Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Question about clumping for recent choppers: did you find that the relaxed ends caused your hair to clump or did they kinda mess up your natural clumping?
Observation/random thought ahead:

Sooooo, in short -- I realize that I am learning my hair all over again. This is indeed a journey. Just like I learned through tons of products and techniques what worked for my relaxed hair, I must now learn my natural hair and how it behaves, accepting that it will take more time to learn, dealing with different areas and textures behaving differently, and a big one--- putting the time to make this work.

As the week has gone on, I loved the second day hair I had from my big chop. I did cornrows in my hair the night before and twisted the ends, and it gave me beautiful hair the following day. Later that night, I figured I'd just put my hair in loose ish cornrows, I didn't use product just misted my hair with water. Well, the following morning as I took the braids down it looked fine, as the day went on, I lost a lot of definition particularly in the back of hair and my hair looked like a frizzy afro.

Sooo, yesterday I went into the bss and who knew there were so many pudding type gel/products in an aisle :spinning:. I went with the Cantu lock and twist gel (I think that's the name). I went home, washed and conditioned my hair b/c it felt greasy though it looked frizzy and dry on the ends. I washed in 4 sections like I did through out my transition. I tried something new this go around. I applied my leave in (apb pudding leave in), followed up with apb oil, applied the cantu product and put my hair in small two strand twists. I put about 30 in my head. This took me 42 minutes to be exact. I figured this would give me 2 day hair. I then sat under my dryer for like 40 minutes b/c I didn't want to have damp/wet hair in this morning.

I took out my twists this morning and while I have a lot of definition I don't really like the look. My hair doesn't hang the same as when I go flat twist/braid out. The time I put into this style wasn't worth it for me today. It doesn't look bad, it's ok... but not a preferred look for the time I spent to do it mid week. I also noticed I was prob heavy handed ish with the oil and when I put my head on my pillows last night it seeped through my bonnet and left oil stains on my pillows :look:. I see I have to be very light with the use of oil -- my relaxed hair was never a fan of oil either. It might be best I stick to the usage of oil on my scalp or being more light handed when I use it.

I also have some stick straight pieces and loose hair pieces through out my head from heat damage. Because my hair is short, and the back has a frizzy coarser texture, I notice it is hard for that area to keep definition. It will frizz out the fastest. Until my hair is long enough where the top will grow to cover that area, I will have to accept that back there can look like an afro real quick lol.

As I keep touching my hair, I keep feeling the oily residue smh. Makes me want to run it under water to get it all out.

I will say, I am glad that I cut my hair when I did -- this way I get a chance to really and truly see what I'm working with. When I was transitioning I would mostly wear my hair slicked back or do occasional braid outs. I didn't get to really see how my hair behaves. I also didn't really notice I have more heat damage in areas than I thought. I'm assuming it's from the few Dominican blow outs I got.
Britt, I suggest trying the as I am naturally twisting cream. It has a lovely consistency. I have found that most BSS products leave this oily greasy residue that I hate, my hair has to be touchable.
@Britt, I suggest trying the as I am naturally twisting cream. It has a lovely consistency. I have found that most BSS products leave this oily greasy residue that I hate, my hair has to be touchable.

Rocky91 thank u! I will keep that one in mind! I don't think the cantu is oily, I know I prob overdid it with my oiling last night :lol: How often do you retwist your hair?
Rocky91 thank u! I will keep that one in mind! I don't think the cantu is oily, I know I prob overdid it with my oiling last night :lol: How often do you retwist your hair?

currently, i am wearing weaves primarily.
but when i do wear my hair out, i only twist 1-2x a week on wet hair when i style. I make sure to use a product with hold as well like a wrap foam and then i just pineapple my hair at night and it lasts.
i couldn't be bothered with retwisting every night, no ma'am. :nono:
So I sent away for a curl kit by deva curl and I decided to try the deva curl light holding gel. I like the smell but it made my hair sticky. I was really excited to use it, since I heard great things about it. It worked great on my natural hair but made my relaxed hair too weighed down. I don't think I will re-purchase the gel. I still have the co-cleanse, deep conditioner and the foaming pomade to try. I think I will continue to use the gel but only on my natural hair; as it made the curls nice and defined.

The next thing I want to try is Bobeam shampoo bars. Has anyone tried it?
I didn't use grease on my hair from the previous wash day and I definitely see a difference in my hair. A bad difference. Back to grease next week.

Also, I'm going back to using jbco on my scalp since I'm no longer cowashing. Hopefully posting this will cause me to actually be consistent lol

I got a cvs coupon this week so I'll finally be trying its a ten leave in to see if it's better than my aphogee curlific.

I will be using my split ender tomorrow. I haven't used it in about three months. I'm trying to hold off on a real trim until I'm 12 months post.

This is starting to become the only thread I check on the forum lol
7 months post today! I can't believe I made it this far!! Here is a picture of my new growth (excuse the gray) before I put a rinse on it. I know its hard to tell but any ideas on hair type?


