Trim/dust/cut Check In

I dusted only a bit, the sides, as everything else (from what I can see and feel) is fine). Last I 'dusted' it turned into a pixie chop, very uneven, so I cannot trust myself. Tomorrow I had a 'haircut' appointment scheduled (my brother recommended them to me) and feeling nervous. It will definitely increase the time till I can grow it to my goal length.

They seemed very insistent on Deva Cut, which I really dislike on me. Seemed they wanted to mollify me (get me to shut up and just come in) by saying, 'Ok, we can do the wet cut if you insist." Sigh.

The best cut I ever had, was by a hairdresser my sister had recommended.
That lady has naturally curly hair too, and was very intelligent and respectful of my wishes, too. I wanted to hold out for her, and see her in 2 years. However, my hack job done in late March is just SO choppy and uneven- I hacked off whatever felt damaged (texture was bad and hopeless) disregarding aesthetics/overall picture.
Have had haircut that I was dreading but needed. Hairdresser had my type of curly hair but much thicker, healthier-looking and past her shoulders! So clearly she knew what she was doing.

2020 dec 10 haircut.jpg12 10 2020 haircut.jpg

I am wondering how much longer it will take to attain Goal Length (from being 18 months to maybe 25 months now?)
Maybe it can look cuter with a red ribbon barette on the sides or smthing....that might look childish though.
I dusted my ends about 1cm tonight. They weren't in terrible shape- but still not as great as they can be. IIRC I trimmed in October. I plan to stay consistent, checking the state of my ends for splits around every 6-8 weeks.
I dusted my ends about 1cm tonight. They weren't in terrible shape- but still not as great as they can be. IIRC I trimmed in October. I plan to stay consistent, checking the state of my ends for splits around every 6-8 weeks.
How do people check the back if their hair is not long enough to pull forward? Say just above the shoulders? That is where I go wrong and cut chunks in guessing
I won’t be back to my NYC stylist for some time due to the pandemic. I’ve just invested in a $400 pair of Japanese shears that I plan to use for my own trims. Hope they will be worth the investment.

Wow, I'm sure if we compared purchases, we'd have a lot in common.

I will not Google Japanese shears.....
How do people check the back if their hair is not long enough to pull forward? Say just above the shoulders? That is where I go wrong and cut chunks in guessing
I'm pretty savvy with using two mirrors, angling to see the back of my head when treating or styling.

When my hair was shorter, I exclusively wore wash n goes, and would dust/ trim my hair either coil by coil in a wng or in twists. I'd pull and either measure the length of that section- so I knew how much to take off and so it was fairly even with the rest in line with that section (annoying layers), or go by eye (directing my hair by pulling up, out, down) and try to take off equal amounts. Or even better, use another pair of trusted hands and eyes along with a mirror/ pics in order to instruct/ direct/ control how much they take off.

I've also hacked off the lower half of my hair in order for the rest to catch-up :look: umm, I'm still waiting for that part.
Dusted 1/8 to 1/4 inch on Friday. I still have some splits and knots but that’s okay. Next session is in 8 weeks. Hopefully by the end of next year my ends will be impeccable :yep:
Cut off many inches here and there. Mainly from back of crown, leaving only tufts. can brush longer hair over it, I just hate the feel of damaged hair- that hair was definitely damaged or growing out in a very odd erratic way, unlike hair around it.
It had no 'pattern' to it it was just crazy.
I think from the scalp in that area having been hurt before many times. it's exactly in the 3 spots i got hurt many times over.
(I used to injure that area a lot from opening cupboard, bumping into things and cutting it on corners by accident, etc - am very clumsy)
I think I want an every 6 months trim this year. So I’m due again in June. Right around my bday. In the meantime I’m guarding these fresh ends with my life. Not literally, but I’m dealing tf out of them
Deleted previous post to put in pic as a record.

Had twisted and attempted stretch front n sides, pinned back, trying to get it to look like it was some kind of style. Hope reigns eternal.
Nape and by ears always have the loosest curl, and moreso with multiple hennas recently. So that drastic difference looks worse now...

I have an appointment scheduled for 2/20 and she'll probably take off another 2 inches. (My ends were split more than half the length of my hair so we're gradually trimming.) I really wish that I could go sooner. I'm sick of the tangling and balls of hair at the ends. I can't wait until all of my hair is healthy.
Well, I did the most.
I scheduled a hair cut/ trim apt 3 hours away from home costing me the most money I've ever paid in my life to get a hair service and the most strict hair salon policy. I've been watching this stylist's hair cutting videos and in love. I'm hoping she can see the damage and cut it out. I'm ready to let go of whatever needs to go. This will also be one of the very few times I've let someone wash and blow dry my hair. All to the tune of $175!! Way over priced but it is what it is and I do not plan to go back regularly at this price point.
People who let go of stringy ends or whatever have been flourishing without the dead weight so I look forward to doing the same.
I've been at this too long and still not at full WL due to breakage so I'm hoping she can give me pointers. Will report back.
I haven't trimmed since July... Should I push it to March or get one in February?

I learned my lesson so my answer is February. Although when I first started caring for my hair back in 2006, I trimmed professionally once per year and dusted myself in between. Trims will help you retain so long as they aren’t eating up the gain. My other question is, are your ends bad?
I learned my lesson so my answer is February. Although when I first started caring for my hair back in 2006, I trimmed professionally once per year and dusted myself in between. Trims will help you retain so long as they aren’t eating up the gain. My other question is, are your ends bad?
Not at all. This is the healthiest and most blunt they have ever been. I read once on here that there is strength in numbers, meaning that the more strands you have at any given point, the stronger they will be against breakage/the elements. Overall I'm happy. After this next trim I will have a head full of strong hair without splits. Currently I have like 1/16 of an inch splits in some places. The splits aren't traveling though thank God for that.
I self-trimmed in December and took off 3/4 inch. My last trim before that was in July at my stylist. I had a semi-trim in January, when I let the stylist reshape my wash and go. I snip splits as I see them because my gray hair is prone to them. But I'm not due for another stylist shaping until April or May. I will have to see how my hair grows and the health of my ends in April.

Because I have so many different lengths, fragile grays and I wear my hair curly, I need to stay up on my trims. I'm retaining well enough that it is working out OK to have 3 or 4 trims a year with a curly stylist.
Oooh my last trim was in March I think. I’m due for one this month. For my hemline and also to help camouflage my broken crown
Just finished giving myself a trim. I blew out my hair using Revlon's One-Step Volumizer brush (round brush/blowdrier combo) and following this method:

This is truly the best video on YouTube showing how to use this thing on tighter textures. I didn't want to get my hair as straight as her's so I kept it on low -- which still felt pretty dang hot! Followed that up with Deeper Than Hair's self-trim method:

This method gives me a nice U shape in the back, which I love.

I'm now back to collarbone length after some self-installed knotless box braids left me with raggedy ends that just had to go. Oh, well. I've started wearing buns exclusively so I'd like to stretch this trim 6 months before I do another one. Hopefully I'll be at APL after that.