he's like you don't never want me to go nowhere.
I told him I feel like when you get married its ok to go out, but not every weekend until 4am. I think your married why do you feel like you have to go out and stay out like that. Anyway maybe we got married to young I don't know thought it was meant to be, but maybe not.:nono:
:wallbash:What do you do when hubby thinks he needs to go out every weekend, when I tell him I think he should stay home, he's like you don't never want me to go nowhere.
I told him I feel like when you get married its ok to go out, but not every weekend until 4am. I think your married why do you feel like you have to go out and stay out like that. Anyway maybe we got married to young I don't know thought it was meant to be, but maybe not.:nono:

What's he doing until 4am? Does he invite you, or you want to go along and he refuses you? He is just out with the guys and you trust him...don't worry..once a week..he should have that option if you feels it's all clean fun.
I would get dressed and go out with him. Excuse me where you go I can't go? I don't think so. It's fine every now and then but every week? Nah son. Find out what he's up to.
Was he like that before yall got married?

What she said.
If he was like that before than I can't see marriage changing him. If he just began, then I think somethings going on.
Every weekend until 4am. For what? I like to go out with the gals, but I can't imagine what I would be doing every weekend until 4am without my spouse.
Was he like that before yall got married?

If so, he will not change anytime soon. Also the more you tell he can't go the more he is going to go. I agree that one time you get dress and ask "When weez be leaving?"
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I would hit the streets right with him. If he has objections than I would want to know what's really going on. Why must you feel a need to hit streets every weekend?
Makes me wonder what homeboy is doing out until 4am...don't blame you for being upset.

I say get dressed and go out with him...and if he says no, then you really need to find out where the heck he's hanging out...and with who.
Thanks for the advice ladies, I think I will try that, but I think I will go by myself, because if I go with him he's going to be on his best behavior. I got somethin for his*** though I have been readin this book called. "Why Men Love *****es,"
Thanks for the advice ladies, I think I will try that, but I think I will go by myself, because if I go with him he's going to be on his best behavior. I got somethin for his*** though I have been readin this book called. "Why Men Love *****es,"

good book :yep:
IS there anything open after 2:30am but legs...J/K I suppose he could be at a all night diner. Let me stop. I think those who stay out till 4am do it because there is no one home. Usually they are single. Does he have a lot of single friends? If so they could be encouraging him to do what they do.

When get married you have someone to come home to. He should be worried about you being alone. What if someone is watching him leave and knows that he is not due home till 4am. You'd be a sitting duck. Run that by him.

I dunno. Me...knowing me. When he got to where he was going I'd be standing there holding the door open for him.
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Oh heck no. There's no reason for a married man to be out without his wife until 4 a.m. on a regular basis. :nono:
Shoot...since everything is pretty much closed at 2 am, I don't see what a MARRIED man is doing out till 4 am. Whose house is he at? Who is he with?

Try counseling. Try to go out with him.
Thanks for the advice ladies, I think I will try that, but I think I will go by myself, because if I go with him he's going to be on his best behavior. I got somethin for his*** though I have been readin this book called. "Why Men Love *****es,"

Lol..... good luck.
I am single. My last relationship, old boy tried that, he came home one day at 5 am and I wasn't home. Once he realized that I wasn't playing them games and sitting around waiting for him he got it together.
That's something DH had an understanding about long before. I sit my butt home, no reason why he shouldn't. We're both of the opinion, married folk need not lead the single life.
That being said, you're not tripping and some compromise needs to be reached. Going out til 4am?!:nono:
IS there anything open after 2:30am but legs...J/K I suppose he could be at a all night diner. Let me stop. I think those who stay out till 4am do it because there is no one home. Usually they are single. Does he have a lot of single friends? If so they could be encouraging him to do what they do.

When get married you have someone to come home to. He should be worried about you being alone. What if someone is watching him leave and knows that he is not due home till 4am. You'd be a sitting duck. Run that by him.

I dunno. Me...knowing me. When he got to where he was going I'd be standing there holding the door open for him.

Exactly! I hope everything worked out for you.
I only know of a few things open afta hours and those are *honorable mentions LEGS, A$$ (male & female) the 7-11, 24 hour MAC machine, gas station and the hospital.

If you can't beat him, join him. Go out by yourself, and come back home when you think he's home. Then, when you walk through the door, smile and say "hey baby." Play it cool like they do. Sometimes u gotta think like a man (got brothers who taught a sista very well). Don't get upset and say stuff like.."well, u stayed out late and didn't come home until such n such time." Just play it cool, and make him figure you out...let him see where u coming from. Make sure you look good too. Bite your tongue. Men feed off of our emotions. Kiss that bama on the cheek and call it a night. Stay out more than he does. He'll get the picture. Don't even raise an argument. Outsmart him. When you wake up in the morning, smile, "good morning".....don't let anything change. Don't have an attitude or anything. He will be looking at you with that deer in the headlights look. If he asks you where u his line. "Out" and leave it like that. I had to do mines that way. Now, this bama won't even go to the supermarket unless I"m with him...sad but true.

ACTIONS ALWAYS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. That's the only language they understand.
IS there anything open after 2:30am but legs...J/K I suppose he could be at a all night diner. Let me stop. I think those who stay out till 4am do it because there is no one home. Usually they are single. Does he have a lot of single friends? If so they could be encouraging him to do what they do.

When get married you have someone to come home to. He should be worried about you being alone. What if someone is watching him leave and knows that he is not due home till 4am. You'd be a sitting duck. Run that by him.

I dunno. Me...knowing me. When he got to where he was going I'd be standing there holding the door open for him.

I only know of a few things open afta hours and those are *honorable mentions LEGS, A$$ (male & female) the 7-11, 24 hour MAC machine, gas station and the hospital.

If you can't beat him, join him. Go out by yourself, and come back home when you think he's home. Then, when you walk through the door, smile and say "hey baby." Play it cool like they do. Sometimes u gotta think like a man (got brothers who taught a sista very well). Don't get upset and say stuff like.."well, u stayed out late and didn't come home until such n such time." Just play it cool, and make him figure you out...let him see where u coming from. Make sure you look good too. Bite your tongue. Men feed off of our emotions. Kiss that bama on the cheek and call it a night. Stay out more than he does. He'll get the picture. Don't even raise an argument. Outsmart him. When you wake up in the morning, smile, "good morning".....don't let anything change. Don't have an attitude or anything. He will be looking at you with that deer in the headlights look. If he asks you where u his line. "Out" and leave it like that. I had to do mines that way. Now, this bama won't even go to the supermarket unless I"m with him...sad but true.

ACTIONS ALWAYS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. That's the only language they understand.


You need to show him himself, hopefully it won't take him long so see how this behaviour is not OK, especially if it's not OK with you.