Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

divachyk Try moisturizing/sealing the area heavily in that area. I've found that the more I keep my nape (my tangle prone area) moisturized the less likely I am to experience tangling slash matting. Also, try putting a slippy conditioner in the area during pre-detangling. That way the slip will prevent it from intertwining. havilland Thanks Hun:bighug: I remember contacting you several times about transitioning. You were always so positive and I seriously appreciate it.

I gotcha back anytime you need. That's what big sisters do. ;)
Ladies, I'm not transitioning but I am doing a long-term stretch. I'm struggling with matted knots forming in the crown no matter how well I pre-detangle. Thankfully, I only get about 2-3 knots per wash day but still, it's annoying having to pick them apart. I not only pre-detangle but I also shower detangle but they still find a way to form. Anyone dealing/dealt with this and have ways to combat this?

How are you styling your hair during the week?

Do you wash in twists or braids or sections?

What's your deep condition regimen?

How often do you Moisturize?

When was your last protein treatment?
EnExitStageLeft Congrats on your BC! If I have that much hair at 20 months post then I would chop too, but the way my density is set up....smh

Does anyone have the secret to a great braidout?
EnExitStageLeft Congrats on your BC! If I have that much hair at 20 months post then I would chop too, but the way my density is set up....smh Does anyone have the secret to a great braidout?

For me I get the best braidouts when I use a TON of product (oil+ conditioner works for me) on dry or slightly damp hair. I only use 2 sometimes 4 braids and I roll the ends on either silk covered foam rollers or a perm rod.

Awww thanks hun! :hug3:. I'm loving it thus far :). How long do you plan to stretch?

EnExitStageLeft, indefinitely...just until it gets too much for me to handle. I'm 25 or 26 weeks post right now. answers are in blue.
How are you styling your hair during the week?
Celie plaits because I'm wearing wigs.

Do you wash in twists or braids or sections?
Sections. Tried braids but my hair mattes and tangles at the line of demarcation so sections is the only way I can get out of a wash section with less issues.

What's your deep condition regimen?
Usually, weekly with heat or steam. I've skipped weeks here and there but I'm usually a once a weeker.

How often do you Moisturize?
Twice daily with a spray moisturizer since I'm in plaits.

When was your last protein treatment?
Yesterday. I use protein frequently.

Hmmm, you know that exactly how I started transitioning :lachen:. You may end up natural yourself.

As for you mattes and tangles. Do you seal after moisturizing? If not try sealing the areas where it mattes the most. Oil beats my tangles into submission.


Thanks Luv :hug2:. I'm happy to finally be done with transitoning.
:)......Words cannot explain how good I feel.


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I had ALOT of relaxed ends left, so BC'in was a bit of a #Struggle but I'm happy I did it. I think I'm 4a/b now that my ends are gone and I LOVE IT!

Ladies if you're thinking of BC'in go ahead and chop. I did and its probably one the best decisions I've made in a really......REALLY long time.

Beautiful!!!! I have a question for you, after transitioning for 20 months, can you put your hair in a ponytail? I'm 16 months post now and I want to BC when I can put my hair up in a ponytail. I'm thinking sometime this summer or fall.

Sounds to me like you may need to do four plaits instead of two. use the LOC method with a nice heavy butter or cream at the end. For example aloe juice, coconut or olive oil, sealed with a nice heavy butter like Shea or another cream moisturizer of choice. Seems like the top of the head is drying out from the wig. This happened to me before.

Also, if you wear a stocking cap or wave cap under the wig, STOP. Try a black silk bandana or scarf instead. This worked wonders for me.

You may also need to spritz the crown and baggy just for an hour or so when u get home and take the wig off.

Also consider the fact that the prods your relaxed hair likes, do not agree with your roots. You may need two sets of products.
divachyk Hmmm, you know that exactly how I started transitioning :lachen:. You may end up natural yourself. As for you mattes and tangles. Do you seal after moisturizing? If not try sealing the areas where it mattes the most. Oil beats my tangles into submission.

