transitioning from texturized v. relaxer hair ??


Well-Known Member
Is it earlier to transition to natural hair from texturized rather than relaxed hair or is the transition process for both (texturized and relaxed )about the same? It seems like it would be easier with texturized hair. Has anyone out there transitioned from both relaxed and texturized hair? I know Sweetcocoa has but if there are others please tell me about your experiences. thanks!
It depends on many factors.
1. How straight your relaxed hair is.
2. How curly your texturized hair is.
3. Your natural hair texture.
4. How you will be wearing your hair during the transition.
I transitioned for 19 months from relaxed to natural. I ask this question because wondering how long I will be able to stretch out texturizer touch up. When I transitioned from relaxer, my hair became a real challenge around month 6--tangles. If the process with texturizer hair is the not as challenging, I may be able to get away wit retouching texturizer 2 times a year instead of 3. Just wondering? thanks.
I texturized my hair in late August and I didn't get a touch-up until the end of January. Right now I'm thinking of getting my next touch up in July or just transitioning. I agree with Curly Crly though that it depends on all of those five things that she listed.