Suggestion Sub-Forum for Disturbing News?

Should there be a disturbing news forum?

  • There should be a "disturbing news" forum.

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • There should be a "general news" forum.

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • There shouldn't be a "disturbing news" or a "general news" forum.

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I also think a general news forum would a great idea for people who like to discuss world events. Just because most subforums fail, it doesn't mean this one will too. The nail subforum is a success because of what posters make of it. If people who like to post and read disturbing news work together, they can keep the general news forum lively with gruesome news daily.
I also think a general news forum would a great idea for people who like to discuss world events. Just because most subforums fail, it doesn't mean this one will too. The nail subforum is a success because of what posters make of it. If people who like to post and read disturbing news work together, they can keep the general news forum lively with gruesome news daily.
:lol: Instead of "Top 10 nail polish" threads, there will be "top 10 buggery stories"; instead of "Nail Fanatics: Round 31", there will be "Disembowelment Fanatics: Round 204". Unite in the name of depravity!

A news forum is an excellent idea. When I first started visiting OT, I was emailing and multi media messaging several people I knew, some of the news stories. Some of them asked me to stop because they were all so depressing. I had to respect the way they felt. I realize that it might be overwhelming because we get a lot of local news and some national news, so how much I'd really going on in your city daily that's reported by the news. On this forum, you are getting a lot of news you wouldn't normally hear, so it can become a bit overwhelming.

The news media does give you a warning to something that might be disturbing, so we as a forum, should have the same courtesy.
Good insights - I hadn't thought about the "local news from all over that you wouldn't normally hear" angle.
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Can we get rid of the Book Club Forum and the Soap Opera Forum... 90% of American Soap Operas have been canceled and LHCF girls are on here more than they are reading :laugh:

And the science + technology forum isn't popping off either

A General News forum would be okay
cutiebe2, HEY, leave the Science & Tech forum out of this! It's "popping off" enough. :lol:


Can we get rid of the Book Club Forum and the Soap Opera Forum... 90% of American Soap Operas have been canceled and LHCF girls are on here more than they are reading :laugh:

And the science + technology forum isn't popping off either

A General News forum would be okay
As much as I love science + tech, I wasn't a big fan of the proposal for it to have its own forum BC of the balkanization that other people mentioned, but it's turned out pretty well. I just have to get over my laziness and make an effort to go in there more.

Okay, so far, according to the poll, a general news forum is winning. Now of course, my OP has more thanks than people who voted for the disturbing new subforum but I still think the general news forum is a good compromise that most would be happy with.

Can we get some feedback from the mods Allandra SVT Supergirl nikos (I'm typing this from my phone, so I'm sorry if I've left anyone out)?
I don't think there should be a disturbing news forum. Murder is disturbing. Bombs going off is disturbing. Crooks breaking into homes is disturbing. The market crashing is disturbing. Famines are disturbing. As @SmileyNY one man's meat is another's poison.

I have no idea how much goes into managing a forum so all these requests for new forums just make me feel drained as it just seems like more work for those who have to moderate and manage the forum.

If a News Forum isn't to be, how about a prefix like we have in this forum, in the OT, so folks can know when a thread is a news one. Along with the icons we have in other forums that prepare us for something embarrassing or awkward
or something funny
or something that deserves our attention
, we could have an icon or prefix that announces that the thread is a news item and then folks can skip over news threads if they don't care to read the news. We could also be considerate of each other and add a warning to thread titles that may not be for the weak at heart. We do that for threads with nudity so why not do the same for news that may be disturbing?

I really think having a disturbing news forum is a bad idea. I mean, what sort of deprived minds will be hanging out there and what for? Like psychos who get off morbid stories? I think a News Forum is more realistic. It's true to life. Some news is easy to swallow, some haunts for days. But with a warning--like newscasters provide us with--we can all enjoy the News Forum w/o being afraid of looking like psychopaths who visit a forum only for sick tales.
I really think having a disturbing news forum is a bad idea. I mean, what sort of deprived minds will be hanging out there and what for? Like psychos who get off morbid stories? I think a News Forum is more realistic. It's true to life. Some news is easy to swallow, some haunts for days. But with a warning--like newscasters provide us with--we can all enjoy the News Forum w/o being afraid of looking like psychopaths who visit a forum only for sick tales.