Ain't that the truth transition started as a long stretch that never ended too. Lol!
I'm just joining in ladies. Decided today that i am serious about transitioning. I'm only two weeks post. I'm so excited

Well i told a couple of people in real life and have been met with no so much support. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and just do it. I have a few that are rooting for me though but the others are saying i'm obsessed with hair and i should stop. Blah Blah Blah

Gosh it seems like I wrote this just yesterday. It's going on 4 years now.:blush: And the same ones who didn't like it at first have went natural and asked/asks me for advice on what to do since my hair is so thick and healthy.
For me I get the best braidouts when I use a TON of product (oil+ conditioner works for me) on dry or slightly damp hair. I only use 2 sometimes 4 braids and I roll the ends on either silk covered foam rollers or a perm rod.
Are you cornrowing or using loose braids?

Sounds to me like you may need to do four plaits instead of two. use the LOC method with a nice heavy butter or cream at the end. For example aloe juice, coconut or olive oil, sealed with a nice heavy butter like Shea or another cream moisturizer of choice. Seems like the top of the head is drying out from the wig. This happened to me before.

Also, if you wear a stocking cap or wave cap under the wig, STOP. Try a black silk bandana or scarf instead. This worked wonders for me.

You may also need to spritz the crown and baggy just for an hour or so when u get home and take the wig off.

Also consider the fact that the prods your relaxed hair likes, do not agree with your roots. You may need two sets of products.

havilland, I wear 8-10 plaits, sorry for the confusion. My hair never feels dry throughout the week. Matter fact, it feels nice and hydrated. However, my crown is the driest part of my hair, generally speaking. Plus, the knots happen right where I part my hair in sections so maybe I'm not detangling that area as well as I think. I wear a satin du-rag..stocking caps are too drying. I might have to do two sets of products for now.

divachyk Hmmm, you know that exactly how I started transitioning :lachen:. You may end up natural yourself. As for you mattes and tangles. Do you seal after moisturizing? If not try sealing the areas where it mattes the most. Oil beats my tangles into submission.

Ain't that the truth transition started as a long stretch that never ended too. Lol!

EnExitStageLeft, I don't seal my plaits throughout the week. I'll start doing that. Any recs on a good spray type oil? My plaits are pinned down to my head so rubbing oil over them would make them frizzy...that's why I don't seal.

EnExitStageLeft havilland, never say never. My motivation to stretch came about for a variety of reasons...mainly, my Komaza Hair Analysis coupled with my sister being diagnosed with alopecia. Those are the main reasons I'm on relaxer hiatus right now.

I don't know if I can puff. I'm sure I can though. I've seen people do puffs with TWA's. As for not cutting....WHY?! What are you waiting for? Gon' head and chop them ends.
divachyk Just get a Misto Oil Sprayer. That way you can make your own oil concoction.

Hey divachyk

I understand now.
I think a sprayer or applicator bottle is what u need. This is what I was gonna suggest. Along with getting stronger products for that area. It may take some extra effort for that area to catch up. I'm heavy handed in my crown area and lighter on the front of my hair where the curls are looser.

Perhaps try prepping that area with oil overnight the night before wash day and also oil rinsing just on that section on wash day. Those things helped me.
havilland...ya know, I haven't oil rinsed since Komaza told me to stop doing natural inspired techniques and treat my hair like it's relaxed vs. natural. I haven't missed oil rinsing or other techniques but maybe my ng needs it whereas my length doesn't. Excellent!
havilland...ya know, I haven't oil rinsed since Komaza told me to stop doing natural inspired techniques and treat my hair like it's relaxed vs. natural. I haven't missed oil rinsing or other techniques but maybe my ng needs it whereas my length doesn't. Excellent!

When I was transitioning/long term stretching, I had to use two techniques and two sets of products. My relaxed ends needed different stuff. Relaxed and strands are Picky divas. LOL
havilland...ya know, I haven't oil rinsed since Komaza told me to stop doing natural inspired techniques and treat my hair like it's relaxed vs. natural. I haven't missed oil rinsing or other techniques but maybe my ng needs it whereas my length doesn't. Excellent!
I just do an oil prepoo/treatment. I use the oil to detangle and soften my hair before I shampoo. You know I am big on shampooing hair. I don't do the oil rinses. That helps a lot with the new growth and relaxed ends.
I just do an oil prepoo/treatment. I use the oil to detangle and soften my hair before I shampoo. You know I am big on shampooing hair. I don't do the oil rinses. That helps a lot with the new growth and relaxed ends.

shortdub78 I actually do an overnight oil pre-poo and a wash day conditioner pre-poo but the same occurs. Oil rinsing worked great for me so I may try that again on the ng only.