transitioning ladies

Loves Harmony

Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone! My name is Denise and i was trying to figure out if anyone is transitioning? I just started and my last perm was on the 20th of Januray. Im so excited to see and feel my hair once this is over.:grin:
Hi, :wave:

I'm transitioning. My last relaxer touch up was on October 27, 2007. So far, so good. I hope It's going well for you.
Hello Everyone! My name is Denise and i was trying to figure out if anyone is transitioning? I just started and my last perm was on the 20th of Januray. Im so excited to see and feel my hair once this is over.:grin:

Hi Denise! I'm not officially transitioning yet, but I have been seriously thinking about doing it. Right now, I'm about 4 weeks post relaxer. What made you decide to transition? For me, I'm curious about my natural hair and I'm tired of going to the hair salon. Btw, welcome to the forum! :grin:
Yes, everything is going along great.I have my hair in micros right now. What made me want to go natural, i love big hair and getting an perm every two month kill my sides. I also wanted to be different. grow sick in tired of being that person everyone whats me to be. I discuss it with my husband and he has be a big support.:littleang
Hi & Welcome!

I am also transitioning. So far, it's going well. I don't know once it gets warmer, I may just cut it off because I know I'll want to just wash-n-go. :yep:

Hello Everyone! My name is Denise and i was trying to figure out if anyone is transitioning? I just started and my last perm was on the 20th of Januray. Im so excited to see and feel my hair once this is over.:grin:
Hi, welcome to LHCF! I'm transitioning also. The end of May will be 1 year since my last relaxer. I'm so glad that I made the decision to leave relaxing behind. You will find a wealth of information and many wonderful ladies to cheer you on your hair journey! :wavey:
I am transitioning and today I just flatironed and sweated my roots almost immediately. I'm 10 weeks post and starting to waver.

Keep up the faith, girlfriend. I'm here with ya.
I am transitioning and today I just flatironed and sweated my roots almost immediately. I'm 10 weeks post and starting to waver.

Keep up the faith, girlfriend. I'm here with ya.

I will keep the faith. It just seem to take forever for my hair to grow. How long are you going to Transition
I am transitioning, too. My last relaxer was in December 2007. I don't plan to BC at all, but to do a long transition. So far so good. I wish you all the best on this journey!!
Hi! I'm transitioning also. I've been without a relaxer since Sept. 07. I'm loving getting to know my true hair and its texture. I cut off a few inches about a month ago because I couldn't take looking at the skinny ends from the permed hair. It looks so much better now and I will continue to cut off the perm until it's all gone, but for now I keep it in a pony while wearing a phony. I love the way my waves are starting to look. The more my natural hair comes in, the deeper the waves are towards the middle of my head. I LOVE IT!:yep:
LOL, basically because I'm being a lazy bum, if I cut my hair now then I'll actually have to take care of it and style it, and right now, with the permed ends stilled there, I can just pull it all into a bun. I'm thinking about cutting it in June, but that can only happen if a get a routine down, right now I just do whatever. I've been feeling really lazy since I started school again last Sept.

why so long if you dont mind me asking?
Hi, :wave:

I'm transitioning too. My last relaxer touch up was on April 17, 2007. I'm glad to hear that your husband is supporting this decision. That means so much and will make the process easer on you. I hope It's going well for you. You should start a hair album, it will help you track your progress

Good luck.
I am .. My last perm was Feb "08" :yay: ... It's kind of hard for me. I change hairstyles everyday. Micros, weaves, wigs, twist outs .. But in the end i'm sure it will be worth it
I'm transitioning too. I haven't relaxed since the end of January, but I usually go at least 8 weeks between relaxers, so I haven't gotten to the tough part yet.
Hi! I am also transitioning. Currently I am 8 weeks post. I plan to transition for a year before I BC. I've been wearing kinky twists for the past 4 weeks. Stay encouraged!
I was one year into my transition as of March 17th. It's a long road, but worth it for many. Like the other ladies said, it's good that your husband is being supportive. There will be some days that you just won't want to deal with it, and it helps if you SO doesn't jump straight to "go get your hair done" and even tries to remind you that you really want this. Just think of all of the different styles you'll be able to wear. I'm looking forward to those summer wash n' go styles! So, welcome and good luck. These ladies have endless amounts of wisdom!
ive been transitioning for about six months and i love my hair. rollersets really help. now if i could just learn to do them myself:rolleyes:
I'm also transitioning. My last relaxer was around the start of January and I'm hoping I won't have any major problems.
Good luck:spinning: Sure you'll be absolutely fine though!
I'm transitioning, too. My last relaxer was Dec. 21, 08. I am in bad shape because I'd like to sport some natural styles, but my hair is rebelling at 14 weeks post. My twists looked like they were on crack, so now I can't even sport them.:nono: I'm in need of braiding lessons. Anybody have simple braiding 101?:rolleyes:
Congrats on your decision!

Last relaxer was October 15th and I've given up on styling my hair. I got kinky twists and I hope they will last for 2 months.