Tried out a new salon - blow out on natural hair


Well-Known Member
I know that my hair shrinks about 50% but wow!

I don't blow it out much and I also don't get it blown out much at salons so it's always a shock to see how much it shrinks.

The crown went from this (after washing):

to this after flat ironing (and I got a trim):

I will do a review of the salon on my blog soon: Joseph Tyler Salon

My hair before the salon visit (2 week old twist out):

My coils & curls are tiny, some are only 1/8 of an inch.
photo here:
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Thanks! So far, of all the salons I tried Joseph Tyler Salon is in the top two. The other is Hair Rules but it's a train ride way while this salon is walking distance. The price is about the same too $55+tax for the Express Blow Out at Hair Rules and $50+tax for a blow out at Joseph Tyler Salon.

Wow, OP. Your hair looks great! Very full and nice hemline! They did a great job.
Hope your hair reverts with little to no heat damage. That looks like a hard blow dry.

That is one thing only a natural truly understands - shrinkage. Even the stylist (White guy) at the last salon I tried (Blow Dry Bar) was amazed that my short, wet afro was so long when straight. :spinning:
You are so right! In my curly state, I get the "Oh you cut your hair" look or statement and when my hair's straight, "Oh is that a wig/weave? Or, I get, "How did you get your hair so long?"
I'm glad it reverted! My heat damage correction is depressing but I now know I will never allow that to happen again. A good blow dry will revert my curls too!