Attention Pantene Mask Club

Yeah, for a while Pantene has had a bad rap on hair boards too, like it was the worst thing ever. There will always be detractors, but that's okay. I just brush it off and sing, "We are family, I got my 6 tubs of Pantene and me..." :lachen:

:lol: I have my 12 tubs..... :look:

okay, before I forget.....

I came in to say ":ohsnap:......there's a Pantene Mask Club..." toss something at Labett :bricks:with all her discounted the hater that I am...
I used the R&N natural mask in the past, but this was before I knew about using it with heat or for longer than 3 mintues :look:. I have a jar of the Restorative mask in my cabinet that I'll revisit...
Lemme tell you what I did last night........

I wanted to wash my hair but I decided to try a co-wash with my precious mask. I rinsed my hair really well with warm water, rubbed a little mask on, I didn't use a whole lot, let it sit while I scrubbed and shaved and rinsed out.

My hair felt like BUTTA!! So smooth, soft, perfectly detangled. Then I forgot that I didn't scrub my feet so I added just a touch of mask just to my ends and finished up.

It only took about 10 minutes to rollerset since my hair was so soft and detangled. I used a little elasta qp recovery moisturizer mixed with two drops of castor on after my hair was dry. My hair hasn't been this soft in year!! My newgrowth still felt moist to the touch this morning. You have GOT TO TRY IT THIS WAY!!!

P.S also try it with a touch of keraphix :love:

You stop this right now I tell you. I was in Target the other day and saw this and even picked it up because of your last post. Thankfully I resisted and put it back but you are trying to revive the pj in me. Darn you!!! Q
You stop this right now I tell you. I was in Target the other day and saw this and even picked it up because of your last post. Thankfully I resisted and put it back but you are trying to revive the pj in me. Darn you!!! Q
Yes she is!! I already love the Pantene Moisture Replishing Mask. I refuse to go buy the Relaxed and Natural. Now let me get my lil PJ butt out of here before I end up to get the 3 pack special on these!:rolleyes:
:lol: I have my 12 tubs..... :look:

okay, before I forget.....

I came in to say ":ohsnap:......there's a Pantene Mask Club..." toss something at Labett :bricks:with all her discounted the hater that I am...
:lachen: :lachen:
Don't HATE. I just :happydance: when I find product raved on the board on sale.
You stop this right now I tell you. I was in Target the other day and saw this and even picked it up because of your last post. Thankfully I resisted and put it back but you are trying to revive the pj in me. Darn you!!! Q

Queeny, now you know I am going to whip you until you get some of this :whip:
It sure does, I was amazed last night using this. My hair was tangled yet when I conditioned with this and rinsed in sections and combed, all the shed hair just slid out. This product rocks. :Copy of 2cool:

That's what I need. I'm tired of them hanging on in the shower then falling out all over the house, car, at work, my clothes. I found one of my shed hairs on the dog! *sigh*

I'll let you guys know how it goes. :yep:
Bump, see! See what you made me do!! Ya'll always gotta be starting something! :lachen::spinning: (PJ PJ PJ PJO)
Now someone be the lovely sweetie that you all are and give us an ingredients list please!
Yes she is!! I already love the Pantene Moisture Replishing Mask. I refuse to go buy the Relaxed and Natural. Now let me get my lil PJ butt out of here before I end up to get the 3 pack special on these!:rolleyes:
And you are trying to take folks with you mentioning a special on 3 pack. See now I am on Amazon right now...:rolleyes:
The relaxed and natural. I haven't tried the other one just yet.

Ohhhh, I purchased the Breakage Defense Mask! I'm wondering why you all were talking about slip and detangling! I was thinking, okay, this made my hair very strong...:ohwell:

Ugh, wrong one but I love this one!:grin:
I picked some up for my detangling session today. I did my usual then applied the mask after I detangled. The shed hairs just slid out. :eek: They kept coming and coming and coming. It was awesome! I got out about twice as many as I usually do. Hopefully that means I won't spend the week with people picking them off my clothes. :rolleyes:

Thanks Priestess (who mentioned recommend this in another thread) and gymfreak for starting this one. :hug2:
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That's what I need. I'm tired of them hanging on in the shower then falling out all over the house, car, at work, my clothes. I found one of my shed hairs on the dog! *sigh*

I'll let you guys know how it goes. :yep:

Wow fam. Wow.

*Apologizing for busting out laughing hair cousin...*

Yeah girl, get you some of the R&N hair crack...
I picked some up for my detangling session today. I did my usual then applied the mask after I detangled. The shed hairs just slid out. :eek: They kept coming and coming and coming. It was awesome! I got out about twice as many as I usually do. Hopefully that means I won't spend the week with people picking them off my clothes. :rolleyes:

Thanks Priestess (who mentioned recommend this for in another thread) and gymfreak for starting this one. :hug2:

:yay: I am glad it worked for you. This stuff scared me one time because after washing I noticed so much hair in the tub. It didn't click to me until the end of the week when I pulled out the broom and mop to clean the bathroom floor. I didn't have any hair on the floor. It takes it all out at one time while smoothing and strengthing your hair.
Opps, sorry. We gonna blame that 3 pack info on MonaLisa.:rolleyes:

Awww heyells naw......that is ALL GYM RIGHT DERE! ALL GYM!

