Tried Something New....


New Member
Hey ya'll :hiya:

So last night I went to co-wash my hair and found I only had a little of my VO5 Moisture Milks left so I said what the heck I'll use it up and so I did and detangled then rinsed, but I felt like my hair or scalp rather wasn't clean enough, then I realized all along I should have shampoo'ed so I grabbed my poo and washed my scalp (Clear Hair and Scalp Therapy) I LOVE that stuff. Anyhoo then I rinsed and added Tressemme Natural's condish and let it sit for about 5 min and then I rinse and my hair felt like butta baby :grin:

Have ya'll tried that co-wash, wash, condish?

I wonder if it was a fluke LOL

I am going to try it again and see if I get the same results.

I am natural 3b if you wondered, also my hair isn't picky so cones, or sulfates don't matter in this head of mine :yep:
:yep: I do that if I really need to detangle before I shampoo. I don't put the conditioner on my scalp, just load it up in the shower until I can glide the comb through, shampoo, and then dc. Very nice combo!
I do it all the time. But I don't call it that. I just like to put conditioner on my hair before the shampoo so it's less stripping and I can detangle before the shampoo.
I detangle before cleansing as well and I layer oil and conditioner for a few minutes before I start detangling.
I detangle before I shampoo and I can only do that with soaking wet hair full of conditioner. Then I'll shampoo and deep condition. Keeps my hair soft & moisturized :-)
Is that what pre-pooing is? I used to do it, but I was going through waaaaay too much condish. Kenra ain't cheap!
tiffjust2002, Aubrey's GPB directions for DCing require that you apply the conditioner to dry hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes then shampoo it off and then apply another conditioner afterward. So in a way it's a similar process to what you did. It's also the way to use Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose for deep conditioning purposes. (GPB has protein/moisture so is a reconstructor while HSR is a moisturizing conditioner.) The directions for both are:

For deep conditioning: Apply to dry hair and distribute from scalp to ends. Leave on for 15 minutes, then shampoo and condition hair as usual.

And hair feels wonderful after this. It's the only time I do this. I'm a stickler for rules.
@tiffjust2002, Aubrey's GPB directions for DCing require that you apply the conditioner to dry hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes then shampoo it off and then apply another conditioner afterward. So in a way it's a similar process to what you did. It's also the way to use Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose for deep conditioning purposes. (GPB has protein/moisture so is a reconstructor while HSR is a moisturizing conditioner.) The directions for both are:

And hair feels wonderful after this. It's the only time I do this. I'm a stickler for rules.

This is what I do for every wash 1-2x week. It's awesome. I actually just shampoo my scalp while the DC is still in my hair (diluted poo in applicator bottle). Then I rinse it all off at once. Nothings better for my hair than the Aubrey Organics reggie :yep:
This is what I do for every wash 1-2x week. It's awesome. I actually just shampoo my scalp while the DC is still in my hair (diluted poo in applicator bottle). Then I rinse it all off at once. Nothings better for my hair than the Aubrey Organics reggie :yep:

virtuenow, I just realized that I rinse when directions don't say to rinse out first. I'll have to try it the right way and shampoo with it on. *slaps head at my careless reading of directions* :hammer:
I wash with a 1/2 conditioner-1/2 shampoo mixture. Not quite what you did, but much less stripping to the hair.
I guess I do this. Not sure why I thought it was different :nono: I must have needed the nap.

I think I will try virtuenow's way when my hair gets a bit longer.

What I have done in the past as well is apply the shampoo and cleanse but without rinsing out, apply an instant conditioner on top and then rinse. That helps my hair as well.
@tiffjust2002, Aubrey's GPB directions for DCing require that you apply the conditioner to dry hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes then shampoo it off and then apply another conditioner afterward. So in a way it's a similar process to what you did. It's also the way to use Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose for deep conditioning purposes. (GPB has protein/moisture so is a reconstructor while HSR is a moisturizing conditioner.) The directions for both are:

And hair feels wonderful after this. It's the only time I do this. I'm a stickler for rules.

Well I'll be darned, I have both of the conditioners sitting under my sink, I am going to try that method on my daughter's hair, hers is way more dry than mine.
I kinda thought so but I thought pre pooing was done on dry hair and letting it sit for awhile.

I suppose I don't really know how to do a proper pre poo then, I've never done it before.

@tiffjust2002 to me "prepoo" is anything you do as a treatment before you shampoo your hair. So whether it's applying oils/conditioner to dry hair or wet hair or CWing as you're doing prior to shampooing. They both occur pre pooing.
@Nonie Aha! I've one-upped you on direction following! :yep:

@virtuenow, I meant to come back and tell you what my observation was on using GPB for DCing per the directions.