This made me laugh. How would it seem to new members of this forum seeing all these wonderful topics to improve and discuss aspects of a woman's life and then suddenly seeing a "disturbing news forum" in the corner. :lachen:
I don't think I would have returned.
I don't think there should be a disturbing news forum. Murder is disturbing. Bombs going off is disturbing. Crooks breaking into homes is disturbing. The market crashing is disturbing. Famines are disturbing. As @SmileyNY one man's meat is another's poison.

I have no idea how much goes into managing a forum so all these requests for new forums just make me feel drained as it just seems like more work for those who have to moderate and manage the forum.

If a News Forum isn't to be, how about a prefix like we have in this forum, in the OT, so folks can know when a thread is a news one. Along with the icons we have in other forums that prepare us for something embarrassing or awkward
or something funny
or something that deserves our attention
, we could have an icon or prefix that announces that the thread is a news item and then folks can skip over news threads if they don't care to read the news. We could also be considerate of each other and add a warning to thread titles that may not be for the weak at heart. We do that for threads with nudity so why not do the same for news that may be disturbing?

I really think having a disturbing news forum is a bad idea. I mean, what sort of deprived minds will be hanging out there and what for? Like psychos who get off morbid stories? I think a News Forum is more realistic. It's true to life. Some news is easy to swallow, some haunts for days. But with a warning--like newscasters provide us with--we can all enjoy the News Forum w/o being afraid of looking like psychopaths who visit a forum only for sick tales.
Omg Nonie your last paragraph made me snort with laughter! It's a good point tho. And I agree about your point about giving some type of warning akin to that in a newscast, that's a reasonable suggestion. You're also correct about the level of moderation needed with a disturbing news forum - since it's not as straightforward as pets or mj, folks would still post such threads in ot and then what - the moderators would have to be on the prowl for them or us sensitive sallies would have to report the thread or pm a mod? Yeah, it would be get to be a bit much.

It would be cool if folks could use the exclamation sign and just title the thread "disturbing news inside [vague topic reference]" . Anyways, I'd forgotten about this thread until the other day when I saw a really effed up title, so it's not really something that I'm holding out for :look:
I don't mind the idea of a "news" forum but I don't think we should separate "disturbing" from "normal" news unless it's by an icon/title readily seen before you click the link. A little overkill, imo, to have two separate forums. That's what titles are for so you can decide to click or not click. No reason to start segregating news/stories.
I rarely go into the off topic forum because of this. It was my first lesson WELL learned after joining this forum. It's true that one man's meat is another man's poison- but i think on average there is a consistent and general consensus on which is which. Who is going to say - "oh burning babies?" pshh thats not really disturbing?

Some news is generally heinous to ALL. And while I advocate for awareness, I also deeply advocate self accountability. If i go into a messed up thread - my fault. If i'm in the off topic thread because an interesting title(non disturbing) catches my eye and see a string of titles nearby that make my soul vomit and leave - not my fault. I can't control that. SO i would appreciate some warning so I can prep my self to turn away. Whether it be a sub-forum or an ambiguous title or a special icon - whatever. I'd like to once again feel free to traipse about in all corners of this forum instead of navigating the OT forum like a mine field.

