Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Congrats chica. Look at all that hang time already. Can't wait to see you style your hair. It does feel good to BC.

Thanks luv :hug2:. As for styling I already made a commitment to the Wig Challenge 2015, so for right now I'm going back under wigs. I have a personal mission to get back to BSL before 2015 is over. So I may be wigging for a while.


Thanks hun! :bighug:
ScorpioLove, You do not have bad hair. God does not intend us to feel that way about our hair. Our hair was meant to be seen in it's full glory. whether it is long or short. What ever you decide it will be okay. If you decide to relax then cool and if it doesn't work out you can always transition again or do the BC or like me be a rebel and shave it off. and start over

One of the issues we face are the styling options when transitioning and Chopping and the dryness. I won't lie to you that getting to know and understand your hair is not a one month process for many women it can take from one year to three years. Many of us have never seen our natural hair since we were young and others of us had been living in hair extensions and not really caring for our own hair. I promise you that when you are ready to make a commitment to your hair and to get to understand and cherish her, she will blossom on you. There are no short cuts though. And understand that for women who have transitioned many times I have learned that relaxers are not short cuts either, my best friend who has apl relaxed hair that is thick is always complaining about having to go to the hair salon to get protein treatments weekly and her fear about her damaged ends and over processing and under processing.

If your hair did well with relaxers then by all means go back to it, but if your hair didn't do well with relaxers and you had thinning and breakage issues, you may end up repeating the same cycle that I did for years, with transitioning, big chopping, natural and braid extensions and back to relaxers. To me a very unhealthy process.

But let me ask what is your current regiment?

Good luck with your decision.

Almond Eyes

Thank you for your kind words and I understand what youre saying
I always use my phone so I never see any mentions.

right now I washing every 2/3 weeks because I cannot bear to deal with my hair any more than that right now. CON detangling shampoo to wash, CHI Keratin as protein and biosilk moisturizing condish as a DC. I use a leave in every day and generally I'm under a wig. That is the only reason i have not yet buzzed my hair bald. I like straight hair and my problem was breakage and thinness with my relaxed hair.

my natural hair is very fine so it just breaks and hates being on my head :cry3:

My relaxed hair grew to about bsl relaxed and I don't want it shorter than that. I haven't done anything to my hair yet except stay in my wig. I hate weave so much. I want to look and feel pretty everyday, I just want long flowing thick hair :crybaby:
:)......Words cannot explain how good I feel. I'M AU'NATURALE NOW! I had ALOT of relaxed ends left, so BC'in was a bit of a #Struggle but I'm happy I did it. I think I'm 4a/b now that my ends are gone and I LOVE IT! Ladies if you're thinking of BC'in go ahead and chop. I did and its probably one the best decisions I've made in a really......REALLY long time.

Looking good! Congrats on your BC! :-)

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF please excuse typos
:)......Words cannot explain how good I feel. I'M AU'NATURALE NOW! I had ALOT of relaxed ends left, so BC'in was a bit of a #Struggle but I'm happy I did it. I think I'm 4a/b now that my ends are gone and I LOVE IT! Ladies if you're thinking of BC'in go ahead and chop. I did and its probably one the best decisions I've made in a really......REALLY long time.
EnExitStageLeft it looks great. It is a very freeing experience. Congrats!!!!!!
:)......Words cannot explain how good I feel.


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I had ALOT of relaxed ends left, so BC'in was a bit of a #Struggle but I'm happy I did it. I think I'm 4a/b now that my ends are gone and I LOVE IT!

Ladies if you're thinking of BC'in go ahead and chop. I did and its probably one the best decisions I've made in a really......REALLY long time.

I love it. Beautiful hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I know it is often not easy to go ahead and BC so congrats.

Almond Eyes
Thank you for your kind words and I understand what youre saying
I always use my phone so I never see any mentions.

right now I washing every 2/3 weeks because I cannot bear to deal with my hair any more than that right now. CON detangling shampoo to wash, CHI Keratin as protein and biosilk moisturizing condish as a DC. I use a leave in every day and generally I'm under a wig. That is the only reason i have not yet buzzed my hair bald. I like straight hair and my problem was breakage and thinness with my relaxed hair.

my natural hair is very fine so it just breaks and hates being on my head :cry3:

My relaxed hair grew to about bsl relaxed and I don't want it shorter than that. I haven't done anything to my hair yet except stay in my wig. I hate weave so much. I want to look and feel pretty everyday, I just want long flowing thick hair :crybaby:

You may need a Komaza analysis if you can stand the results. Sounds like you need to go back to a weekly shampoo regiment which includes a protein treatment and a DC treatment afterwards.

If your hair is very dry, try water rinsing in the shower for about five to ten minutes to saturate your hair and then use your stylers. Your hair may need the water plus the styler, product alone may not be giving your hair enough moisture especially if you have densely packed strands like mine.

