Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I ordered bobeam bar in tea tree and something else - I forget the name, I bought it along with an oldie staple elucence mb conditioner. I washed with the bar and I loved it. I think I might move my chagrin bars to the side and maybe look into another bobeam bar. It's quite moisturizing. I dc'd with the elucence. It was getting late so I slapped in a few cornrows with my leave in and Camille rose butter gel. I went under the dryer and then went to bed. This morning my twist out was still damp in a few areas so I pinned it up. I noticed that my hair wasn't oily or greasy like it has been with my past few braid outs/twist outs. It dawned on me at work that it's bc I didn't use oil to seal in my leave in last night. All this time I thought it was the Camille rose making my hair feel kinda greasy when id take down my hair. It's the emu oil I've been using! I had an a haaaa moment lol. Even tho I'd apply only a small amt of oil it was enough to leave a greasy feel when combined with the aloe butter.

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I get knots no matter what I do. I have m&s my hair to high heaven and still get them smh. Idk what else to do, I hate dealing with them. I believe since my natural hair is tightly coiled it's inevitable for it to happen.

Thanks! I don't know when/how I get them since my hair is mostly in a stretched state, but it seems like I get them no matter what I do. At times my hair will break around the area of the knot :nono:
What products are you using on your hair?

poo: Nexxus Therappe
Condish: Nexxus Humectress

poo: Aphogee for damaged hair
Condish Aubrey Organics GPB/Aphogee 2 min

Leave in: Aphogee pro vitamin; Rusk sensories smoothing condish

Oil: Wild growth hair oil

Moisturizer: Scurl

My hair is hardly ever dry and brittle. I don't know what to do about the SSKs.
I got mineral rich , I'll try to drink lots of water with it
I hope I get growth from it

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Im only one month post but one month down, eleven to go. :lol:

Not having any real issues, just been keeping it moist and bunned up.

My boyfriend will be having a lot of formal work events this year so I know I will be wearing my hair down more. I'm hoping the new growth will fall in line. If not, I will need to figure a backup style that looks good on me. My hair isn't long enough for a good, full bun; my every day bun is a "struggle" bun but Im not super concerned about every day.

I cannot WAIT to twist my hair and have my ends curl up on their own. To wear a wash n go and not have to worry about stringy ends. And use products for natural hair. I keep reminding myself of this stuff so I don't get frustrated with the process.

I started using NJoy's growth oil to hopefully get a boost in growth so when I do cut, Ill have some extra length lol.

Shea Moisture's transitioning milk seems to be working really well for my hair. I don't love the smell but my hair seems to really respond to it.

That's all for now.... :drunk:
Exactly one week from being 7 months post. Things have been pretty uneventful over here. I keep my hair bunned and covered in a phony pony puff nearly everyday. After wearing my hair in a pony for over a year, it's surprising to me that I have edges...full edges and no severe breakage anywhere.

Well, if it aint broke...
I need to hang out here more instead of just "thanking". The 26th of this month will be 12 months post and I'm getting impatient. The original goal was to make it 30 months :look: this morning I was ready to do a mini chop of 3 inches....but busied myself with other things instead.

My hair looks best freshly washed, DC'ed and straightened so I'm going to try moving to a weekly vs every other week routine (I detangle weekly fine hair gets too tangled otherwise).
I need to hang out here more instead of just "thanking". The 26th of this month will be 12 months post and I'm getting impatient. The original goal was to make it 30 months :look: this morning I was ready to do a mini chop of 3 inches....but busied myself with other things instead.

My hair looks best freshly washed, DC'ed and straightened so I'm going to try moving to a weekly vs every other week routine (I detangle weekly fine hair gets too tangled otherwise).
I started transitioning on a stretch that went overlong. :look: Moisture pre-poo, shampoo, dc (for a few hours with body heat), follow up with smoothing conditioner (or mix into the dc). Blow dry, flat iron roots, flexi the ends. I can make it last two weeks thanks to Oscar Blandi dry shampoo.

The above reggie is how I made it to 7 months without really even noticing. My relaxed hair is fine too. :yep:

Oddly, I started having issues once I decided I was really transitioning. I think it's cuz I started dealing with my hair as if it were already natural. She wasn't ready for alladat. :nono: :lol:
I started transitioning on a stretch that went overlong. :look: Moisture pre-poo, shampoo, dc (for a few hours with body heat), follow up with smoothing conditioner (or mix into the dc). Blow dry, flat iron roots, flexi the ends. I can make it last two weeks thanks to Oscar Blandi dry shampoo. The above reggie is how I made it to 7 months without really even noticing. My relaxed hair is fine too. :yep: Oddly, I started having issues once I decided I was really transitioning. I think it's cuz I started dealing with my hair as if it were already natural. She wasn't ready for alladat. :nono: :lol:

Yeah the only problem I'm having right now is 'anxious-to-be-done' :) But I already know if I cut it I'll regret it so just have to keep it up and off of my mind....
P.S Soultanicals Knot Sauce is officially a HG for me. Not only is my hair soft, but it's pliable and supple and I haven't been able to use my QREDEW all week.

