Transitioners support thread

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Hey Ladies! Just checking in - it's been a while. I ended up relaxing in May after 6months of transitioning, but I'm back on the transition wagon now, with no plans to return to relaxing. I am now 14 weeks post, and I am really really really thinking of doing a BC. I did a mini-chop last weekend and now I'm really thinking that I'm just gonna go all the way.

Anyhow, wishing you all the best as you find your way on this journey!!
Hi! Another newbie here. I'm 12 weeks post and transitioning to natural. I'm excited and little nervous about caring for my hair. I'm taking my time with the transition - I don't know enough about my hair or natural hair to BC anytime soon. My hair is shorter than what you see in my photo due to breakage. :sad: I think the back and sides barely touch the bottom of my ears. I'll be checking this thread, the rest of the site and people's Fotki info. to learn more about my haircare options. Many thanks to those who've shared your knowledge with others. (I'm over here taking notes!)
I'm almost three months into transitioning....Well I've been reading this thread from the beginning (I'm on page 21 now, I'm going to finish it because I find it interesting) and what I am surprised to see is how so many of you were so affraid of letting go if that relaxed months to a year or more seems like a heck of a long time to be hanging on to dead hair...

I guess because of the way my hair is cut (it's in a bob where one side is much shorter than the other) seven months or more would be way too long and too much growth

but what also funny is this thread started in 2005...I wonder how everyone's doing:)

Caramel Jewel, how long are you planning to transistion before the BC? I'm already a year post and I plan on doing 6-12 more months (even though I love my natural texture) because I don't have enough natural hair to really do anything with- and a TWA is not for me. I know other people feel this way. Also, there have been instances where people do a chop really early and end up panicking/regretting it because it's so short and they're in shock. Not speaking for everybody, just me and some things that I've read/noticed on this thread and many others...
Hey Ladies! Just checking in - it's been a while. I ended up relaxing in May after 6months of transitioning, but I'm back on the transition wagon now, with no plans to return to relaxing. I am now 14 weeks post, and I am really really really thinking of doing a BC. I did a mini-chop last weekend and now I'm really thinking that I'm just gonna go all the way.

Anyhow, wishing you all the best as you find your way on this journey!!

Show us pix when you BC!!!! :)
Hi! Another newbie here. I'm 12 weeks post and transitioning to natural. I'm excited and little nervous about caring for my hair. I'm taking my time with the transition - I don't know enough about my hair or natural hair to BC anytime soon. My hair is shorter than what you see in my photo due to breakage. :sad: I think the back and sides barely touch the bottom of my ears. I'll be checking this thread, the rest of the site and people's Fotki info. to learn more about my haircare options. Many thanks to those who've shared your knowledge with others. (I'm over here taking notes!)

Good luck, this is a great place to learn. I hope you have an easy transition. You'll grow in nice healthy natural hair and it'll grow grow grow :)
I am 2 months post relaxer and I just need some TLC from you ladies to get me thru because my hair is thick and hard to manage. I need to find a good poo and con as well as a good leave in con and a detangler. Please would someone tell me how to achieve bouncy curls from a roller set and what to use when setting the hair. I plan on getting a Hot Tools 1059 Tourmaline Ionic Rollaround Dryer which is 99.99 on Amazon. Somebody please HELP!!!!!! :spinning:

I have this dryer below when I deep con

that deep conditioning thing looks scary - lol. But dont worry, things will get soooo much easier. it was so hard when i was first transitioning, but now that i'm 21 months post, i'm so happy i didnt give up. hang in there. as far as products, its trial and error. i mentioned on this post, or maybe a different one, that the thing that helped me the most was applying conditioner like a relaxer and conditioning twice a week (once with a wash). havent had much luck with heat though - my hair reverts within a day or two, even when the dominicans do it :(
I really need some encouragement, I'm almost 6 months post and thinking about relaxing. I'm really worried about hair growth and what in the world my hair will look like being natural. I'm actually scared to transition now, before I was so excited. Does anyone feel like this?
I really need some encouragement, I'm almost 6 months post and thinking about relaxing. I'm really worried about hair growth and what in the world my hair will look like being natural. I'm actually scared to transition now, before I was so excited. Does anyone feel like this?

