Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

May want to do a safe mild color to cover these grays.. what yall think? I was also thinking i would love an iron out right now...
My hair is back in twists, this time Senegalese twists. Hoping to keep these in until the end of October. So tempted to chop after taking them down as I will be in twists for another 18 months plus. Not wanting to deal with my hair much while studying. Won't be finished with my studies until June 2015.
Welcome! You are a month ahead of me in this transition. I am 15 weeks post and have about 3 inches of new growth. I got medium sized Senegalese twists done yesterday that I will keep for 6-8 weeks. Planning on getting a blow out done in November at 24 weeks post. Just had about an inch trimmed last week, probably won't trim again until the end of the year.

Cool maybe we could be transition buddies since we're close in weeks post. So far I've had a sew-in (just got another 1 done) & Havana twists. After this sew-in I plan on getting Senegalese twists or long box braids. Think I'm gone stay in protective styles majority of this transition. How long do you plan on transitioning?
Hey raven,
Can I ask what ayurvedic paste is???
Did it tangle your relaxed ends?

Hey all, just catching up on all the posts... ive been craaaazy.
I now have 2 inches of new hair grown in!
Hope everyone survived the humid summer!


Explanation of what was in my paste is HERE. The paste didn't cause tangling for me. I had 3 different textures on every strand of hair with the last 1-2 inches being over-processed. Every time water touched my hair I would get bad tangling withing the last 3 inches.
hi ladies! Popping out of lurkdom to say I'm one year post relaxer. Still hanging in there. I've stretched my relaxers this long before so it doesn't feel like a big deal. Maybe on my second year it will :ohwell:
I'm still transitioning. I didn't do anything special with my hair this summer. Ive started using oyin products, which I really like. Next Thursday I'm going to get a trim- 1 or 2 inches. My new growth reaches my shoulders when stretched out. I hope to post new pics at the end of the week. :O)
I'm so tired of heat on my hair. I currently wash daily and that's pretty good on my new-growth so want to keep that up and see how it takes my hair. I just know that eventually I'll have to answer the question that my demarcation line will eventually ask: will I relax or let it break?
beauti what has been ur regimen throughout ur transition? Specifically, how have u been styling it daily?

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Brittster I’ve been protective styling with braids, weaves, wigs, and buns. Just recently took out braids I had in for almost three months. I wash my hair biweekly, chicoro prepoo night before and then ‘poo and dc next day. Once I start wearing my wigs again I will wash once a month :look: Right now I’m rocking a ponytail from a braidout and will just bun all of next week. The products I’m using and loving right now: tea rinses, ayurvedic powders, shea moisture coconut hibiscus mist, shea moisture black soap purification mask :love:, and a moisturizing spritz for my new growth courtesy of prettywitty75 (youtube): herbal essence hello hydration conditioner, water, glycerin. Hth!
On Thursday, after reaching 24 weeks post the day before, I decided to transition.

I'm going to be lurking and ranting here a lot!
Background: always had 'long' hair. Begged parents for relaxer and got one aged 14. After a year got burnt and edges burnt clean bald at front left side by a stylist experimenting with a new relaxer so inadvertently transitioned and pressed hair til relaxed again around age 17.

Began self relaxing with no lye kits then switched to using lye around ten years ago. Occasionally touched up at salon but mainlyself relaxer. Hair always admired for length which was between shoulder and apl. Discovered LHCF in 2008 after arrogant Indian colleague commented about black hair not growing longer. Finally grew out permanently chewed off nape with tips I learned here and reached BSL this year. Not set foot in a salon for years.

Was going to relax week at 28/29 weeks post before my birthday in October but I've decided to transition instead of waiting until I'm in my 40's or 50's as I had always planned to do.

No time like the present and I figure what's the point aiming for mid back length if I'm going to chop it off one day. I may as well start trying to grow MBL natural hair now. :-)
I'm joining forreal. So my last relaxer was just a week or so ago, but my hair is pretty texlaxed as I 'dilute' the relaxer with olive oil and then don't really smooth that much. But my bday is coming up soon, so when I look back on the date of my last relaxer, I'll probably say my bday in 2013. So here goes.