....Lemme' me go cop my 16 oz. :grin:
I'm officially out of this challenge. My hair was really uneven from breakage I got from protective styling and my uneven trimming :/ so I've been wearing my hair up everyday for months. Now that it's warming up (finally!!!) I've been wanting to wear my hair down again. I made an appointment to get my hair shaped at my salon and I was soooo nervous and excited all week because I knew I didn't have much relaxed length left after all my trimming, so a hair cut would probably end up being a BC.

I went to the salon today and sure enough I had to sacrifice a bit of length to get a nice shape. All of my relaxed ends are gone now but my hair isn't as short as I was afraid of and I know I'll get the length back by the start of summer, so I'm happy :) I can still pull my hair back too, which was really important to me, but only when it's straightened for now.
Just wanted to add that I'm 9 months post, so I have 4-5 inches of hair now. Will take pics and post in my albums eventually.
I am 7 months post and it has truly been a struggle with transitioning. In February, I had to get most of my hair cut off because it was tangled so bad. But, this thread is giving me hope. Maybe I won't go back to the relaxed crack.
I'm officially out of this challenge. My hair was really uneven from breakage I got from protective styling and my uneven trimming :/ so I've been wearing my hair up everyday for months. Now that it's warming up (finally!!!) I've been wanting to wear my hair down again. I made an appointment to get my hair shaped at my salon and I was soooo nervous and excited all week because I knew I didn't have much relaxed length left after all my trimming, so a hair cut would probably end up being a BC.

I went to the salon today and sure enough I had to sacrifice a bit of length to get a nice shape. All of my relaxed ends are gone now but my hair isn't as short as I was afraid of and I know I'll get the length back by the start of summer, so I'm happy :) I can still pull my hair back too, which was really important to me, but only when it's straightened for now.

Congrats!!!! Good luck on your natural journey! :)
I am 7 months post and it has truly been a struggle with transitioning. In February, I had to get most of my hair cut off because it was tangled so bad. But, this thread is giving me hope. Maybe I won't go back to the relaxed crack.

We are both 7 months post! We can be transitioning buddies.
Beautiful growth. I love seeing your updates since we are the same place in our transition. I'm 11 months post this month as well. How long do you plan on transitioning?

I plan to go to April 2016. I'm not doing the sition' till the ends fall off thang.....I wish I could but I have ALOT of laxed' ends left. And I can't be waiting 4 years to chop. 2-3 is my optimal BC points.

I plan to chop at 3 years post exactly. Until then my ends are going to be rocking with me.

How is your sition' going?
I plan to go to April 2016. I'm not doing the sition' till the ends fall off thang.....I wish I could but I have ALOT of laxed' ends left. And I can't be waiting 4 years to chop. 2-3 is my optimal BC points.

I plan to chop at 3 years post exactly. Until then my ends are going to be rocking with me.

How is your sition' going?

Lmbo I'm with you on that bout waiting for the ends to fall off lol. My transition is going good so far. It was a struggle in the beginning but after protective styling more & buying better moisturizing products my hair & I are getting along better. I was so anxious to cut at a year post because I've been natural before, transitioned 14.5 months the 1st time but I'm honestly thinking about trying for 2 years. I have very thin fine hair so due to a lot of breakage in the earlier months my hair is already half natural hair & half relaxed ends so I doubt I'll need a 2 year transition. Maybe 18 months at the least
Lmbo I'm with you on that bout waiting for the ends to fall off lol. My transition is going good so far. It was a struggle in the beginning but after protective styling more & buying better moisturizing products my hair & I are getting along better. I was so anxious to cut at a year post because I've been natural before, transitioned 14.5 months the 1st time but I'm honestly thinking about trying for 2 years. I have very thin fine hair so due to a lot of breakage in the earlier months my hair is already half natural hair & half relaxed ends so I doubt I'll need a 2 year transition. Maybe 18 months at the least

ME TOO! I transitioned (if you can call it that....I wore my hair straight alllllll the time) for 18 months. I was a straight haired natural for a year and then BC'ed...relaxed bone straight, transitioned to texlaxed and then started to transition to texturized and now I'm transitioning again :lachen:.

I'll try and find some pics of me Fully natural.

Do you have any pics? I loved to see them.

Also, I have fine strands too so I feel your pain. I discovered early on that my tiny strands eat, sleep and breathe protein, so I do medium strength protein treatments every other week and hendigo once a month. These two keep the breakage at bay.
I'm so tempted to transition just to try something new. My hair is very thin and short from a setback so I feel like this would be the perfect time to transition. Decisions, decisions...
I am so look scared of how my hair is gonna be after I take this sew in new growth feels so rough no matter how much I oil my hair