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7 months post today! I can't believe I made it this far!! Here is a picture of my new growth (excuse the gray) before I put a rinse on it. I know its hard to tell but any ideas on hair type?

Its hard to tell from this pic. It looks wavy. Can u take a pic when its wet?
I've cut off about 4" since I decided to transition. My sister says I'm not transitioning I'm slowly BCing.
That's good! This way it won't be as much of a shock when you finally bc. But you've been natural before so you know exactly what to expect.
48 weeks post... I just want a long weave right now probably till next year. Im so over my hair. It'll take at least 3 years to be at a length I'm comfortable with. My hair just feels so short when unstraightened :-( my bun is so much smaller

This is why I know I could never bc... I did a mini chop to remove all bone straight ends and I feel bald but im probably at like apl straightened. But the shrinkage gets me down to ear length.

**off to order my kinky straight weave in a 20inch
yesterday I had tried Devacurl No-poo shampoo but I forgot to rinse it out; as I got distracted. So I will def wash and DC my hair today. I plan on DC with HE color conditioner. That conditioner has protein in it and I feel like I need alittle protein. I will probably just do a braidout afterwards. I bought some yoga headbands and they are fantastic! They are super wide and it hides my mini BC.
Hair has been DC, m&s & braided up. I took a pic of my NG. I feel like i have such a long way to go.


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Thanks for the sweet words :hug2:!

Also, Have you ever considered using a blow dryer on cool to stretch your new growth? JGA does it weekly with amazing results. I band/bun my hair to stretch it and it works out well for me, however I'm sure the blow dryer is a lot quicker.

Transitioning is as hard as you make it. I have lived in a bun my entire transition and to be quite honest it hasn't been as bad as I had made it out to be. Most of my peers offline still think I'm relaxing on the sly :lol:.
Thanks for the sweet words :hug2:!

Also, Have you ever considered using a blow dryer on cool to stretch your new growth? JGA does it weekly with amazing results. I band/bun my hair to stretch it and it works out well for me, however I'm sure the blow dryer is a lot quicker.

Transitioning is as hard as you make it. I have lived in a bun my entire transition and to be quite honest it hasn't been as bad as I had made it out to be. Most of my peers offline still think I'm relaxing on the sly :lol:.


I have learned a lot from you and some of the others who are transitioning. I follow JGA also. I am so nervous about using the blow dryer even on cool but I may try it this weekend when I wash my hair. I have 3 more weeks before I get a relaxer so I can see light at the end of this tunnel. Two hours for detangling is too much for me.

Two hours?! OMG!

It takes me 10-15 minutes at the most. However I do it under running water, whether it be in the sink or shower. Many hate to do it this way, but I find it the most effective. Detangling takes minutes and isn't difficult at all. My hair is to tangly to do it outside the shower.

I tried detangling in the shower under running water previously but I felt like I lost too much hair. It was a little scary because hair is so vulnerable when it's wet so I probably did not give it a fair chance. I may need to try it again. Any tips you can share?

This is going to sound crazy, but instead of raking the comb through your hair, brace your hair shaft with your hands and lightly "stab" the hair in mini motions from the ends up THEN the root down.

Also, saturate your hair in the conditioner. Till its almost frothy.

Here is a good vid demonstrating the "stabbing" technique I'm talking about:

Also, I find that detangling in the shower removes ALL shed hair. My hair is too tangly to have rogue sheds hanging around. For me that only leads to matting.

You may also want to look at your cleansing technique and your overall wash day routine. There may be a step that is causing your excess tangling.

This is going to sound crazy, but instead of raking the comb through your hair, brace your hair shaft with your hands and lightly "stab" the hair in mini motions from the ends up THEN the root down.

Also, saturate your hair in the conditioner. Till its almost frothy.

Here is a good vid demonstrating the "stabbing" technique I'm talking about:

Also, I find that detangling in the shower removes ALL shed hair. My hair is too tangly to have rogue sheds hanging around. For me that only leads to matting.

You may also want to look at your cleansing technique and your overall wash day routine. There may be a step that is causing your excess tangling.


Thanks for the tips. I do everything in sections but I go through my hair really good from tip to root and then from root to tip while in sections. I do a thorough job and get all of the shed hair out. I also use the 2 comb method starting with a wide-tooth comb and then with a comb with teeth closer together but not a fine tooth comb. My natural hair is really coily and it looks like I have close to 2 inches. I take my time with it and probably could go through faster. I will have to try your technique. Thanks for sharing.
48 weeks post... I just want a long weave right now probably till next year. Im so over my hair. It'll take at least 3 years to be at a length I'm comfortable with. My hair just feels so short when unstraightened :-( my bun is so much smaller This is why I know I could never bc... I did a mini chop to remove all bone straight ends and I feel bald but im probably at like apl straightened. But the shrinkage gets me down to ear length. **off to order my kinky straight weave in a 20inch

where do you buy that kinky straight weave? i would love one.
So, it looks like I am team natural now. I washed my hair yesterday and realized that I have no straight all...SMH..