I've been natural before...quite a few times actually. First time is when I was in college and BC'd and found this site. Then I think I did another BC before I graduated, but didn't have alot of support from folks around me and w/ job-hunting and natural not really being so hot back then, went to braids then eventually a relaxer. Since then I've gone back and forth with how I'm going to maintain my hair. I'm actually worried that I may do it again lol, but I think I'm staying here.

But the last time I was natural forreal was right after my son was born. I had worn a full sew-in weave while pregnant and after a few re-installs, didn't take it out completely until he was maybe 9mths. I had at least a year's worth of natural hair on my head. But w/ all that was going on at that time and not really having a regimen, I ended up relaxing again.

My main maintenance regimen will be daily washing. My natural hair loves it. So I'll be doing that. And basically will just let my hair do what it wants. I don't plan to have a big chop but I'm not necessarily planning on salvaging the relaxed ends. So if they pop off, so be it. My main hair style will just be a combed-out rollerset (mostly for shaping the relaxed hair and stretching the natural hair) and just wearing headbands and random updos until my hair can get into a bun. Once I have a bun I feel like my regimen will be easier. Well....I think I'll keep the same regimen actually, but my style options won't be so tough.

Okay so hear I go :)
Good morning All,
Yay for all the added transitioners!
I am a little over 100 days post relaxer and i just recently had a new growth spurt.
I'm getting tons better with twisting my hair and I'm getting used to seeing myself in my faux fro...
But at the same time, I'm worried about over manipulation.
Right now i tend to wash and set my hair on Friday night, then wear the faux fro for the weekend, then i sort of use the texture to wear my hair in a french braid or a bun throughout the week.
But i have been doing some re-twisting during the week to maintain some texture and recently ive noticed more knots and tangles...
Any of you long timers have some ideas on maintaining texture without so much re-twisting?
With winter coming up i wanna do more protective styling but ive only got two inches of coils and the rest wants to go straight
I have some ideas, but I'm wondering what you guys have had success with

Explanation of what was in my paste is HERE. The paste didn't cause tangling for me. I had 3 different textures on every strand of hair with the last 1-2 inches being over-processed. Every time water touched my hair I would get bad tangling withing the last 3 inches.

Wow, that sounds amazing.... how does everyone find out about making these mixtures??? I feel like i was late to chemistry class and im trying to catch up!

I am definitely starting to notice more tangling of my relaxed hair when i wash it... im having to breathe deep and fight not to just tear through a tangle
fighting for patience!
My mom is a cosmetology student so I went to her school today to get my. . .trim. I told her how much I wanted taken off- 2 inches- and she showed me how much she would take off- 2 inches. It looks looks like she cut off 3 inches. Oh well. Straightened, my hair is now shoulder and I can only imagine what it will look like when it's shrunken. The next time I co-wash my hair- probably this weekend- Ill post pics and ill also be able to see how much relaxed hair i have left. No more haircuts or gradually trims anymore, just the quarterly trims. I also want my highlites touched up since its been 9 months. I love my highlites. :)
Uggh... ive been cowashin most of this week because my hair was on one. My natural hair is like a helmet! What cant I put on it to make it more manageable. Its hard to seperate into a part once its dry. My french braid sits on top of it like a prosthetic! havilland..successful transitioner.. Help!!!
Uggh... ive been cowashin most of this week because my hair was on one. My natural hair is like a helmet! What cant I put on it to make it more manageable. Its hard to seperate into a part once its dry. My french braid sits on top of it like a prosthetic! @havilland..successful transitioner.. Help!!!

I need to see your hair. i want to see the difference in the textures and how much new growth you have.

i will tell you that for awhile in the transition process the only thing that worked for me was wetting and co washing almost DAILY and wearing my hair pulled back. that water kept the new growth moisturized and tamed.

also, i HAD TO deep condition twice a week to make my hair act remotely correct. if i didn't condition, i would get too many tangles.

the other thing that worked for me was hiding my hair under half wigs.
I'm about 28 months post and I'm thinking of cutting my transition short at 30 to 31 (just in time for the holidays) rather than 36 months. I was fine with my transition until, very recently, I was getting this sudden urge to cut. This feeling only occurs during and just after a hair wash. The tangles at the demarcation line are just not funny. Also, I'm really loving my natural hair texture, especially at the back. I'm almost fully natural at the back, anyway, and a quick stretch shows I would be APL if I were to big chop now.