Sadly I didn't like it at all. You see, shampooing for me is my scalp therapy. I apply shampoo to my already bare scalp and massage it in and then during the rinse, massage my scalp to a squeaky cleanliness while squeezing the suds through my hair to clean it. I find this works very well for me.

When I shampooed with GPB still on my hair, my scalp did NOT feel clean at all. Even though I tried to aim the shampoo to my scalp first and massage it in as usual, I felt as if I ended up smoothing GPB into my scalp as well (:barf: and you know I do not believe in conditioner being massaged into the scalp :barf: ) I felt so icky that I shampooed my scalp 3 times altogether. And my hair didn't feel better doing it this way either. So I will stick to rinsing the GPB off first and then shampooing.

Also I considered the fact that the directions do not seem to tell you to wet your hair before shampooing...yet most of us do, so I can assume when they say shampoo after 15 mins DC, they mean shampoo any way you please. If it means applying shampoo to dry hair, applying shampoo to wet hair, applying shampoo to rinsed out doesn't matter. As long as you shampoo your hair after the DCing.

And this is another reminder: if it isn't broken, don't fix it. :)
Nonie I have also been thinking about this. I even went back to read the directions b/c wasn't sure you were right on the correction. I think the directions are implictly to rinse first. By remaining silent on that step, it is essentially giving leeway to do the "norm". You always rinse before you shampoo (unless youre a pre-poo person like me). I actually use a long nozzle color applicator bottle and get a very direct approach to my scalp. It keeps my scalp happy, and my hair at the same time
I just dry DC'ed Sat with Silicon Mix, washed with CON Argan Oil Shampoo and then DC'ed with AE Garlic Mask... I loved how my hair felt during the wash. It was soft and so manageable. I'm going to do this for every wash!

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@Nonie I have also been thinking about this. I even went back to read the directions b/c wasn't sure you were right on the correction. I think the directions are implictly to rinse first. By remaining silent on that step, it is essentially giving leeway to do the "norm". You always rinse before you shampoo (unless youre a pre-poo person like me). I actually use a long nozzle color applicator bottle and get a very direct approach to my scalp. It keeps my scalp happy, and my hair at the same time

Ahh...good point virtuenow. :yep: I was able to apply shampoo to my scalp as usually just feeling through hair to my scalp but it's the massaging of my scalp with fingers to clean that wasn't easy to do without somehow getting conditioner on my scalp too (or maybe it was all in my mind?) Plust as fingers passed through hair to scalp, I probably brushed some of the conditioner onto fingers. In any case, I didn't feel as "clean" as I do when I apply shampoo to my damp free-of-product hair. But I'm glad I tried it this way though...coz it did sound like there might be something to mixing GPB with shampoo. So at least now I know what I'm missing. :)
This is what I do for every wash 1-2x week. It's awesome. I actually just shampoo my scalp while the DC is still in my hair (diluted poo in applicator bottle). Then I rinse it all off at once. Nothings better for my hair than the Aubrey Organics reggie :yep:

This is what i do also but out of pure laziness. I always DC on dry hair(while at the gym) because I don't have the patience to sit under the dryer. Then use an applicator bottle with diluted garlic shampoo on my scalp a few minutes before getting in the shower(because the label says to leave on the scalp a few mins). Get in the shower rinse out the shampoo then apply my cheapo conditioner(usually V05).

I was wondering if this lazy way of doing my hair was why my hair don't feel moisturized after drying.
RODI, have you tried another moisturizing conditioner? I can't say if applying shampoo to hair that still has GPB may be the problem but I honestly preferred how my hair feels after I rinse GPB off before shampooing. But I did wonder if you wouldn't perhaps get better results if you used a different conditioner after GPB. Heck, I've even used GPB as the conditioner after I DC'd with it and my hair felt wonderful. Otherwise, I usually use Organix or Aussie Moist Deee...p. I always end with an ACV rinse so my strands not only feel soft but oh so smooth. (I don't even moisturize after my wash.)
okay so last night on my daughter's hair I used the AO honeysuckle rose condish on her dry hair, wrapped a plastic grocery bag on for 15 mins then I didn't rinse out I poured the matching AO honeysuckle rose shampoo onto her scalp, wet my hands with water and massaged in and then rinsed it all out and re applied the condish, detangled and rinse out and her hair was super soft. She is mainly 4a with some 3c and she has super dry hair. I was pleased with the results but man that is alot of condish to go through if I plan on sticking to this routine