around that time i BC'd the first time.... nothing to be scared of w/ only 6months of virgin hair on ur head :)

this time around at about 6-7 months I really got frustrated and started questioning my hair was extra uncooperative.
I'd suggest you bun it up, or get braids or something so it'll just grow and you wont' have to deal with it much? Don't worry about what it'll look like... you can straighten it, curl it, do whateva to it, just like when it's relaxed! BUT you'll also have the option to wear it free and natural as well.
I really need some encouragement, I'm almost 6 months post and thinking about relaxing. I'm really worried about hair growth and what in the world my hair will look like being natural. I'm actually scared to transition now, before I was so excited. Does anyone feel like this?

I went through this last year. In Jan or 08 I was 7 months post and I just freaked out and texlaxed all my NG. I panicked over trying to do my hair for the Superbowl. Ironically the texlax didn't do much. Now I regret it b/c I think about how much further along I could be now if I'd waited. I think that 6-7 month period is the hardest. If you can make it through you'll have some time to breathe before the next bout of frustration starts. I agree that getting braids or something where you won't have to manipulate it will help you to get over the hump. Good luck!
Thanks Cluelessaka and Soliel for posting this. I'm feeling this EXACT same way. I'll be seven months post friday, and it's crazy. Just when I think I have a routine down with certain products, my hair just up and flips the script! I'm searching for new ways of dealing with my hair every almost every two months. It's frustrating, but I'm not giving up. This is my second attempt at going natural, and like you, Soliel, I think about where I would be (all natural) if had stuck with it, so I use my regret as my motivation. :yep:

I went through this last year. In Jan or 08 I was 7 months post and I just freaked out and texlaxed all my NG. I panicked over trying to do my hair for the Superbowl. Ironically the texlax didn't do much. Now I regret it b/c I think about how much further along I could be now if I'd waited. I think that 6-7 month period is the hardest. If you can make it through you'll have some time to breathe before the next bout of frustration starts. I agree that getting braids or something where you won't have to manipulate it will help you to get over the hump. Good luck!
I'm 11 months post this week and I have finally found the right balance between moisture and protein. The new growth is seriously starting to take over and my scraggly permed ends look so puny and miserable. I'm definitely sticking to my transition till I reach my final goal of WL. Okay, I should never say I won't chop before then, but that is how I feel now.
So far the transition has been pretty much drama free, except for the occasional hair-depressed moments. I'm seriously sick and tired of this bun day in and out, but I love co-washing too much to flatiron or put rollers in my hair.
So, onward to 2009 and hopefully I will reach BSL by 30.12.09 :grin:

I wish I could post updates on my 1 year anniversary, but I'm on HYH Challenge til 30.12.08 and I'm really trying to stick to it!

Happy Hair growing Ladies!!
Thanks so much for the advice and words of encouragement!! I flat ironed my hair to give myself a change and seeing how straight I can still get the natural part helps. I'm going to keep it pulled back for awhile until I can weave it up and forget about it. :)
Caramel Jewel, how long are you planning to transistion before the BC? I'm already a year post and I plan on doing 6-12 more months (even though I love my natural texture) because I don't have enough natural hair to really do anything with- and a TWA is not for me. I know other people feel this way. Also, there have been instances where people do a chop really early and end up panicking/regretting it because it's so short and they're in shock. Not speaking for everybody, just me and some things that I've read/noticed on this thread and many others...

for as long as I can... I'm not doing wigs or weaves or braids so when it really starts looking bad, I will.....sunday with be three full months since my past touchup...I know its to short now......hopefully when I do I will find more styles I can choose from...the only thing I like now is the puff...and I also like a lot of the styles I see in commercials....I think they are twist out..

sorry I took so long to respond:)