Also- if there were a disturbing news forum - i wouldnt dub it's visitors as nuts. Unaffected or curious but not freaks. That's a title you'd give yourself. if it doesnt bother you to look, then look. No shame in the game. I can't handle it, so i dont look. simple as that. No need to nitpick the grey areas of this.
It would be cool if folks could use the exclamation sign and just title the thread "disturbing news inside [vague topic reference]" . Anyways, I'd forgotten about this thread until the other day when I saw a really effed up title, so it's not really something that I'm holding out for :look:

That's what I was thinking. It is frustrating when people say "don't read it!" when the title is something like "Mother Pimps Out 1st Grader For Drug Money". I don't need to read the thread when the deets are so explicitly spelled out for me in the title. :perplexed It's a pity that I'm scared of the OT forum because of something so simple. A lot of interesting stuff is posted there and I enjoy participating so I go, but some days I wish I hadn't.

why do people continually post this garbage?
First time I've been back to Off Topic forum and I'm disturbed once again by some of the titles. Unfortunately I clicked on one story that appeared neutral, not knowing it was mental torture story w/a death/suicide at the end. My stomach dropped. I hope we can get a separate section for these, thanks.
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I know we all paid our money the same and can post whatever we want, but all these stories about children being killed in OT..its too much.

Is there any way to enforce titling these threads as disturbing and then giving folks to the option to read more by clicking in?
Agreed. it's Jarring. Maybe you could do like people on tumblr, and make people post a Trigger Warning in the Title.

for example TW: Suicide

Don't think that would work because sometimes the title alone sends people over the edge. Also, when you are using ISPY you see all the threads and recent post in that thread. Just stay out of OT if it upsets you that much (general you) There are several areas I have no interest in, I just skip over them and continue to ones that I am interested in.

It's really not that hard, some people just want things the way they want them.
BUMP! Can yall PLEASE do something about this???

I'm to the point where I dont even want to log in anymore because of these disgusting topics. "Mom usues vibrator on baby". Why the hell should I even have to see a title like that???? You guys are fully aware that we get mental images while reading, can you PLEASE make it a little easier for those of us who cant handle scrolling across such disgusting and PERVERTED thread titles. There are some really great threads in the OT section, and we shouldn't be forced not to visit over there just to avoid these crazy disgusting stories. PLEASE!!!
A "I don't want to see this post" like Facebook would be nice. But the forum software more than likely doesn't allow for that option. Having to see just the title of that post everytime I went into OT *was* disturbing.
I've posted about this very same thing in several threads. There are times when I've avoided coming to the forum for this reason. People won't change the way they write titles, and some of the titles are very disturbing. Could we please have a sub forum?
Don't think that would work because sometimes the title alone sends people over the edge. Also, when you are using ISPY you see all the threads and recent post in that thread. Just stay out of OT if it upsets you that much (general you) There are several areas I have no interest in, I just skip over them and continue to ones that I am interested in.

It's really not that hard, some people just want things the way they want them.

I would like to 2nd, 3rd, 50th this request. That thread about the vibrator and the baby has left me disturbed for several days. I'm still upset about it. The title sound it like it was going to be another dumb parent story, but instead from the blurb I could tell that it was a horribly depraved story. Why do we even have these stories on here at all. Can we just request to have some news feeds deleted?
I agree with the request. And the level of apathy shown by some women on this board is down right evil.
How about just insisting people put the word TRIGGER at the begin of the title for disturbing news?

That could work but it would be pointless to have a thread styled as such..."TRIGGER::: Mom uses vibrator on baby"

:nono: But if it's just "TRIGGER: Disturbing news" or something like that I think that work fine. I know not to hover over those thread titles and I wouldn't have the title of the thread being a an issue in itself.
I agree. Place "Trigger" or something comparable and no graphic description in the title. I think it's irresponsible and rude to suggest to people that they have mental disturbances upon cringing at the thought of and reading about sexual exploitation of a child, moreso, graphically. I've sent in disturbing news and often wonder how to do it so as not to bite the psyche of others. I apologize for my previous posts. I would WELCOME such a sub-forum. As beautiful as life is, esp. when you have children, friends and family, bad news is often a warning for us to take precaution when living our lives and such news is an ugly necessity in general. But, DO NO HARM.

Please consider giving such a forum and for infractions that do not follow posting rules, simply remove such threads and with a quickness. Moderators have busy lives...but maybe there is something that can be done automatically to prevent ugly titles from being posted, remaining for hours.
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