Suggestion Traveling Solo Stickie or Sub-Forum

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Well-Known Member
In light of so many threads about "solo travel" within the travel forum, I thought it would be nice for one organized area for we solo travelers to exchange suggestions, recommendations, experiences, tips and so forth. Even single-parent traveling can be discussed in that as well. I'm sure we can learn so much from one another in that. Thanks much.
I really don't think there are that many threads for it to need a subforum or a sticky really... Are you having trouble finding info?
I think it is a good idea, it seems like a reoccurring topic that people just start individual threads to get ideas and feedback.
No, I'm not having trouble finding it....browse through and you will see a good number of "solo" travel threads by city or by general topic. Like you said, it may not be necessary but having one area for all things solo travel wouldn't hurt either. :)
Ok. I personally don't like the idea of a million subsections. Everything active in low traffic boards stays on the first or second page so to me a subforum wouldn't make any difference.
Ok cool, hopefully we'll get more feedback from others and see where it goes. It would be nice to have the stickie about solor travel tips, threads and convo but either way, atleast we have the travel forum, so no biggie. Until then, see ya in the travel forum!!! :)

We won't be making a sub forum for this, but you're more than welcome to start a thread on 'traveling solo', and I'll be more than happy to make it a sticky (just mention me in the thread @Allandra and I'll stick it).
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