ojemba ! I am pretty much in the same boat as you. I was natural for a while and permed my hair mid October. I am 6 weeks post relaxer.
At first I was aiming for a long stretch (which I have never done before) but now I think I want to transition. I adored my natural hair...but my problem is that I don't like SHORT hair--I refuse to Big Chop.
I have a 2 year old, and I will never perm her hair. Sometimes, looking at her, I miss my fro. How can I want her to be natural when I'm not even natural myself? Goodness. I'm not trying to get into all that, lol.
But either way, I am stretching/transitioning from my last perm (October 17, 2011) until at least January 1st, 2013. A perm will not touch my hair in 2012.
And thats that.