Use a seamless comb for detangling wet hair (not dry) but also incorporate finger detangling for dry hair. I have fine hair and I only use seamless combs.

Be careful with protective styles that may cause mechanical damage and can suck moisture out of your hair like extension braids and nylon wig caps.

Be mindful of your products and gear towards products that have a proper ph balance.

You may have to do a few mild trims to get things back on track.

I know it is not easy, but no pain no gain.

Good luck let us know.

Almond Eyes
:)......Words cannot explain how good I feel.


I had ALOT of relaxed ends left, so BC'in was a bit of a #Struggle but I'm happy I did it. I think I'm 4a/b now that my ends are gone and I LOVE IT!

Ladies if you're thinking of BC'in go ahead and chop. I did and its probably one the best decisions I've made in a really......REALLY long time.

I started. ..
I started. ..

Ask why I'm over here giddy. GIRL WE'LL BE BIG CHOP TWINS :lachen:.

How far along are you? Are you doing it yourself?

MANNNNN I'm so excited for you. Big chopping is so liberating. I thought people exaggerating when they said that but :nono:. Its the gods honest truth.
EnExitStageLeft congrats! Your hair looks good.

OAN: After my wash session today I'm thinking I will probably BC either at the end of this month or next month. I just don't have the time or patience and I'm thinking I'm doing more harm than good. Also, I'm so tired of the negative comments from my mom about my hair. :nono:

Awww thanks hun! Also, what type of things was she saying?

You're welcome!

I was talking about cutting my relaxed ends off and she kept saying "I don't think you're going to like it and your hair probably won't curl up the way Janelle's (my dd) does." It was so annoying! My mom has gorgeous hair, but her knowledge on healthy hair practices baffles me. The other day I advised her to use some of my clarifying shampoo to clarify her hair, because she had went to the salon and the stylist used some type of product on her hair that made it hard to the touch. She told me she didn't want to clarify her hair because it would take her color out and strip her relaxer. I have to keep in mind that my mom rarely does her own hair. She goes to the salon 80-90% of the time. She's been doing this for years, and she's very old school. Also this is the same woman who gives me the side eye because I expressed that I will not be putting a relaxer in my dd's hair. Smh....
Been a little over three months since my last touch up :D.
i dont feel extremely dedicated to this transition but i do want to do it.

so now i'm over 4 mths post. not noticing much of a difference except that my hair tangles less when i shampoo but that tangling tapered off a while ago.
for a long period after a relaxer i get dreadful tangling at the roots from shampooing.
So glad that's over.
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My mom was the same way when I went natural for the first time in 09. I overlooked her. I love her, but when it comes to my hair her opinion doesn't matter.
Congrats! Love your hair, as always! Totally agree with you on the decision being the best thing for me at the time a I did it. Work it, girl!
@EnExitStageLeft you look marvelous!! how long did you transition? I'm currently at 13months post, holding on until about 24months. You have a lot of natural hair length. It looks great.:drunk:
Ask why I'm over here giddy. GIRL WE'LL BE BIG CHOP TWINS :lachen:.

How far along are you? Are you doing it yourself?

MANNNNN I'm so excited for you. Big chopping is so liberating. I thought people exaggerating when they said that but :nono:. Its the gods honest truth.

Girl I did about half my head. .. and I love my hair now that I've learned to take care of it!!!!!

I'm doing it myself. .
:)......Words cannot explain how good I feel. I'M AU'NATURALE NOW! I had ALOT of relaxed ends left, so BC'in was a bit of a #Struggle but I'm happy I did it. I think I'm 4a/b now that my ends are gone and I LOVE IT! Ladies if you're thinking of BC'in go ahead and chop. I did and its probably one the best decisions I've made in a really......REALLY long time.

That's fabulous!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud!!!!

You look amazing! Wooohoooo!!!

I hope u come hang out in the Flexible Natural thread too. I'd love your input.

Congrats, Chica. Happy happy joy joy!!! ;)
Ladies, I'm not transitioning but I am doing a long-term stretch. I'm struggling with matted knots forming in the crown no matter how well I pre-detangle. Thankfully, I only get about 2-3 knots per wash day but still, it's annoying having to pick them apart. I not only pre-detangle but I also shower detangle but they still find a way to form. Anyone dealing/dealt with this and have ways to combat this?

Try moisturizing/sealing the area heavily in that area. I've found that the more I keep my nape (my tangle prone area) moisturized the less likely I am to experience tangling slash matting. Also, try putting a slippy conditioner in the area during pre-detangling. That way the slip will prevent it from intertwining.


Thanks Hun:bighug:

I remember contacting you several times about transitioning. You were always so positive and I seriously appreciate it.
Thanks EnExitStageLeft! I just read you will be BCing. I'd love to see pics...did I miss them? I bet you look fly & gorgeous. ETA: Found them. :thud: GORGEOUS as predicted!!!!
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