Okay. So I am officially 22 months post relaxer and now officially all the way natural without having to big chop. When I started on LHCF, I never thought that I could actually go natural. I was more so looking for a way for my relaxed hair to grow longer (and it did with the tips I learned here). But once I started stretching the relaxers, I became "curious" about my actually curls (which I hadn't seen since 1992). After my last relaxer in October 2012, I thought I would try going natural. So with a lot of protective styles (wigs, weaves, braids), I have made it. Every few weeks I would trim off a little of the relaxed ends after washing because it was when I could really see the difference in the textures of my hair. About 3 months ago I think I cut the last of the relaxer out. Two strand twists and crochet type braids have been helpful during this past summer. Attached pics are me today (in the pink with my two strand twist updo) and my "before pic" from 2012 (relaxed). Just letting you all know that it can be done, I am proof