I couldn't take the pressure, got sucked in to getting the 3 pack on Amazon, that's how I found the mask because of HER....and then I found out Priestess used it...and it was a wrap...I had found a new love :love:

So I thank my hair cousin for this wonderful find! :grin:
I'll be slapping some up and through my head later on.

Glad it worked out Sareca!!!! *applause*
Awww heyells naw......that is ALL GYM RIGHT DERE! ALL GYM!

I couldn't take the pressure, got sucked in to getting the 3 pack on Amazon, that's how I found the mask because of HER....and then I found out Priestess used it...and it was a wrap...I had found a new love :love:

So I thank my hair cousin for this wonderful find! :grin:
I'll be slapping some up and through my head later on.

Glad it worked out Sareca!!!! *applause*

What.....My fault..:look::lachen:

Truth be told Mango gave me the amazon hook up earlier this year. I have been addicted ever since.
My PJ recovery must be actually working!!!! I have no desire what-so-ever to purchase this. :D :yay:

Altho' I must admit I'm not making any promises once I use up what I already have.....see siggy pic. :rolleyes: :sekret:
What.....My fault..:look::lachen:

Truth be told Mango gave me the amazon hook up earlier this year. I have been addicted ever since.

Awwwwwwww now....Mango is all the mix......:lol:

we should be thanking Mango too then!

(Raises Hand :grin:) I got a question, I went out and bought both the Relaxed and Natural Deep Conditioning Mask and the regular Pantene Moisture Replenishing Mask. Is there any difference between them? Is one better than the other???

ETA: Ok, my dumb behind decided to actually read the whole thread and realized this has been answered already. (Relaxed and Natural...right?) However I must add that the regular one(The Nourishing moisture replenishing in the white jar) I have smells mighy good. Can't wait to get this braids out and use both of them!! I want to feel my hair again!!!:lick:
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(Raises Hand :grin:) I got a question, I went out and bought both the Relaxed and Natural Deep Conditioning Mask and the regular Pantene Moisture Replenishing Mask. Is there any difference between them? Is one better than the other???

ETA: Ok, my dumb behind decided to actually read the whole thread and realized this has been answered already. (Relaxed and Natural...right?) However I must add that the regular one(The Nourishing moisture replenishing in the white jar) I have smells mighy good. Can't wait to get this braids out and use both of them!! I want to feel my hair again!!!:lick:

I am going to get around to trying the other one. I might give it a go after I relax again in November.
Sign me up as a member of this club. Like the PJ I am I stopped by CVS yesterday after work to get this. Just got done DCing with it wow. It really does melt those tangles and I had the tangles bad. It does beat NTM mask.
My PJ recovery must be actually working!!!! I have no desire what-so-ever to purchase this. :D :yay:

Altho' I must admit I'm not making any promises once I use up what I already have.....see siggy pic. :rolleyes: :sekret:

I hope to I get PJ Recovery someday,my haircares stash is crazy.:drunk:
Okay here is my story. I was talking to an old coworker and commented on how nice her hair was. She said, thx but you ought to see xyz's hair because that conditioner she is using has her hair looking fantastic. Conditioner? Oh yeah?(pj in me cranking up like soulja boy)

Diva goes off to stalk, err- find xyz. Darn-have to wait until the next day. Next day, I'm arriving at work, xyz is leaving. Her hair is the ISH!!!

DR-girl so and so told me your hair was looking good and she ain't nevah lied(loving the silky glossy strands)
XYZ-thx girl!!:blush:

DR-Girl, what is this miracle conditioner??? I must know(waiting patiently for some conditioner that I have never heard of cause lord knows I have my fair share of conditoner)

XYZ-girl, Pantene relaxed and natural hair mask in the little brown jar.

DR-:perplexed (mumbling to self-you mean to tell me the one product my pj self SKIPS trying is secretly the ISH?)


Her hair was so gorgeous and I've been sleeping on this stuff. I promised my hair that I would buy some today:yep:
I picked some up for my detangling session today. I did my usual then applied the mask after I detangled. The shed hairs just slid out. :eek: They kept coming and coming and coming. It was awesome! I got out about twice as many as I usually do. Hopefully that means I won't spend the week with people picking them off my clothes. :rolleyes:

Thanks Priestess (who mentioned recommend this for in another thread) and gymfreak for starting this one. :hug2:

You're welcome, Sareca I'm glad your hair likes it. I love how it just makes those shed hair slide right on out. :yep:
(Raises Hand :grin:) I got a question, I went out and bought both the Relaxed and Natural Deep Conditioning Mask and the regular Pantene Moisture Replenishing Mask. Is there any difference between them? Is one better than the other???

ETA: Ok, my dumb behind decided to actually read the whole thread and realized this has been answered already. (Relaxed and Natural...right?) However I must add that the regular one(The Nourishing moisture replenishing in the white jar) I have smells mighy good. Can't wait to get this braids out and use both of them!! I want to feel my hair again!!!:lick:
I read the ingredients in the store and the Relaxed and Natural had more yummy oils on the list compared to the regular one in the white jar.