Transitioners, when did your transition start?


New Member
From when you last relaxed?
when you decided you weren't going to relax any more?

I last relaxed on 7th Jan '05 so I'm think my 1 year of transitioning would be 8th Jan '06 (can't count the 7th Jan '05 as a transitioning day as I relaxed that day!).

But, I didn't decide I was transitioning until about May...
My last touch was Jan. 20, 2005. I've been cutting off about an inch or so, every other month. This keeps my hair about at shoulder-length, so that I can do ponytails and pin-ups.

I seem to have about 4 inches of relaxed hair. It should be all cut out by next time this year.
My last relaxer was Oct. 7, 2005 and I decided to transition a few hours later. I guess technically my first real day transitioning was the 8th
My last relaxer was April 2004. I decided while my scalp was on fire to never get another relaxer.
My last relaxer was in March. I didn't decide to transition until early June. I use the date of my last relaxer for reference, not the date of my (mental) transition.
My last touch up was Aug. 6, 2005. I decided to transition Dec. 19, 2005 after spending nearly 17 hours straight :shocked: searching through LHCF on the day before.

I had had enough of getting my scalp burned. If relaxers didn't burn, I would probably do it forever. :(
caligirl said:
My last relaxer was April 2004. I decided while my scalp was on fire to never get another relaxer.
I hear THAT! Last summer a stylist left the relaxer on both my scalp and my mom's so long that we had VERY noticeable scabs along our hairlines... it hurt for me to even let water touch my scalp the first week... I can't believe I went back in October, but that time thankfully I saw the light!
The very last relaxer was May 1, 2005. I decided not to relax anymore May 13, 2005. That was the day i washed my hair and saw that the relaxer did not take/severly underprocessed. I said screw relaxers. Since then Ive had varying reasons to not relav anymore. Before I was more pissed off, but now I see the damage and the huge difference between my natrual hair and my relaxed hair. Its pretty damn scary! Anyways those are my 2 dates...
My last relaxer was March 14, 2005. I had been debating transitioning for almost 6 months before this. When I was sitting in the chair and she was applying my relaxer, I decided that that relaxer would be my last.
my last relaxer was on march 12, 2005. my hair line became really thin then it broke off so that was it, no more chemicals to my head from that day on. i'm ready to be all natural again.
PerfectDoak said:
From when you last relaxed?
when you decided you weren't going to relax any more?

I last relaxed on 7th Jan '05 so I'm think my 1 year of transitioning would be 8th Jan '06 (can't count the 7th Jan '05 as a transitioning day as I relaxed that day!).

But, I didn't decide I was transitioning until about May...

Hmmm, my last relaxer was also in Jan., and I didn't officially decide to transition again until...about June...I think.
My last relaxer was on July 02, 2005. I decided to transition when I found LHCF and read about natural hair vs. relaxed.
My last relaxer was Jan. 6, 2005. I made my mind up by early April not to relax anymore and it's one of the best decsions I made in 05 besides joining the gym again last new year. :)
My last relaxer was July 3, 2005. I decided to transition in October.

The dermatologist told me my scalp was damaged because of the relaxer and suggested I don't relax my hair again for at least 1 year to give my scalp a chance to heal.
sept 23 of 2005 im still going strong in kinky twists and i love them...i plan on choppin off in a year...and a half ...i be postin pics soon...:) happy healthy hair growin ladies