My original plan was to press my hair in December for a final "official" length check as a non-natural and big chop on May 21, 2014. I think I may just have to wear braids back-to-back if I'm to reach this goal, or find someone to braid my hair in cornrows every two weeks so I can wear my lace wig.

But anyway, I'm glad I've gotten this far. If only I had started my transition when I originally wanted to - I would have been a little over 4 years relaxer-free!
i know exactly what you mean about helmet head. I'm suffering from that and it is not cute! :lol: my new growth is insane and when I put my hair in a ponytail my relaxed ends are anorexic! I'm gonna cornrow my hair tonight and weave it up. Hiding it is really the best way to go
I'm a year post! :grin:
Feels so good that I have accomplished this milestone. I still plan to officially end my transition sometime between March and May. I "big chopped" my nape a little while ago cause I got tired of it and I wanted a section I could play with. I'm at NL stretched right now, hoping to be near full SL when I cut


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Sorry pics uploaded weird and I dont know how to fix them!!
havilland.. this is the latest..the latter is my do' for today. I ended up clarifying and that seemed to help. I swear I was ready to cut it off!!! I was thinking I didnt want to do a whole lot of manipulation with this cowashing regularly but... Im at my wits end!!!!

Sorry pics uploaded weird and I dont know how to fix them!!
@havilland.. this is the latest..the latter is my do' for today. I ended up clarifying and that seemed to help. I swear I was ready to cut it off!!! I was thinking I didnt want to do a whole lot of manipulation with this cowashing regularly but... Im at my wits end!!!!

you will be fine. :yep:

you really do need water though.....don't worry about the manipulation or the water. just be sure to step up your protein, especially on the ends. when transitioning i had to do an aphogee two step every 6 weeks to keep my ends strong enough to be able to keep them. you may not need such a hard protein, but consider a light protein once a month and concentrate it on the ends. or get a protein spritz like Chi Keratin Mist and use that once a week on just the ends to fortify them from moisture overload.

you are at that weird stage where you don't have quite enough new growth to hide the two textures in a style. soon you will have enough new growth to hide. for example, when i had 2-3 inches of new growth frustration ruled. once i got about 4-5 inches, i could make a high bun and the top of my head was all new growth, so the bun looked uniform. as my new growth kept getting longer i was able to move the bun further and further back.

wet your hair and style it. i used to take a ponytail holder and a jar of gel into the shower. that way i could soak my new growth to make it lie down, then i would immediately apply the scrunchie and gel before she had a chance to escape:lachen: i would step out of the shower and tie my hair down with a silk scarf until i left for work.

hang in there and let me know if i can be of further help.
Hang in there Ladies. It's worth it. I promise.

1st pic
My hair this morning. Curly pineapple

2nd pic.
My hair tonight. Fluffy flat iron

Soooooo glad i did the LTT! :p


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Good morning All,
Yay for all the added transitioners!
I am a little over 100 days post relaxer and i just recently had a new growth spurt.
I'm getting tons better with twisting my hair and I'm getting used to seeing myself in my faux fro...
But at the same time, I'm worried about over manipulation.
Right now i tend to wash and set my hair on Friday night, then wear the faux fro for the weekend, then i sort of use the texture to wear my hair in a french braid or a bun throughout the week.
But i have been doing some re-twisting during the week to maintain some texture and recently ive noticed more knots and tangles...
Any of you long timers have some ideas on maintaining texture without so much re-twisting?
With winter coming up i wanna do more protective styling but ive only got two inches of coils and the rest wants to go straight
I have some ideas, but I'm wondering what you guys have had success with

Regarding the knots and tangles I would deep condition more often. I had to deep condition twice a week to saturate the new growth in moisture and to fortify my ends.

Also when my tangles became more prevalent I would do a heavy protein at about every 6 weeks

As your ends get older they need more fortification.

I don't have tips on twists because my hair wouldn't hold them.

I keep seeing short natural cuts and getting excited. It's important I have a cut with longer lengths in the front tho do that the only thing making me chill on cutting. But think I will cut my side this week. I'm off a couple of days and bought some larger perm rods to play with