(oh, I'm only up to page 37 on this thread ...I'm enjoying it...I've read some useful advice:))
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Just checking in I am 14 weeks post texlax. I have a bob cut, collarbone length stretched. I hope I have the courage to cut in Febuary 2009.hhg
YAY! I want to celebrate because Saturday will be three months for me...I know ya'll might be like why is she celebrating so early? Well I live in Louisiana, and it's been hurricane central up here for the past month...well really, pretty much all of hurricane season...I'm evacuating, and there won't be time to celebrate later...Keep me in your prayers!
Checking in! I'm 6 mos post and this time last year I was 7 mos post and texlaxed also! I wonder what it is about that 6/7th month. But this time around it was smooth sailing compared to before, but I believe its because my texlaxed/texurized ends aren't much diff than my newgrowth. My goal is to transition until my natural hair is SL unstretched, so that should probably be another year! And htown I will def keep you and the others in my prayers!
No longer tranistioning
I BC'ed!! :whyme:
And I hate it! :crying3:
No pics because ... I hate it :cry2:

Will not perm because I still want to keep going :armyhat:

Lace wig will be arriving very soon :cool2:

Much luck to all who are transitioning

Okay Okay, Well I am transitioning again. You know what stress and OTHER people opinions can make you do a crazy thing. Yes I texlaxed again.:nono:. I'm getting over it now, but put me back in the game, I'm in it to win it this time. The one person that I thought would have accepted my natural hair and acted like it, told me he didn't really like it. At least not short. I did the BC thing about this time last year. Then texlaxed in December. Then I was growing my relaxer out until a few days ago. All that time down the drain. They say third times the charm. We'll see. I don't care how tight my curl is or what ever, I just have daydreams about being all Natural. I also want my daughter to not go through what I went through with my hair and self image when I was a teenager.(She's only 8 months now). And my son's hair is beautiful we started growing his hair out the same time I originally chopped. My husband just doesn't like short hair and the past three years I just keep cutting it. He said if its long and natural then he won't care. Well I hope to make it a full year this time and then I will chop the straight ends off. The new growth I texlaxed still has alot of thickness compared to what I thought a texlax was in December.
No longer tranistioning
I BC'ed!! :whyme:
And I hate it! :crying3:

WOW! Congrats! (and :sad: at the same time) My mouth fell open when I read this because I feel like we were just talking about styling options! When did you BC? Maybe it's the shock that makes you hate it?? At least the transition is over...
I have been lurking on this thread for months now and I just wanted to check in and say I'm 11 months post and I think I'm going to BC around 18 months. I didn't think I'd make it this far and I LOVE my ng... but I'm too afraid to let go of my relaxed ends. I'm new to all this so I guess I have to put together a fokti to chart my progress. I will be back with progress pics soon...

Oh... and I cowash almost daily, slap on some fantasia IC gel to lay down my edges and make my waves pop and rock a banana clip like every single day. I've been doing this fow about 3 weeks and I get at least one compliment a day... the style is in my avatar.
This makes 12 months for me. I am so anxious to cut the straight ends off as well. However, I am scared of the reaction I will get from others and I get scared that I may not like it. I am trying to wait for at least another 4 months to 6 months. Thats if I last that long.
I have been lurking on this thread for months now and I just wanted to check in and say I'm 11 months post and I think I'm going to BC around 18 months. I didn't think I'd make it this far and I LOVE my ng... but I'm too afraid to let go of my relaxed ends. I'm new to all this so I guess I have to put together a fokti to chart my progress. I will be back with progress pics soon...

Oh... and I cowash almost daily, slap on some fantasia IC gel to lay down my edges and make my waves pop and rock a banana clip like every single day. I've been doing this fow about 3 weeks and I get at least one compliment a day... the style is in my avatar.

That's what I do. Sadly, I broke my last banana clip today so I have to go shopping for more.:grin:
i am at 16 months and i think this may be it for me. i've been doing sew-ins the majority of this year and i just took out my most recent last night. i'm sooo sick of these scraggly(sp?) ends but i keep hanging on to them. i have another week or so before i get a new install so i'm trying to work up the courage.
Does anyone have plans to relax their hair the future,I'm thinking that in 3 years I might.
Hi guys..Im new to transitioning.. I chopped my relaxed pony tail off about 3 weeks ago. I had a bad experience with the relaxer and the hairdresser who applied it. So will be chopping the relaxed ends off gradually until Its all gone. Once Im completely natural I will only trim once a year.